

List Diseases – T

Trichinosis of the pharynx, like mycosis, refers to parasitic diseases of the pharynx, although the parasite itself belongs to the class of helminths from the nematode group. The disease as a whole is characterized by fever, damage to the muscles, skin, mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and in severe cases - internal organs and the central nervous system.
Trichinosis is an acute fever caused by a round worm - trichinella. It is accompanied by muscular pains, edema of the face, various rashes on the skin, hypereosinophilia of the blood, in case of severe myocarditis, focal lesions of the lungs, meningoencephalitis.
Trichinellosis (Latin trichinellosis) is helminthiasis caused by parasitizing nematodes of the genus Trichinella in the human body. Characterized by acute course, fever, pain in the muscles, edema, high eosinophilia and various allergic manifestations.
Trichiasis is a wrong growth of eyelashes of the anterior plate of the eyelid, accompanied by irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva, secondary infection.

With this anomaly, either the absence of the OPN1SW type S-flasks in the retina, or their genetically determined dystrophy, or a pathological change in the structure of the photopigment of iodopsin sensitive to the blue light spectrum is noted.

If a person has uncontrolled rhythmic twitching or shaking his head, then they say that he has a "tremor of the head." This term is used for any involuntary oscillations of different amplitude - from trembling to slow rocking.

Treatment of a wen'rover is a procedure for treating a benign tumor. Let's look at the features of this procedure, the types of treatment and the most effective treatment recipes.
Treatment of depression is still the sphere of activity of doctors - neuropathologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists around the world, despite the diversity of antidepressants represented by the pharmacological industry and the abundance of psychotherapeutic methods and technologies.
Successful implementation of this task creates favorable prerequisites for curing the patient of an ulcer. A complex, differentiated treatment of trophic ulcers with effect on the etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of ulcerogenesis is necessary. Depending on the cause of ulcers, the development of various pathogenetic syndromes and complications in the complex treatment of cutaneous ulcers, many methods of treatment are used.
Treatment of the cyst of the brain is a complex procedure that is performed after the diagnosis of the disease. The cyst can be diagnosed in both adults and children. Let's look at the basic methods of diagnosing the disease, the symptoms and ways of effective treatment.
At the heart of the treatment of systemic scleroderma is the administration of drugs with an antifibrotic effect of penicillamine (coulenyl) in combination with arterial vasodilators and antiplatelet agents.
Treatment of stomatitis in pregnancy is aimed at saving the woman from unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity. The first thing to do is to stop the inflammatory process, so that it does not harm the development of the baby.
Treatment of stomach cancer is always possible, even regardless of its stage and localization. The main goal of gastric cancer therapy is to cure this ailment or reduce its symptoms, such as difficulty eating, severe pain or bleeding, and preventing further progression of the disease and improving quality of life.
Treatment of pulpitis has two purposes: Eliminate the inflammation of the pulp, and accordingly, pulpitis. Restoration of normal life of the pulp.
Radical treatment of preeclampsia is a rapid delivery, 48 hours after which the symptoms of the disease subsided. Up to this point it is important to correct arterial hypertension, shortage of BCC, violations of blood coagulation, and also to prevent and arrest seizures.
The diagnosis of "phlegmon brush" - an absolute indication for emergency or urgent surgical treatment. The task of preserving the brush function should be in front of the surgeon from the very beginning. Even before the cut is performed on the brush, you should think about which zone and what the scar will be, to what extent it will affect the brush function. The incisions are made taking into account the Langer lines corresponding to the natural cutaneous folds.
Treatment of periodontitis includes a set of procedures, including local therapy, physiotherapy, surgical intervention, orthopedic treatment.

Treatment of mitral valve prolapse is to eliminate symptoms of cardialgia, palpitations, increased fatigue and anxiety.

Treatment of lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes, begins with the elimination of its cause. Most often, lymphadenitis occurs in response to penetration into the body of infection: fungal infections, HIV, tuberculosis, streptococcus.

Very often, the removal of a liver tumor is not feasible because of the overstrained stage of the disease. In such cases, the treatment of liver cancer is to maintain a satisfactory state of health of the patient and maximize, if possible, life extension.


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