

List Diseases – T


The possibility of performing this or that type of operation is determined by the surgeon, taking into account the patient's condition and the clinical case. If the cyst is complex and there is a possibility of developing a cancerous tumor, in this case, oncology is used to treat kidney cysts.

Kidney cancer ranks 8th in Ukraine in the structure of cancer morbidity in men and 12th in women. The situation is aggravated by the fact that at the time of primary treatment 32-34% of patients have distant metastases (Ml), and in 30-40% of radically operated patients they occur in the long term.

Treatment of joints and numerous diseases associated with them - one of the most difficult issues of modern medicine. Despite significant achievements and research of new techniques of medical scientists, diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis can hardly be completely cured

Treatment of the intervertebral hernia should first of all be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease in order to normalize metabolic processes, improve blood microcirculation in damaged tissues, reduce the load on the joints, relax the muscle tension.
Treatment of high protein in the urine depends on the cause that prevented the kidneys from completely returning the protein that entered its tubules into the bloodstream, and it ended up where it should not be - in the urine.
It is not recommended to perform independent treatment of herpes zoster, as this can cause serious complications in the future. Treatment consists in taking antiviral medications, using external agents (ointments, creams).
Treatment of the hematoma can be different depending on the type of hemorrhage, the site of localization, clinical signs and concomitant symptoms.
With chronic furunculosis, furuncles occur with a certain long periodicity, for example, once a month. What are the methods of treatment of furunculosis? We will describe this below.
Fibromyalgia treatment involves the most complex: in addition to drug therapy, which removes pain symptoms, alternative methods not previously considered effective have been shown.

Treatment of eclampsia includes a set of the following therapeutic measures: assess the degree of patency of the respiratory tract, identify violations to eliminate; catheterize a vein, preferably central; to introduce magnesium sulfate.

The main goals of treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy: correction of chronic heart failure, the timely appointment of anticoagulants and disaggregants for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications in the case of atrial fibrillation, the treatment of arrhythmias, including life threatening, improving the quality of life, increasing the life expectancy of the patient.
Treatment of depression is still the sphere of activity of doctors - neuropathologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists around the world, despite the diversity of antidepressants represented by the pharmacological industry and the abundance of psychotherapeutic methods and technologies.

Treating cysts with alternative means can really be effective. The cyst is a hollow benign neoplasm in various organs. The cyst can form in the gum or liver, ovary or brain. This is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases, which was known even in the time of Hippocrates.

Treatment of the breast cyst can be done with the help of both traditional (official) medicine and alternative medicine.
Treatment of breast cancer is aimed at the possible preservation of the body and prevention of the spread of the process in the body.

Treatment of a boil is a complex of actions aimed at eliminating infection in the body. Treatment of a furuncle requires time and compulsory observation by a doctor. Let's consider the peculiarities of the treatment of a furuncle, how to cure a furuncle on the head, arm, neck and other places.

Treatment of decubitus should be aimed at restoring skin in the area of decubitus. Depending on the stage of the process, this can be achieved by conservative measures (cleaning the wound, stimulating the formation of granulations, protecting them from drying and secondary infection) or surgically (surgical removal of necrosis and plastic closure of the soft tissue defect).
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is selected in each specific case. Before the appointment of treatment, the size of the tumor, the location, the degree of germination in adjacent tissues are taken into account.
The treatment of bacterial vaginosis is the elimination of all symptoms and the normalization of the vaginal microflora. Bacterial vaginosis has several forms and can be designated by the following diagnostic synonyms: nonspecific vaginosis, vaginal lactobacillosis, anaerobic vaginosis, gardnerellez, aminocolpitis and even vaginal dysbiosis.

On the one hand, to answer the question of which method to treat arteriovenous malformation is quite simple, since only the surgical method allows to relieve the patient from the AVM itself and from those complications to which it leads.


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