


Removing the pericardium

The procedure to remove the pericardium is also called pericardectomy. It is a rather complex procedure that is performed mainly in cases of pericarditis of various origins.


Thoracoplasty is a surgical method for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and post-resection complications; it is also used to correct thoracic and spinal deformities.

Corrective osteotomy

Corrective osteotomy is indicated for trauma, bone deformities, and improper bone fusion.


Periostotomy is a common tooth-preserving operation, the essence of which is to dissect the periosteum and partially separate it directly from the bone tissue.

Pericardial suturing

Pericardial suturing refers to a surgical procedure to suture the edges of a torn or damaged pericardium.


A craniotomy is a surgical procedure in which part of the skull is temporarily removed to expose the brain and perform an intracranial procedure.


Cranioplasty is an operation to repair the skull damaged due to decompression interventions, depressed fractures, penetrating wounds and other traumatic and pathological processes.

Pericardial separation

Pericardial separation refers to a surgical procedure in which the pericardial sheets are first separated, then sutured.


If the tympanic membrane (membrana tympani) is damaged beyond conservative treatment and the sound-conducting system of the middle ear located in the tympanic cavity (cavitas tympani) is dysfunctional, they are surgically repaired by tympanoplasty, which is a hearing-improving surgery.


Removal of hypertrophied nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue - adenotomy or adenoidectomy - is among the common surgeries in ENT surgery.


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