

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology)

Pericardial injury

First of all, pericardial wounds develop against the background of penetrating wounds of the thoracic cavity. This is often observed in mass disasters, accidents, emergencies.

Prognosis in bradycardia

The prognosis for bradycardia depends on several factors, including the cause, severity and duration of the condition, and the patient's overall health.

Pericardial thickening

Pericardial thickening refers to a process in which the layers of the pericardium become denser and thicker than normal.

Hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery

A cerebral circulation disorder manifested by symptoms of vertebrobasilar deficit may result from a disorder such as hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery.

Pericardial adhesions

As a rule, pericardial adhesions develop against the background of inflammatory process in the pericardium (pericarditis), against chronic or recurrent pericarditis, after surgical operations.

Can I go to a bathhouse if I have bradycardia?

Visiting a bathhouse in bradycardia may be permissible, but requires prior consultation with a doctor.

Echonegative space in the pericardium

When an echonegative space in the pericardium is visualized, one may suspect, first of all, an effusion, the presence of fluid content in the pericardium.

Shortness of breath in heart failure

Dyspnea in heart failure, or cardiac dyspnea is one of the leading symptoms of impaired filling or emptying of the heart, an imbalance of vasoconstriction and vasodilation neurohormonal systems.

Anechogenic mass in the pericardium

Anechogenic masses are sometimes visualized on ultrasound. This is often a tumor.

Myocardial damage syndrome

Under the syndrome of pericardial lesions is usually understood an inflammatory process in the pericardial area, which is accompanied by an intense accumulation of liquid contents.


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