

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (dermatology)

Nail plate burn

To date, the burn of the nail plate is considered a fairly common problem, which is associated with mass manicure and pedicure procedures


Various skin lesions are caused by dermatologic viral diseases, which include papillomatosis.

Nail exostosis

Subnail exostosis, or exostosis of the nail, is a disorder that is quite difficult to diagnose.


A common superficial fungal lesion of keratinized tissues - the stratum corneum of the epidermis, hair and nails - caused by specific filamentous dermatophyte fungi and defined as dermatophytosis.


A steatocystoma (synonym: sebocystoma) is a benign, nonvoid neoplasm filled with fatty secretion.


Poikiloderma is a medical term that describes a skin condition characterized by heterogeneity in skin color and texture.

Xerosis of the skin

In medicine, xerosis refers to excessive dryness of the skin (from Greek xeros - dry), i.e. Insufficient hydration.

Why is the callus inflamed and what to do?

In addition to all the known problems associated with calluses, there is the threat of inflammation. The following is about why the callus is inflamed and what to do to relieve this inflammation.


Furunculosis (or furuncle, intradermal abscess) is an infectious skin disease characterized by the formation of painful, inflamed areas on the skin called furuncles.

Hemorrhagic rash in children and adults

A hemorrhagic rash is a type of rash that is characterized by the appearance of bleeding or bloody elements in the rash.


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