

Alternative medicine

Paraffin therapy for feet

Such a physiotherapeutic procedure as paraffin therapy for feet is not only cosmetic, but also one of the methods of heat therapy: local exposure to temperature (+50-57 ° C), which provides melted paraffin.

Useful properties and harm of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy, or leech therapy, is an ancient treatment method that has been used in medicine since ancient times.

Cold paraffin therapy

Among the many procedures that can quickly moisturize the skin, eliminate dryness and flaking, cold paraffin therapy is especially popular.

Coniferous baths

Among the water procedures that promote recovery, the most popular are considered to be coniferous baths, which use various means derived from pine needles.

Vinegar for skin: how it works and how it is used

Whatever vinegar is - ordinary table vinegar or apple vinegar - it does not belong to medicines, but in many cases vinegar for the skin, as used since ancient times home remedies with therapeutic properties, can be very useful.

Lymphatic drainage wrap

Why do treatments that activate lymph circulation, including lymphatic drainage wraps, help improve not only your skin but your overall health?

Honey wrap

Skin is the largest organ, and taking care of its healthy condition, given its importance for appearance, includes various cosmetic procedures, one of which is a honey wrap.

Vinegar wrap

In fact, vinegar wraps for weight loss (even using natural apple cider vinegar) will not help you lose weight, although a slight weight reduction occurs.

Mustard wrap

Although mustard seed powder (plant Sinapis alba of the cruciferous family) has long been used for medicinal purposes - to reduce joint or muscle pain, there are no official indications for such a procedure as a mustard wrap.

Urine therapy - treatment with urine

Urine therapy has a huge number of both strong supporters and opponents of this type of treatment. What does this specific method actually represent, and is it worth relying on its beneficial effects?


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