

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium


Agalactia is the complete absence of breast milk in a woman in labor in the postpartum period. True pathology is rare, has an organic character, its treatment is currently impossible.

HELLP syndrome

Among the complications that arise in the last trimester of pregnancy is the so-called HELLP syndrome, which can be dangerous for both mother and child.

Spikes after caesarean section: signs and prevention

Pregnancy and the birth of a child are the most beautiful and happy period in a woman's life. But not all of it is cloudless. Someone may have problems with the bearing of the fetus ...

Abundant period with clots after delivery

Restoration of the monthly cycle after childbirth suggests that the woman's body comes back to normal after a long period of bearing, birth and feeding of the child. However, this recovery process does not always proceed smoothly and predictably.


In order to understand the causes of lactostasis, it is necessary to understand how the breast is arranged, what are its main functions in lactogenesis.

Non-Developing Pregnancy: Causes and Signs

The condition, as a result of which fetal growth stops and its intrauterine death sets in, is called a frozen or undeveloped pregnancy.

Increased hemoglobin in pregnancy: why do something?

This problem is not as frequent as low hemoglobin, but it is no less important and also requires the attention of a doctor. The development of symptoms can be latent, so you need to know the first signs and symptoms of this pathology.


Along with hypogalactia, mastitis and stagnation of milk, galactocele is one of the leading places in the incidence of women in the lactation period.

Postpartum psychosis

Postnatal psychosis is a condition in which a woman is tormented by a manic syndrome to do something with herself or with a child. It is caused by complications arising after childbirth.

Ovarian Pregnancy

The pathology considered in this article refers to one of the types of ectopic fertilization of the oocyte.


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