

Diseases of the genitourinary system

How does alcohol affect the kidneys?

Alcohol consumption can have a negative effect on kidney function.


The concentration of spermatozoa in one milliliter of semen is less than the lower reference (physiologically normal) limit is defined as hypospermia (from Greek hypo - below) or oligospermia (from Greek oligos - few, insignificant).

Bladder atony

Bladder atony is a condition that can have serious medical consequences and is importantly deserving of attention.

Ammonia odor in the urine

Normally, urine has a dim, specific odor, which is difficult to confuse with anything. But under certain circumstances, the smell of ammonia in urine may appear: it is difficult not to notice it, because it is usually sharp and immediately draws attention.


Uremia is a condition in which the level of urea in the blood is significantly elevated. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism, which is formed in the body when protein molecules are broken down.

Testicular hydrocele (hydrocele).

A testicular hydrocele is a medical condition in which fluid builds up around one or both testicles, creating an intramembranous or extramembranous buildup.

Horseshoe kidney

Horseshoe kidney, also known as "horseshoe kidney" or "horseshoe kidney anatomical variant", is an anatomical feature of the kidney structure.


Hyperoxaluria is the term used to describe elevated oxalate levels in the urine. In general, oxaluria is considered normal if it does not exceed 40 mg per day. Otherwise, it is considered a pathology - hyperoxaluria.


Any urinary disorders, including pollakiuria, significantly impair the quality of life and socialization of patients, both adults and children. As a result, unfavorable psychological conditions can develop, including those with a severe course.


The term "nicturia" is used when a person has a predominance of nighttime urine volume over daytime urine volume, and the number of trips to the toilet in the middle of a night's rest is two or more.


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