

Diseases of the immune system (immunology)

Quincke's angioedema

Quincke's angioedema, also known as Quincke's urticaria, is a rare and potentially serious condition characterized by swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes and sometimes muscles.

The aspirin triad

The term "aspirin triad" is used to describe a type of bronchial asthma that is complemented by intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as polyposis rhinosinusopathy (or nasal polyposis).

Acclimatization: what to do and how to avoid?

Scientists have proved that moving in a range of ten degrees in latitude or longitude causes people all the signs of acclimatization.

Attributes of acclimatization: what should be paid attention?

Some people, especially children, endure adaptation to new conditions very acutely. One of the symptoms of this condition is elevated body temperature.

Symptoms of agranulocytosis

With agranulocytosis, a characteristic manifestation is the formation of ulcers, and with high speed. Necrotizing tissues extends not only to affected areas, but also to neighboring surfaces.

Hyperplasia of lymph nodes

Hyperplasia of the lymph nodes (in the sense of an increase in their size) is a response to infection in diseases such as strepto- or staphylococci caused by lymphadenitis, rubella, chicken pox, and infectious hepatitis.

How to increase immunity?

How to increase immunity? How to prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases? What can help strengthen the body? This article will help to understand these and other issues.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit usually occurs against the background of an infection in the body. Usually lymph nodes return to normal after a while, when the source of infection is eliminated.

Lymphadenitis in children

Lymphadenitis in children is a disease that is expressed in the inflammation of the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system, they are one of the first to react to inflammatory processes in the body, while increasing in size.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

An enlarged lymph node in the neck is one of the consequences of a cold or an acute viral infection that affects the airways. Because of this, the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed and increase in size. Let's look at the causes of lymph node enlargement in the neck and methods for their treatment.


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