

X-rays (X-ray studies)


Bronchography allows doctors to assess the condition of the bronchi, identify possible changes such as tumors, structural abnormalities or obstructions, and helps in establishing diagnoses and planning treatment.


Densitometry is a medical examination technique used to measure bone density or the density of other tissues in the body.


Urethrography is a medical procedure used to examine the urethra (urethra) using X-rays.

Excretory urography

Excretory urography (or intravenous urography, IVU) is a medical procedure used to visualize the urinary tract using x-rays.


Cystography is a medical procedure used to examine the bladder and urinary tract using x-rays or other imaging techniques.

Barium X-ray: preparation, what it shows

X-rays are based on the fact that human tissues of different densities absorb rays coming from an X-ray tube differently.

Darkening on X-rays in adults and children

Quite often as part of diagnostic measures, the doctor prescribes a patient radiography. This procedure is performed to detect pathologies, damage to tissues and organs, as well as to clarify the results of other studies.

X-ray of the thoracic spine in two positions

The spinal column is the most important part of the musculoskeletal system. Its condition determines the smooth functioning of almost all organs and systems. There are many methods of diagnosing the spine, but most often doctors choose radiography.

Irradiation with x-rays

X-rays are a stream of electromagnetic oscillations having a length that is in the range between ultraviolet and γ-rays. This wave variety has a specific effect on the human body.

X-ray of the sternum in 2 projections

A chest x-ray is usually taken for diagnostic purposes, but a focused visualization of the flat sternum in the middle of its anterior wall - a sternum x-ray - may be required.


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