


Medicines, that is, medicinal preparations used to treat and prevent various diseases, must be used precisely for their intended purpose - so that their therapeutic effect is as effective and safe as possible.

The doctor who appointed you a medicine, a good specialist and you trust him completely? Perfectly. But even the experience of the best physician can not affect the individual reaction of each patient's organism to pharmaceutical preparations and insure against their side effects.

According to WHO, among the causes of death of diseases in the fifth place are dangerous, sometimes incompatible with life side effects of drugs.

Therefore, before taking any medication, you should read the instructions for their use, which contains information on the purpose and components of the drugs, the mechanism of their action, the forms of release, the methods of application and dosage, as well as contraindications, undesirable side effects, compatibility or incompatibility with other medicines, etc.

In addition to descriptions of drugs placed in alphabetical order, the Guide to Medicines contains information on the trade names of generic medicines (copies) with the same active substance, but produced by different manufacturers.

For information: in Ukraine, medical use of medicines is regulated by the State Service of Ukraine for Medicines under the Ministry of Health.

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