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Cartoline ointment for psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Psoriasis is an unpleasant skin disease not of an infectious nature, which during an exacerbation is accompanied by itching and burning. Depending on the localization of skin lesions, if it is an open visible place, the patient experiences, in addition to physical and psychological discomfort, t. Aesthetics in the very sight of a patient for others are few. Treatment of this ailment depends on the type of psoriasis and the degree of neglect of the disease, but the use of various external agents for topical treatment greatly facilitates the patient's condition, improving the quality of his life. These include ointments, creams, gels, solutions. Cartoline ointment for psoriasis is one of such remedies.
Indications of the cartilin ointment for psoriasis
Indications for the use of cartilin ointment in psoriasis are either the primary appearance of inflammatory foci in the form of pink, red, sometimes purple spots and nodules (papules) on the skin of a person, later covered with pale dry plaques, or lesions of skin areas as a result of chronic relapses. In the first case, it may be sufficient to use only ointments, in the second - complex treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.
Pharmacodynamics of cartoline ointment consists in its antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, softening, exfoliating, regenerating properties. Such characteristics provide the composition of the drug, its natural components. The list of medicinal ingredients includes herbs: a turn and a camomile. These are known antiallergic, anti-inflammatory plants, which have long been widely used both in medicine and in alternative recipes. In the composition of the cartilin ointment there are also oils: eucalyptus and lavender, which have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal effect. Honey, vitamins A and D, lysozyme - an enzyme that destroys the walls of bacteria, salicylic acid - a component of the willow bark, which has an anti-inflammatory tendency, finally, salt, widely used in alternative medicine as an emollient, moisturizing, antiseptic - here is the list of components that make up cartilin ointment.
Dosing and administration
The method of application of cartilin ointment in psoriasis depends on the severity of the disease and the stages of treatment. The course of treatment is long, so do not lose patience, and gradually begin to apply the drug a thin layer to the lesion sites once a day, by no means rubbing it. Leave on the body for 10-12 hours. Weeks will begin to disappear after two flakes. After this, you should switch to a two-time application of the product until the skin cleanses completely.
On this first stage - the purification is completed. After the disappearance of plaques, so-called dyschromic spots remain.
Then follows the second stage - the fastening, during which the application of the ointment continues for one month once a day. With a large area of skin damage, it is necessary to begin treatment with legs. After three days of applying the drug, go to the treatment of the hands, after another three days - to the other affected areas.
At severe degrees of disease, cartoline ointment is used in conjunction with other therapeutic treatments. Apply dressings to the place of its application can not. The whole process of treatment can take 2-4 months.
Use of the cartilin ointment for psoriasis during pregnancy
The use of cartilin ointment in psoriasis during pregnancy is not contraindicated, unless there is individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. The lack of hormones and synthetic additives makes the product safe for use, but the doctor's consultation will not be superfluous.
Contraindications to the use of cartilin ointment are limited by hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. The doctor during the conversation with the patient should put leading questions and find out which components of the ointment the patient was experiencing allergic reactions or other effects on the body. Honey, as an ingredient in cartilin ointment, is considered to be the most allergenic product and tests confirm this. But in practice, studies show that only 8 out of 10,000 people are allergic to this product. If the patient has never encountered allergies, then at the slightest reaction of the skin to the drug should stop its use.
Side effects of the cartilin ointment for psoriasis
To the side effects of the cartilin ointment in psoriasis, hypothetical allergies are possible. The rest is safe and has no side effects. Not being a hormonal drug, it does not bear the threat of addiction and complications, it does not cause atrophic skin changes, like loss of elasticity and elasticity, it does not irritate it in places of application, it is low toxic. This makes the ointment suitable for use even for children.
Cases of overdose of cartilin ointment are not known. The drug is recommended for the complex treatment of psoriasis, which means that there is no negative interaction with other agents involved in the fight against the disease (antihistamines, vitamins, fizmethods, etc.). But combining the use of cartilin ointment with other external drugs is still not worth it.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of cartilin ointment are dry, closed from the sun, a place inaccessible to children.
Most of the reviews on the cartilin ointment are positive. Although not all patients managed to achieve complete disappearance of lesions, but many noted a significant improvement in skin condition. Some patients encountered allergies when applying the drug to the body, there was a rash and itching. The instruction warns about the possibility of such a reaction. Patients with a large localization of lesions note the inconvenience in using the remedy, because spoiled bed, clothes. Given the individuality of each organism, the state of immunity, the severity of the disease, it is still worth trying the cartilin ointment for psoriasis, making your own conclusion.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Cartoline ointment for psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.