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Wart Oils
Last reviewed: 16.08.2024

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Today, warts are almost the main problem that dermatologists have to deal with. They occur especially often in old age and old age (so-called senile warts). Fighting them is not always possible with traditional methods. Therefore, homeopathy and folk medicine comes to the rescue. For example, oils from warts are widely used even in medical centers and medical and preventive institutions.
Indications Wart Oils
The appearance of warts on the skin, any neoplasms that rise above the surface of the skin, the development of pigmented spots, redness, irritation, itching, any discomforting skin sensations is already an indication for the use of oils from warts. Their advantage is that they affect the skin comprehensively, eliminating, mainly, the very cause of the pathology. Therefore, warts come down quite quickly. At least, you can slow down their progression and spread to neighboring areas of the body.
Having a local effect directly on the skin, they do not have a systemic effect, as a result of which it is possible to avoid negative effects on the body as a whole, as well as side effects, overdose, allergies, intoxication and other negative consequences. Oils can be used at any age, as they are natural and relatively safe.
Pharmacodynamics indicates that the pharmacological properties of the oil is a plant extract of active components (glycosides, phytoncides, alkaloids) with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Have an effect on the surface of the skin, act mainly at the local level. Accordingly, and is used in the course of etiologic treatment. Systemic action is noted only when taken orally. This explains the high effectiveness of oils, because having eliminated the cause of pathology, the disease passes much faster.
It is worth noting that oils are not always used as a stand-alone remedy. They are often included in other pharmaceuticals and are part of a combined treatment. They have a restorative effect. Many oils not only relieve inflammation, but also stimulate the body's defenses.
When studying the features of pharmacodynamics, it can be noted that the absorption of oils is carried out through the skin, bypassing the transdermal barrier. Maximum concentration in the blood is detected in 1-2 hours, circulates in the blood for 1-2 weeks, after which it is excreted with urine.
Dosing and administration
Application is quite simple: the oil is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, about 5-6 times a day. The duration of treatment is 28 days, in case of insufficient effectiveness, the course can be repeated after 10-14 days. There is no sense in treating less, because 28 days is a full biochemical cycle, during which there is a complete renewal of the body.
The exact scheme, method of application and dose is determined by a doctor. But the main method is considered a local application (spot application) directly on the wart. Sometimes lubricated and the area around the wart. You can also use compresses, in which the oil is wetted with a cotton disk, placed on the wart for 30-40 minutes. The top is covered with cellophane, linen cloth and a warm scarf. You can use lotions, baths, applications.
Application for children
Usually in children, warts are accompanied by itching. In addition, children often tear them, damage them. In this regard, an inflammatory process often develops, an infection may join, or the process may spread to other parts of the body. To relieve the symptoms, eliminate the inflammatory and infectious process will help vegetable oils. But it should be borne in mind that essential oils used in the treatment of warts in children are concentrated potent agents, which in no case should not be used in self-treatment. In addition, they can not be used in pure, undiluted form. When used correctly, oils do not cause side effects, and quickly relieve the inflammatory process and prevent the development of infection. In addition, they are an excellent prophylactic agent, preventing the risk of relapses and complications.
Essential oils for warts
There is a wide variety of essential oils for warts. In a certain composition, ratio and concentration, almost any oil can be used as a remedy for warts. But it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules, because the treatment can be harmful if the oils are used incorrectly.
Firstly, it should be remembered that no essential oil is used in its pure form. It must always be diluted in a base oil. Pure essential oil is a concentrate, a pure extract from a plant, and it has pronounced, enhanced properties. Application or accidental contact of pure essential oil to the skin can cause chemical burns.
Secondly, you should take into account that essential oil can cause an allergic reaction. This is especially true for those who are prone to various types of allergic reactions. With caution to their use should be treated with those who have a history of bronchial asthma, any allergic, atopic diseases, because essential oil is a natural plant extract from plants, presented in a concentrated form. This substance can be a strong allergen, getting into the body of a sensitized person, causes an allergic reaction of varying severity - starting from simple skin irritation or irritation of mucous membranes (sneezing, coughing, runny nose), and ending with attacks of suffocation, anaphylactic shock.
In order to avoid such undesirable reactions from the body, it is necessary to conduct a rapid test for allergies beforehand. So, you need to take the oil that you plan to use, dilute it with water or another base oil (grape seed oil, apricot seed oil, peach seed oil, avocado oil, mango oil, olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, mustard oil, and any other oil). You add 1-2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of oil. You stir it (not with your finger, but with a stick). Then apply a small amount of oil to the inside of your wrist. You need to wait for about 10-15 minutes. If there is no skin reaction and you do not feel worse - there is no allergy, and you can safely use the oil.
In addition, you need to realize that you need to try each oil in this way. If one of them did not cause an allergy, another one may provoke an allergic reaction. This is due to the fact that the composition of different oils is not the same, which causes different reactions. Test the oil before each use. For example, if you did not have an allergic reaction a year ago, it does not mean that it will not occur a year later. The body's reactivity and sensitivity is constantly changing.
The essential oils for warts listed below have proven to work well for warts (for convenience, they are divided into groups of closely related oils that are close in properties). Within the group, the oils may be interchangeable.
- coniferous oils (spruce, pine, fir, thuja, cypress, juniper, cedar);
- Spice oils (clove, cinnamon, laurel, myrrh, ambergris, ginger, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cardamom, curry, turmeric, nutmeg);
- citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon);
- Floral (rose, orchid, rosemary, geranium, lotus, jasmine, lily, violet, hyacinth, sandalwood, sandalwood, lavender).
These are the main groups of essential oils that are effective in eliminating warts. Preparing oils for application is quite simple. It is best to use a fatty base, for example, a basic massage oil. You can apply water. But in no case can you use pure oil. Prepare a working solution at the rate of 2-3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base (water or oil base). Thoroughly mixed, and applied to the wart. You can just smear it on top, you can use the oil under a compress or application. Prepare the mixture for no more than 24 hours. Also, the oil can be added to the composition of therapeutic baths: about 3-4 drops per 5 liters of water. You can mix oils from different groups. The most effective will be the following combinations of essential oils from warts:
- Conifer oil + citrus oil
- Citrus oil + spice oil
- Floral + coniferous
- Coniferous + citrus + spicy.
There are also certain types of bases that are better to use with a particular group. Let's look at the main types of bases.
Oils from the conifer group are better dissolved in grape, apricot or peach seed oil, avocado oil, mango oil.
For citrus oils, wheat germ oil, or regular unscented baby oil is the most suitable base.
For spice oils, coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil and corn oil work well.
Floral fragrances are better dissolved in olive oil or wheat germ oil. Grape seed oil and apricot kernel oil are also suitable.
Castor oil for warts
One of the main properties of castor oil is its anti-inflammatory and warming effect. It easily resorbs seals, neoplasms, improves the structure of the skin, has antiviral properties and increases local immunity. Castor oil is widely used for warts. It can be used both in pure form, and as part of many medicinal compositions, ointments. In castor oil, essential oils are added, which allows to mutually enhance the effect of each other. Let's consider the main recipes prepared on the basis of castor oil.
Recipe #1.
Take about 50 ml of castor oil, put it in a separate iron bowl, place it on a water bath or low heat. With constant stirring, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Then add 1 drop each of the following essential oils: sage, eucalyptus, rosemary and 3 drops of cedarwood essential oil. Remove from the fire, cool, use to apply to the wart, or under a compress.
Recipe #2.
2 tablespoons of castor oil is taken as a base. Mix it with a tablespoon of natural lemongrass extract, add 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Stir, insist about 15-20 minutes, apply to the wart. It can be used as a means for applications and compresses.
Recipe #3.
Take 30-40 ml of castor oil. Add about a third of a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. Heat on low heat until warm, remove from heat. Mix it all thoroughly and apply it warmly on the wart.
Recipe #4.
In a 50 ml container pour two-thirds of castor oil, add a teaspoon of eleutherococcus and nettle extract, 2 drops of juniper essential oil. Stir, infuse for 15 minutes, apply to the affected areas of the skin, warts.
Recipe #5.
Mix in equal parts clay (preferably - pink or blue) and castor oil. It is necessary to take about a tablespoon of each component. Stir to form a homogeneous consistency, add 2 drops of lemon essential oil and 1 drop of pine or fir oil. Mix it all thoroughly and apply a thin layer on the wart for 15-20 minutes.
Recipe #6.
Take castor oil and honey in a ratio of 2:1, heat over low heat, stirring slowly. Without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat, add a third of a teaspoon of fennel seeds and 2 drops of essential oils of lavender and cypress. Stir, apply to the wart for 10 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, and lubricate with baby cream, or other emollient.
Prescription #7.
As a base take 2 tablespoons of castor oil and alcohol. Mix all this, add a tablespoon of concentrated extract or extract of sage, add 2 drops of essential oil of tea tree and Damask rose. Stir, infuse for an hour, apply to the wart.
Recipe #8.
Mix together castor oil and stevia decoction (to be prepared in advance at the rate of 1 tablespoon of stevia per glass of water). Mix the oil and stevia decoction in a ratio of 2:1, where 2 parts - castor oil and 1 - stevia. Then add about 2-3 drops of essential oil of cloves and cardiac, stir and insist 15-20 minutes. Apply a thin layer on the warts.
Prescription #9.
Heat castor oil (about 50 ml) on low heat. In a separate bowl mix chamomile flowers, calendula seeds - a teaspoon each. Pour the mixture hot castor oil. Infuse it for about 24 hours in a dark place. Then add 4-5 drops of wormwood essential oil. Stir. The remedy is ready for use.
Prescription #10.
Castor oil (20-30 ml) is taken as a base. Add 2 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice to it. Mix thoroughly, add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. Stir and apply to the wart.
Tea tree oil for warts
Tea tree oil is quite effective in the treatment of warts, because it contains a number of substances that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating action. Tea tree oil is used for warts only in diluted form, or as part of a combined means, because it is concentrated and can cause chemical burns to the skin.
There are several uses for tea tree for warts:
- Dissolve in base oil, and apply to the wart.
- Dissolve in water and smear on the wart.
- Include in the combination drug.
- We use it as a compress, for applications.
- We use it as part of therapeutic baths.
Let's consider the main recipes that allow you to use tea tree oil from warts. It is most difficult to prepare a combined remedy, so here are the main compositions.
Recipe #1.
Take about 50 ml of mustard or rapeseed oil, place on a water bath or low heat. Heat with constant stirring, then add 5 drops each of the following essential oils: tea tree, sage. Remove from the fire, cool, use to apply to the wart, or under a compress.
Recipe #2.
2 tablespoons of jojoba oil are taken as a base. Mix it with a tablespoon of natural eucalyptus extract, add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir, insist about 15-20 minutes, apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
Take 40 grams of cocoa butter, melt on low heat. Add to it about a third of a teaspoon of honey and natural lemon juice, 5 drops of tea tree oil. Mix it all thoroughly and apply it warmly on the wart.
Recipe #4.
In a 50 ml container pour two-thirds of sour cream, add a teaspoon of sage and wormwood extract, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir, insist 15 minutes, apply to the affected areas of the skin, warts.
Recipe #5.
Mix in equal parts lemon zest, passed through a meat grinder and honey. It is necessary to take about a tablespoon of each component. Stir to form a homogeneous consistency, add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix all this and apply a thin layer on the wart for 15-20 minutes.
Prescription #6.
Take an alcoholic infusion of seaweed and stevia in a ratio of 2:1, heat over low heat, stirring slowly. Without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat, add a third of a teaspoon of parsley seeds and 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir, apply to the wart for 10 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, and lubricate with baby cream, or other emollient.
Prescription #7.
As a base take 2 tablespoons of glycerin and melted petroleum jelly. Mix all this, add a tablespoon of concentrated tea tree extract, add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil (extract and essential oil have different properties, because the active ingredient is different). Stir, infuse for an hour, apply to the wart.
Recipe #8.
Mix together butter and clarified milk, melt over low heat. Then add about 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil, stir and infuse for 15-20 minutes. Apply a thin layer on the warts.
Prescription #9.
Heat vaseline oil (about 50 ml) on low heat. In a separate bowl mix black and green tea, oak bark - a teaspoon each. Pour the mixture with hot petroleum jelly. Infuse for about a day in a dark place. Then add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir. The remedy is ready for use.
Prescription #10.
We take baby cream (20-30 ml) as a base. Add 0.5 ml of tea tree oil to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to the wart.
Celandine oil for warts
Cistotle is one of the most effective remedies that have long helped people get rid of warts. The mechanism of action of warts is similar to that of liquid nitrogen. Prolonged and regular use of celandine oil burns out warts and prevents relapse (reappearance). In summer, you can smear the wart with the juice of freshly plucked celandine. It should be remembered that it is poisonous, so after use you need to wash your hands thoroughly. For use in winter, it is better to buy ready-made celandine oil from warts in the pharmacy. Celandine oil can be used in its pure form, and this is the most effective way. It is recommended to apply it directly to the wart 5 or more times a day. The course of treatment should be at least 28 days. After 2 weeks, a second course can be carried out.
Let's consider one of the most commonly used treatment schemes for warts using celandine oil. The course is designed for 28 days.
For the first three days, we only smear celandine on the warts (apply it dotwise on the wart). At least 5 times a day, preferably more often, 28 days.
On the fourth day we add compresses. To do this in celandine oil wet a cotton disk, and place it on the wart and the area around it (the disk is large, so it will cover the entire necessary adjacent area). On top of the disk we place cellophane, on top - linen cloth, on top - dry heat. Procedures are performed twice a day. Compress should be kept for 40 minutes, after which we wash off with warm water, and again apply dry heat. Do 5 days in a row, then a break of 3 days, after which - a repeat course of 5 days.
During the period of time when you do not make compresses (except for the first three days), make lotions. To do this, wet a cotton disk in celandine oil and place it on the wart. Cellophane and dry heat should not be placed. Primochku keep 10-15 minutes, then wash off in warm water and apply baby cream. The procedure is performed three times a day.
On the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th day of treatment we carry out therapeutic baths with celandine oil. To do this, add a teaspoon of celandine oil to a liter of warm water, stir, and place the area with the wart in the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is better to do at night, before going to bed. After the procedure, wiping dry is not recommended. You just need to lightly blot the areas with a soft towel.
Black cumin oil for warts
Black cumin oil can help with warts. It is effective in the treatment and prevention of warts, prevents their development and progression. This oil is obtained by cold pressing. Currently, it can be found in a pharmacy, or in special homeopathic centers, stores of natural products. The oil can be used in its pure form. Or add to the composition of various mixtures.
It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action, effectively eliminates congestion, promotes skin regeneration. The upper keratinized layer is quickly replaced by a new one, together with it the whole skin is renewed, warts disappear. Dissolve essential oils in it. It is best combined with spicy essential oils. It can also be mixed with seeds of dill, parsley, with fennel, cloves, cardamom, bay leaf. It can be used in its pure form.
Thuja oil for warts
Thuja oil used for warts is mostly used in diluted form, as it is a concentrated remedy. In some cases, it is used to burn warts in hospital conditions (along with chemical pilling and burning with liquid nitrogen). But this procedure can in no case be carried out at home, as a number of conditions must be observed. At home, it is allowed to use thuja oil only in diluted form, or as part of complex remedies. Let's consider some recipes.
Recipe #1.
Take about 50 ml of wheat or corn sprout oil, put it on a water bath or low heat. Heat while stirring constantly, then add 3 tui essential oil. Remove from the heat, cool, use to apply to the wart, or under a compress.
Recipe #2.
As a base, 2 tablespoons of badger fat are taken. Mix it with a tablespoon of natural hawthorn extract, add 2 drops of thuja essential oil. Stir, insist for about 20 minutes, apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
Take 2 tablespoons of fish oil, melt it on low heat. Add to it about a third of a teaspoon of any natural caviar, 5 drops of thuja oil. Mix it all thoroughly and apply it warmly on the wart.
Recipe #4.
In a 50 ml container pour two-thirds of butter and lard, melt on low heat, add a teaspoon of juniper extract, 2 drops of thuja essential oil. Stir, infuse for 15 minutes, apply to the affected areas of the skin, warts.
Recipe #5.
Mix in equal parts natural pine oleoresin and honey. It is necessary to take about a tablespoon of each component. Stir to form a homogeneous consistency, add 2 drops of thuja essential oil. Mix all this and apply a thin layer on the wart for 15-20 minutes.
Recipe #6.
Take an alcoholic infusion of lemongrass and rose hips in a ratio of 2:1, heat over low heat, stirring slowly. Without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat, add a third of a teaspoon of rowan berries and 2 drops of thuja essential oil. Stir, apply to the wart for 10 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, and lubricate with baby cream, or other emollient.
Prescription #7.
As a base, we take 2 tablespoons of bear fat. Mix all this, add a tablespoon of concentrated thuja oil (essential oil). Stir, infuse for an hour, apply to the wart.
Recipe #8.
Mix clay and sea salt in a ratio of 2:1, add 50 ml of lemon juice, dissolve the salt. Then add about 2-3 drops of thuja essential oil, stir and insist for 15-20 minutes. Apply a thin layer on the warts.
Prescription #9.
Heat lanolin (about 50 ml) on low heat. In a separate bowl mix propolis and pine oleoresin - one teaspoon each. Pour the mixture with hot lanolin. Infuse it for about 24 hours in a dark place. Then add 10 drops of thuja essential oil. Stir, apply to the wart and nearby areas.
Prescription #10.
Take any vegetable-based cream (20-30 ml) as a base. Add 0.5 ml of thuja oil to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to the wart.
Baking soda and castor oil for moles and warts
Nowadays, baking soda and castor oil are widely used for treatment against moles and warts. Usually from a mixture of these components, an active preparation is prepared, which is used directly for application to the skin, as well as for compresses and lotions. Soda acts directly on the wart, contributing to the resorption of the upper layer, as well as softening the growth. Castor oil softens the same areas, has an anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic and antiseptic effect.
To prepare an active composition, it is recommended to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The resulting remedy is insisted for about 5-10 minutes, stirred, and then apply a thin layer to the skin. It is recommended to use 506 times a day. If you pre-steam the affected areas in warm water, it will increase the effect of the remedy on the body. With the help of this remedy, you can make compresses. In this case, just put a cellophane and dry heat on top.
Sea buckthorn oil for warts
Sea buckthorn has excellent regenerative properties, promotes the renewal of the superficial layers of the skin, sloughing of the epidermis. It is a valuable source of vitamin A, E, C, as a result of which the skin is enriched with these vitamins and accelerated skin renewal. Sea buckthorn softens the skin, promotes the resorption of seals, growths, neoplasms. It is also a good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent. All of the above allows you to use sea buckthorn oil from warts. There are quite a few recipes based on the use of this oil. It can also be applied in its pure form, which is no less effective. Let's consider the recipes with sea buckthorn oil.
Recipe #1.
Take aloe leaves, crush them, squeeze out the juice. Put them in a separate bowl (preferably wooden to avoid oxidation). After that, pour sea buckthorn oil. It is necessary to adhere to the following concentrations: for 50 grams of aloe about 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil. All this is mixed, incubate for at least an hour in a dark place.
Recipe #2.
Take 3-4 thick leaves of aloe, mix with 50 grams of walnuts (without shells). All this is passed through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Pour sea buckthorn oil (about 2 fingers above the resulting mixture. Infuse for 24 hours. Then apply to the wart. The course of treatment - at least 28 days, lubricate the wart up to 5 times a day.
Recipe #3.
Take 50 grams of anise fruit, a teaspoon of fennel fruit (seeds), coriander root and ginger. All this is mixed, put through a meat grinder, pour 100 ml of preheated sea buckthorn oil. Infuse for about 3-4 hours, use as an ointment.
Recipe #4.
Take sea buckthorn oil, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from the heat. Then add a tablespoon of cruschina and licorice extracts, stir, use as a lotion to lubricate warts.
Recipe #5.
Sea buckthorn oil is taken as a base. In it we add the roots of aira (crushed) and hop cones. All this is mixed, put on a water bath, stand for about 2-3 hours, then insist a day in a dark place. The remedy is ready - apply it to the warts.
Prescription #6.
Take equal parts oak bark, chamomile flowers and calendula, pour heated sea buckthorn oil, add 2 drops of essential oils of wormwood and celandine, insist 5 hours, apply to warts.
Prescription #7.
As a base take sea buckthorn oil, heat it on a water bath or low heat, then add rowan berries (previously crushed), 2 sprigs of wormwood and 15-20 flowers of celandine. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from the fire, cool. Apply to warts.
Recipe #8.
Peony root and herb donnika pour a glass of sea buckthorn, insist an hour, add 5 drops of essential oil of bay leaf, insist an hour, used to lubricate warts.
Prescription #9.
Take in equal parts grape wine and sea buckthorn oil, add a teaspoon of radish (ground, or grated), insist 24 hours, apply under a compress.
Prescription #10.
Mix 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil and alcohol, add 1 lemon, put through a meat grinder (with the seeds and peel), add 2 drops of essential oil of cypress and juniper, insist at least an hour, add to baths, or just apply directly to the skin.
Fir oil for warts
Fir oil helps from warts. It has unique properties that can not be replaced by any other means. First, it is an effective antioxidant agent that not only eliminates pathological phenomena, but also restores the structure of the skin, promotes its regeneration, renewal. Secondly, fir oil is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It restores the structure of the skin, resorbs seals, including warts, prevents the formation of new ones. Let's consider the main recipes that allow you to use fir oil for the treatment and prevention of warts.
Recipe #1.
Take about 50 ml of brandy alcohol, place on a water bath or low heat. Heat with constant stirring, then add 3 fir essential oil. Remove from the fire, cool, use to apply to the wart, or under a compress.
Recipe #2.
As a base, we take 2 tablespoons of nutria fat. Mix it with a tablespoon of salt (it is better to take coarse sea salt), add 2 drops of fir essential oil. Stir, insist for about 20 minutes, apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
Take 2 tablespoons of gopher fat, melt on low heat. Add to it 2 eggs, 5 drops of fir oil. Mix it all thoroughly and apply it warmly on the wart.
Recipe #4.
In a 150 ml container pour half of the alcohol, heat on low heat, add a teaspoon of black ground coffee, 2 drops of fir essential oil. Stir, infuse for 15 minutes, apply to the affected areas of the skin, warts.
Recipe #5.
Mix in equal parts solution of mumie in alcohol (100 ml) with lemongrass extract. Stir to form a homogeneous consistency, add 2 drops of fir essential oil. All this is mixed and applied to the wart for 15-20 minutes.
Prescription #6.
We take alcoholic infusion of aloe juice and cranberry juice in a ratio of 2:1, heat over low heat, stirring slowly. Without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat, add a third of a teaspoon of cranberries or cloudberries and 2 drops of fir essential oil. Stir, apply to the wart for 10 minutes. After washing off with warm water, and lubricate with baby cream, or other softening agent.
Prescription #7.
As a base we take 5 grams of butter and natural dark chocolate. Mix all this, add a tablespoon of essential fir oil. Stir, insist an hour, apply to the wart.
Recipe #8.
Mix seaweed powder (kelp) and fish oil in a ratio of 2:1. Then add about 2-3 drops of fir essential oil, stir and infuse for 15-20 minutes. Apply a thin layer on the warts.
Prescription #9.
Heat birch sap (about 50 ml) over low heat. In a separate bowl mix bone flour and cocoa powder - one teaspoon each. Pour the mixture with hot birch juice. Infuse it for about 24 hours in a dark place. Then add 10-15 drops of fir essential oil. Stir, apply to the wart and nearby areas.
Prescription #10.
Medical glue (Kleol and others -20-30 ml) is taken as a base. Add 0.5 ml of fir oil to it. Apply a single layer on the wart. Wait until the glue turns into a solid film. After 2-3 hours you can peel off the film and apply a new one.
Flaxseed oil for warts
Flax perfectly softens, nourishes the skin. Eliminates warts, calluses, skin growths. Flaxseed oil for warts is ideal for people with highly sensitive skin, as well as those with dry and irritated skin. Flaxseed oil is used as a base oil. Here are some prescriptions of remedies for warts prepared on the basis of flaxseed oil.
Recipe #1.
Take celery and tarragon leaves, chop them, squeeze out the juice. Put them in a separate bowl. After that, pour linseed oil. It is necessary to adhere to the following concentrations: for 50 grams of herbs about 100 ml of oil. All this is mixed, incubate for at least an hour in a dark place, in a tightly closed container.
Recipe #2.
Take 3-4 horseradish roots, mix with 50 grams of raisins and apricots. All this is passed through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of propolis (melted). Pour linseed oil about 2 fingers above the resulting mixture. We infuse it for 24 hours. Then apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
Take 5-10 grams of leaves of mother and stepmother, thyme herb and althea root. All this is mixed, put through a meat grinder, pour 100 ml of preheated linseed oil. Infuse for about 3-4 hours, use as an ointment.
Recipe #4.
Take linseed oil, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from the fire. Then add a tablespoon each of cowpea and witch hazel extracts, stir, and use as a lotion to lubricate warts.
Recipe #5.
Flaxseed oil is taken as a base. In it we add elderberry flowers, shepherd's purse herb (crushed) and juniper fruit. All this is mixed, put on a water bath, stand for about 2-3 hours, then insist a day in a dark place. The remedy is ready - apply to warts.
Prescription #6.
Take equal parts of leaves bearberry, stalnick, lover and dandelion, pour heated linseed oil, add 2 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus and oregano, insist 5 hours, apply to warts.
Prescription #7.
As a base take flaxseed oil, heat it on a water bath or low heat, then add crushed in a coffee grinder rhizome of aira, 2 sticks of cinnamon, peel of one orange, 2 teaspoons of wormwood herb. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from the fire, cool. Apply to warts.
Recipe #8.
Root goldenseal and horsetail grass pour a glass of linseed oil, insist an hour, add 5 drops of essential oil of motherwort or valerian, insist an hour, used to lubricate warts.
Prescription #9.
We take equal parts of beer and linseed oil, add a teaspoon of honey, insist 24 hours, apply to the skin.
Prescription #10.
Mix 50 ml of linseed oil and milk, add 1 fig, put through a meat grinder (with the pips and peel), add 2 drops of essential oil of rosehip and arnica, infuse for at least an hour, apply to the skin.
Camphor oil for warts
Camphor oil has a wide range of uses in folk medicine. One of the ways to use camphor oil is treatment for warts. It is often included in the composition of various medicines, because thanks to those substances that are part of camphor, the effect of various active components is significantly enhanced. In addition, the oil has an analgesic and warming effect. Effectively regenerates the skin. Let's consider the most common recipes.
Recipe #1.
Take leaves of wheatgrass and mistletoe, crush them. Pour camphor oil. It is necessary to adhere to the following concentrations: for 20 grams of herbs about 100 ml of oil. All this is mixed, incubated for at least an hour in a dark place, in a tightly closed container.
Recipe #2.
Take 3-4 chopped garlic cloves, mix with 50 grams of ginger. All this is passed through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine (melted). Pour camphor oil about 2 fingers above the resulting mixture. We infuse it for 24 hours. Then apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
We take 5-10 grams of thyme leaves, nettles dioecious and grass half-pallas. All this is mixed, crushed, pour 100 ml of preheated camphor oil. Infuse for about 3-4 hours, use as an ointment.
Recipe #4.
Take camphor oil, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from the fire. Then add a tablespoon each of willow, birch and cornflower extracts, stir, use as a lotion to lubricate warts.
Recipe #5.
Camphor oil is taken as a base. In it we add calendula and violet tricolor flowers (crushed) and linden blossom. All this is mixed, put on a water bath, kept for about 2-3 hours, then insist a day in a dark place, apply to warts.
Prescription #6.
Take equal parts dewberry herb plantain leaves, pour heated camphor oil, add 2 drops of essential oils of lapchatka, pine and celandine, insist 4-5 hours, apply to warts.
Prescription #7.
As a basis, we take camphor oil, heat it on a water bath or low heat, then add rosehip, hawthorn, calamus fruits (2 tablespoons of each remedy). Boil for 10 minutes, remove from the fire, cool. Apply to warts.
Recipe #8.
Chamomile flowers, yarrow, St. John's wort poured a glass of camphor oil, insist an hour, add 5 drops of essential oil of clover and nettle, insist an hour, used to lubricate warts.
Prescription #9.
Take in equal parts camphor oil and alcohol, add a teaspoon of black currant and strawberry extract, insist a day, apply to the skin.
Prescription #10.
Mix 50 ml of camphor oil and mushroom drink (mushroom chaga), add 5 ml of Budra ivy extract, add 2 drops of essential oil of Crimean rose, insist at least an hour, apply to the skin.
Rosehip oil for warts
The advantages of turpentine oil are that it effectively eliminates skin neoplasms, defects, nourishes, renews the skin. Often apply turpentine oil from senile warts, because it effectively renews the epidermis, dermis, rejuvenates, nourishes, moisturizes the skin. Consider some recipes.
Recipe #1.
Take leaves of bearberry and beechberry, crush them. Pour with turpentine oil. It is necessary to adhere to the following concentrations: for 10 grams of herbs about 40-50 ml of oil. All this is mixed, incubate for at least an hour in a dark place, in a tightly closed container.
Recipe #2.
Take 3-4 tablespoons of blueberries, mix with 5-10 grams of ground nutmeg. All this is passed through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of melted cocoa butter. Fill with turpentine oil to the top. Infuse for 24 hours. Then apply to the wart.
Recipe #3.
Take 5-10 grams of cranberries and blueberries. All this is mixed, crushed, pour 100 ml of preheated turpentine oil. Infuse it for about 3-4 hours and apply it to the warts.
Recipe #4.
Take turpentine oil, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from the fire. Then add a tablespoon of herbs of goldenseal and common sawdust, stir, and use for lubrication of warts.
Recipe #5.
As a basis we take turpentine oil. In it we add 5 grams of wheatgrass rhizomes, herbs and corn stigmas. All this is mixed, put on a water bath, stand for about 2-3 hours, then insist a day in a dark place, apply to warts.
Prescription #6.
Take equal parts of the herb dye grass and birch sap, pour heated turpentine oil, add 2 drops of essential oils of peppermint and jaundice, insist 4-5 hours, apply to warts.
Prescription #7.
As a basis, we take turpentine oil, heat it on a water bath or low heat, then add rosemary, joster fruit, herb hernia (2 tablespoons of each remedy). Boil for 10 minutes, remove from the fire, cool. Apply to warts.
Recipe #8.
Peony and dahlia flowers pour a glass of turpentine oil, insist an hour, add 5 drops of essential oil of melissa and blackthorn, insist an hour, used to lubricate warts.
Prescription #9.
Take equal parts of turnip oil and kvass, infused with yeast, add a teaspoon of extract of veronica and bilberry, insist a day, apply to the skin.
Prescription #10.
Mix 50 ml of turnip oil and onion husk decoction, add 5 ml of extract of Domnika medicinal, add 2 drops of essential oil of wahta, insist at least an hour, apply to the skin.
Use Wart Oils during pregnancy
There are no contraindications as such in the instructions for essential oils. Nevertheless, there is no unambiguous answer among specialists as to how safe it is to use various oils in pregnant women. Some believe that the oils are natural, and therefore safe, and can safely be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They are used for warts, moles, other skin diseases, with lesions of mucous membranes. It is worth noting that the oils are prescribed and as an independent remedy, and as a component of complex therapy.
Other experts argue that it is not necessary to use oils during pregnancy. There is an "intermediate" opinion, in which doctors say that oils should be prescribed only as a last resort, and preferably as part of a complex therapy. The main thing to remember pregnant woman - her body is working in a state of increased activity load, is in an adaptive state. Therefore, sharply increases sensitivity, sensitization increases. In this case, oils can be poorly tolerated by the body, may develop allergic reactions, intoxication. It is necessary to consult a doctor.
Oils are not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity, with a tendency to allergic reactions. The oils are especially dangerous for people with a tendency to immediate type reactions. It is not recommended to use oils in case of concomitant psoriasis, bacterial or fungal infection, itching, skin irritation, redness of the skin. The oils are also contraindicated for use during pregnancy. With caution should be used with open skin lesions, wounds, scratches. Not recommended for acute inflammatory processes on the skin. Also, oils are not allowed to be taken internally. Essential oils should not be used in undiluted form.
Side effects Wart Oils
Despite the fact that oils are natural and relatively safe means, side effects are also observed. Most often they are observed in case of hypersensitivity, sensitization of the body, against the background of reduced immunity, disturbed hormonal background, stress, individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions.
Side effects are mainly manifested in the form of local irritation, redness, swelling of soft tissue, the area around the wart, in the form of increased local body temperature, pain, itching.
Cases of overdose are rarely observed, however, they are not excluded. Overdose is accompanied by chemical burns, redness, irritation, burning. Allergic reactions are often observed - from skin dermatitis and mild edema to severe anaphylactic shock, suffocation. Nausea, dizziness, headache, cramps, vomiting, increased heartbeat and pulse rate are common.
Interactions with other drugs
No cases of interaction of oils with other drugs have been registered. Oils do not enter into any reactions. However, it is recommended to keep an interval of at least 2 hours between the application of other medicines (this is a standard precaution when applying any medicines).
Storage conditions
Oils should be stored in their original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees Celsius. Storage in a refrigerator is allowed. It is recommended to keep away from heat sources (open fire, heater, battery). This is especially true for essential oils, as they are concentrated, easily flammable.
Shelf life
The shelf life of the oil depends on whether the package has been opened or not. If it has already been used, it can be stored for no more than 30 days. Packaged oils can be stored for 2-3 years (unless otherwise stated on the package).
When analyzing reviews, a large number of reviews were found. It is worth noting that the reviews of oils are mostly positive. Oils from warts allows you to get rid of warts in a short time, but on condition of regular and systematic use, compliance with the scheme of treatment. You need to have patience in advance, the treatment will be long. All the negative reviews that we identified, were due to the fact that people did not use them often enough - once a day, or with intervals of several days (and it is necessary at least 5 times a day). Also, many people quit treatment early, citing lack of results. This is also wrong, you need to be treated for at least 28 days, sometimes requiring several courses. But almost everyone notes that the oils relieve pain, inflammation, after 2-3 applications.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Wart Oils" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.