Senile warts on the body and face: how to get rid of?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most pressing problems of modern dermatology is senile warts that appear on the body with age. Usually they are associated with the termination of sexual function. Sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone) cease to be produced in the body, and this leads to the development of various gerontological changes in the body. But these are not the main reasons. Warts also appear due to the natural changes that occur in the skin: a decrease in the regenerative abilities of the epidermis, an increase in susceptibility to the effects of various damaging factors, including sunlight. Toxins, damaged cells, autoantibodies accumulate more intensively in the skin. Also, sweating is significantly reduced, the production of fatty substances is reduced, immune processes are reduced, both at the level of the organism as a whole and at the level of the skin. Vitamin D is more intensively consumed, its losses become irreplaceable, calcium and phosphorus are injected, which leads to a sharp loss of water. As a result, the hydrophilicity of the skin is reduced. Vessel induration develops. Skin structures, resulting in a much easier form of warts, which are, in essence, structured seals.
Symptoms of the senile warts
There is no special idea of how senile senile warts look. They have the appearance of a normal wart. Localized on any part of the body. At first there is one, not very noticeable, often flat wart. In color, it is not much different from the remaining parts of the body. Gradually, it can grow upwards, separated from the surface of the skin with the help of legs. Or it can spread in width, covering more and more new sites. Single warts often multiply, forming multiple ones. Each subsequent is also divided, which leads to a fairly rapid and intense spread throughout the body. Multiple warts can merge with each other, forming complex large conglomerates. The process is supported by a reduced immunity, a specific hormonal background, activated by a viral infection characteristic of old age.
Senile wart on face
Often the favorite place to locate senile warts is the face. On the face of older women often have to see neoplasms of various sizes and shapes. Most often formed in women (the cause is not known). In general, warts can be located anywhere on the body. They are formed even on the mucous membranes. The wart is often represented by connective tissue, rises on the leg. From above it is covered with a multilayered epithelium.
Diagnostics of the senile warts
In diagnosis, the most important step is the differential diagnosis, which allows you to distinguish one type of wart from another, or from other similar entities that are formed with age and can carry much greater risks and dangers than a normal wart. Mandatory differentiation of warts from keratoma, melanoma, which carry the risk of malignant transformation. For this purpose, it is recommended to pass a histology analysis in order to know exactly whether the structure is a benign or malignant neoplasm.
In addition, it must be borne in mind that warts always develop on the background of reduced immunity or immune imbalance, and often (not always, but often), the trigger mechanism for its development is a viral infection. Pathology due to hormonal disorders is maintained. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination with the mandatory consultation of an immunologist, a virologist (infectious disease specialist), and an endocrinologist. If a malignant process is suspected, or to eliminate this risk, an additional consultation with an oncologist should be appointed. It is necessary to accurately determine the cause and identify the accompanying changes in the body in order to be able to determine as precisely as possible the further treatment tactics.
Differential diagnosis
The first thing to do is to determine if the tumor is benign or malignant. The main method of confirming or refuting a malignant process is the direct confirmation of the presence of a malignant transformation (malignancy). For this purpose, a histological examination is carried out, the essence of which is that they take a piece of tissue for analysis (biopsy). By the nature of tissue growth on nutrient media in the laboratory, it is determined whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Another method is the analysis of tumor markers. The principle of the method consists in identifying human blood factors that indicate the development of a malignant process. There are a number of factors in a person’s blood (for example, tumor necrosis factor) that appear only if a cancer develops in the body and that are not normally diagnosed. Often it is necessary to differentiate various types and forms of warts from malignant nevi, melanomas, keratomas. It is also important to determine what exactly is the cause of the wart. This will prevent recurrence in the future, as well as prevent metastasis in the malignant process.
One of the methods of differential diagnosis is a thorough history, questioning and examination of the patient, since the data of the physical examination, the clinical picture of the pathology can be very important for the diagnosis. It is necessary to differentiate the warts from the following neoplasms:
- Lentigious melanoma. Arise several years after the start of chemotherapy for patients with psoriasis. Therefore, in order to exclude melanoma, you need to know the history of whether the person had psoriasis, whether chemotherapy was used. It should also be borne in mind that in the case of lentigious melanoma, lentigious spots first appear, then their malignant degeneration occurs, melanomas form. Warts appear spontaneously, especially senile ones.
- Acral-lentiginous melanoma. It is a tumor that is formed as a result of the malignant transformation of lentigious spots. It is also important to know the history. This tumor does not appear spontaneously. Lentigious spots appear first, then they degenerate. Often develops against the background of pronounced immunodeficiency, whereas the development of warts is often accompanied by only a slight imbalance or a decrease in immunity and hormonal disorders. A history of melanoma patients is often diagnosed with AIDS.
- Basalioma is a tumor of the basal layer of the epidermis. The wart develops at the level of connective and epithelial tissue.
- Keratoma is a malignant tumor localized in the deeper layers of the skin. The wart may eventually degenerate into keratome. The method of differential diagnosis is mainly histological or cytological examination.
- Angiokeratomas are vascular tumors localized in epithelial tissue. The difference from the wart is that the wart never affects the vascular system.
Standard clinical methods are rarely used, mainly in order to see the overall picture of the pathology. A definite clarity in the diagnosis can make and biochemical analysis of blood.
If a viral infection is suspected, serological and virological methods are used (ELISA, FTA, DNA probing, hybridization, genome sequencing, PCR analysis). These methods allow you to identify not only the virus itself in the blood, but its metabolic products, DNA, RNA, or individual fragments of the virus.
Additional methods can serve as a microscopic examination, scraping. It is important cytology, which allows to investigate cells and identify transformed cells characteristic of a malignant tumor.
Seborrheic keratoma
By seborrheic keratoma imply a malignant tumor localized in the deeper layers of the skin. Most often it develops against the background of brightly expressed skin seborrhea, with its long and protracted course. The risk group includes primarily people with a history of seborrhea or other skin diseases. People who already have seborrheic tumors, for example, warts, which over time simply transform from a benign neoplasm to a malignant one, are also at risk. Also, this includes all those who are in contact with persons suffering from warts, pigment spots.
Seborrheic wart
The peculiarity of seborrhea warts is that it develops on the background of seborrhea, especially if a person has seborrhea for a long time, or it has a chronic, recurring nature. Seborrheic warts can be localized anywhere on the body. Presented by connective tissue, which is covered with a multilayer epithelium from above. They, as a rule, flake and itch, the skin around them is distinguished either by increased dryness or, on the contrary, by excessive fat content. As a rule, at first they are flat, but over time they can grow, become pendant, multiple. One of the most dangerous consequences is the possibility of malignant degeneration of the wart and the risk of developing a tumor, first of all, seborrheic keratoma.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the senile warts
Drug or surgical therapy is used to treat senile warts. But often used and physiotherapy, folk, homeopathic remedies, herbal medicine. Be sure to need a system of tools that will affect the entire body as a whole, cause a correction of the current state. Determined primarily by current pathogenesis, the nature of changes in the body, as well as the cause of the development of warts. For example, antiviral therapy, immunocorrection, and antibiotic therapy are used, if necessary. If necessary, prescribe vitamins, hormones, sorbents, minerals, supporting and nourishing components.
At the same time, local therapy aimed at a direct effect on the skin, on the wart itself, is conducted. Methods of local exposure are extremely diverse. Apply various solutions, lotions, applications, bandages, warming, or contrasting compresses, medical baths, wraps. Powders, agitated suspensions, powders, aerosols, liniments, pastes, creams, oils have a positive effect. In recent years, special patches for wart removal have been widely used.
How to get rid of senile warts
If you do not know how to get rid of senile warts, the most appropriate solution is to visit a doctor (better than a dermatologist), who will conduct an examination, and in accordance with the results, prescribe the correct and effective treatment. Various methods are used to remove senile warts. It can be both traditional medical and radical methods. From drug therapy, drugs are mainly used for internal administration and various local remedies. The use of both systemic and local means is recommended, since individually each of them is ineffective. Various ointments for topical use, as well as lotions, balms for application to the skin, have proven themselves quite well.
From radical methods, excision of the wart using surgical methods. Also often used laser removal, burning out warts in various ways. Modern methods is electrocoagulation, cryodestruction.
When treating warts, you need to take precautions - consult with your doctor, check the effectiveness of treatment. This will avoid side effects, for example, malignant degeneration, or progressive reproduction and growth of warts.
Most often used anti-inflammatory therapy. Often used liquid Burov, which is a 8% solution of aluminum acetate. Apply for medical baths at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per cup of water.
Inside anaferon is prescribed - from 3 to 5 tablets per day. The course is usually designed for 5-7 days. It helps to eliminate both active and persistent infection, reduce the degree of viral load, and also significantly reduces inflammatory processes, improves immunity. It has a systemic effect on the body as a whole, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of the development of warts, as well as helps to stop their growth.
The complex therapy often include suprastin. It is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to take a course of 5-7 days. In addition to the main action - antihistamine, suprastin also reduces inflammation, normalizes the immune system, eliminates increased autoimmune aggression, eliminates excessive reactivity of the body. Normalizes the biochemical background.
Plasters to remove senile warts on the neck
Currently, special patches are used to remove senile warts, including on the neck. They are a very thick, viscous mass formed from wax, rosin and other substances. It also includes various pharmaceutical ingredients, depending on the manufacturer, on the direction of the drug. Can add a means to soften seals (keratolytics), to relieve inflammation (anti-inflammatory drugs). There are epilin, lead, mercury, salicylic patches. The mechanism of action is that they soften, loosen the top layer of the wart, which is subsequently removed along with the plaster. The plaster mass, in contact with the skin, melts and sticks to it, has a therapeutic effect. In order to enhance the effect, it is recommended to pre-warm the patch in your hand.
Alternative treatment
Typically, folk treatment is effective in combination with other drugs, including traditional drug treatment. Before using any means it is recommended to consult a doctor.
For application to the skin (directly on the wart), it is recommended to apply various masses that can be prepared at home on their own. For the treatment of warts need masses that will have anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect, that is, they will reduce inflammation, as well as soften the wart, promoting its resorption. The mechanism of action is similar to a patch for removing warts. Consider some alternative treatments proven over the years.
- Recipe number 1.
About 30 grams of blue clay are taken as the base. Fill it with a small amount of pre-cooked warm vegetable broth. Prepare a mass of uniform consistency. The mass should be such that it is easily applied to the skin and hardened (in consistency approximately as sour cream). Vegetable broth is prepared in advance from the herb of the badian and raspberry leaves. When the mass is prepared, just before applying to the skin add 2-3 drops of concentrated essential oil of cloves. Apply for 15-20 minutes, then wash off and apply a greasy cream (any).
- Recipe number 2.
About 20 grams of blue and white clay are taken as the basis, mixed together. Pour a small amount of pre-cooked warm vegetable broth (leaves of blueberries and strawberries, hop cones). Prepare a mass of homogeneous consistency (like sour cream). Immediately before applying to the skin add 2-3 drops of concentrated essential oil of fir and eucalyptus. Apply for 15-20 minutes, then wash off and apply a greasy cream (any).
- Recipe number 3.
Green and pink clay are taken in approximately equal shares, mixed with honey until a uniform consistency is formed. Mix well, so that no lumps remain. If you can not stir, you can pre-melt the honey on low heat, or in a water bath, or add 1-2 tablespoons of hot water. Before applying to the skin, add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil and half a teaspoon of ground ginger, mix thoroughly again, and apply for no more than 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and wipe with fresh aloe juice.
- Recipe number 4.
Mix in equal shares of blue and pink clay (about a tablespoon of each component), add about 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. All this is thoroughly mixed, until a uniform consistency, applied to the wart. It is better to use a compress. After about 40-50 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply dry heat.
Herbal medicine
Herbal treatment is considered to be very effective both by itself and as part of other products.
For example, the dried swamp is used. It has worked well in the form of decoctions and infusions used according to the scheme inside. It can also be used as a solution for lubrication of warts, under a compress, in the form of applications. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, thins the blood, thereby quickly eliminating warts. In addition, it has a positive effect on mood, emotional background, and general well-being. Creates a pleasant scent.
A decoction of chamomile flowers is used as compresses, lotions, applications, for therapeutic baths. Apply in several layers, then tied for 2-3 hours. Reduces inflammation, suppresses the development of putrefactive microflora, normalizes the microbiocenosis of the skin, eliminates viral infection, cleanses the blood, stomach, liver. In addition, improves skin condition. Cleans pores, improves the condition of large and small vessels, eliminates atherosclerosis.
Calendula leaves are used in the form of poultices. They are made daily at the same time, applied to the wart.
In the pharmacy you can purchase a number of modern homeopathic remedies that are used to treat warts. Many of them are based on ancient proven recipes. For example, the Cambrian cosmetics series developed by Poly-Service-M.
Cosmetic product on the basis of blue clay and extracts of medicinal herbs "Cambrian rasprepa". It is a tool intended for the treatment of oily seborrhea, dandruff, for hair care of the scalp. Also used to treat seborrheic warts. But keep in mind that the remedy is contraindicated in seborrheic keratoma, so it is important to correctly diagnose. It is necessary to apply on the wart with a thin layer. Several times a day. In addition to clay, the composition includes peony and nettle leaves.
Cambrian harmony is a similar remedy, which mainly has an anesthetic effect. It is applied topically after the removal of warts, as well as for any inflammation that is accompanied by pain and discomfort. The composition includes clay, chamomile, oregano and propolis.
Cambrian tenderness - a remedy based on clay and propolis, leaves mother and stepmother. The instructions say that it is an anti-paradontal remedy, but it is also used to treat warts that form on the mucous membranes and any tender areas, for example, on the face, neck. Apply a thin layer, it is possible under the compress.
Cambrian spolok is an antiherpetic drug used to treat warts caused by the herpes group virus. Studies in recent years have shown that this tool is used for any warts of viral origin, not only for herpes lesions. Apply a thin layer to the skin. The composition includes clay, Hypericum extract, propolis.
By surgery resorted to if the wart reaches a sufficiently large size, if they occur in the mucous membranes, as well as if they are located on the legs, and there is a risk of detachment and bleeding. The indications for removal also include the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm, but in this case the final decision is made after consulting an oncologist.
The basis of prevention of senile warts lies primarily in the improvement of immunity, as well as the elimination of viral infection. It should periodically be consulted by an immunologist, virologist, oncologist, to be tested for viruses, latent infection. It is important to drink vitamin, minerals and, if necessary, immunostimulating and antiviral agents. A prerequisite is proper nutrition, maintaining optimal water-salt balance, the use of anti-aging cosmetics, masks, periodic visits to the cosmetologist. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, observe the daily regimen, do not overcool, minimize the effects of stress on the body, and do physical therapy. Gymnastics, breathing and relaxing practices to slow down the aging process.
In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Senile warts can be removed surgically, or they can be stopped by medication and local treatment.