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Plaster from corns and warts Salipod: composition, how to use
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Corns on the feet and fingers - it is not just ugly. A gradual increase in the painful growth, its ingrowth into deeply located tissues makes it difficult for a person to walk, pain occurs. In such a situation, Salipod plaster helps many patients - this is a special tool designed to quickly get rid of dry and core callused formations.
Indications Salipod plaster
Salipod plaster is ideal for getting rid of dry callus formations: unlike other dosage forms (for example, ointment or cream), the plaster is perfectly attached to the skin, it acts localized and does not damage clothes and shoes.
The patch is easy to use, effective and well accepted by patients: it is commonly used to get rid of growths related to hyperkeratosis - the growth of the surface epidermal layer.
The basic indications for the appointment of Salipod plaster are:
- dry calluses;
- coarse corns of the type of corns;
- corns with a core (ingrown types of formations);
- warts caused by the IF virus (plantar type).
Release form
The plaster Salipod is a material with a medical impregnation and a sticky base for fixing on the skin. The composition of the impregnation allows to soften the horny skin area as much as possible, to accelerate the tightening of cracks.
Salipod plaster can be purchased in two sizes:
- narrow medical strip with dimensions of 2x10;
- 6x10 wide standard strip.
Each strip has a protective layer and an individual contour single package as a package.
A cardboard box may contain 4 or 11 packs of patches.
The composition of the patch Salipod
The composition of the medicinal product Salipod represented by such ingredients (indicated percentage):
- salicylic acid - 32.8
- precipitated sulfur - 8.1
- natural rubber - 22.4
- anhydrous lanolin - 9
- pine rosin - 17,7
The basic active ingredient is salicylic acid, due to which the tissues soften.
Sulfur plays the role of a bactericidal agent that inhibits the development of microbial and fungal cells.
Remaining in the list of substances have an auxiliary value and do not carry therapeutic load.
The complex effect of the Salipod patch is due to the antiseptic and keratolytic effect of the ingredients of the impregnation agent.
Due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition, sulfur quickly and deeply penetrates deep into the skin layers, providing an antimicrobial and exfoliating effect.
External local use of the patch leads to exfoliation of tissues, death of pathogens. As ancillary effects can be called a distracting and annoying property of the drug.
The sulfur component of Salipod makes coarse skin soft, exfoliating keratinized epithelial tissue, providing long-lasting increased acidity at the necessary site, which is detrimental to fungal and bacterial flora.
Pine Rosin has a bonding and light antiseptic effect; other ingredients lightly dry, localize the focus, potentiate the activity of the active base.
Dosing and administration
Standard Salipod is used as follows:
- before gluing, steam your foot in warm water and dry it (on wet skin, the product will not hold);
- they pick up a plaster strip of the required size, remove a protective transparent layer from it and glue it onto the corpus collosum.
A similar procedure is suitable if applied from corns of relatively large size - for example, from corns or from spurs on the heel.
How much to keep the patch Salipod? Typically, the duration of carrying funds is two days. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated up to three or four times (for example, with deep-sprouted formations).
What to do after Salipoda? As we have already said, after two days the tool is removed, and the growth is cut off with tweezers or nail scissors, trying to remove all of the education along with the root. If this could not be done, then only the top layer is cut off, and then the patch is applied again (of course, it is impossible to reuse the same preparation, you need to get it fresh from the package). So the procedure is repeated three or four times to completely remove the growth.
- A patch of the smallest size is applied from core calluses: they cut off the necessary part of the tape in order to cover only the corpus callosum, but not the healthy nearby located tissue. Additionally, Salipod is fixed with an ordinary adhesive tape or a bactericidal adhesive plaster. It is easier to get rid of the corns if the feet are steamed and dried beforehand. Hold the tool on the corpus callosum for two days, after which everything is removed, and the growth is cut off. Deep corn with a rod is usually removed for 3-4 approaches.
- From plantar warts, the plaster is used pointwise: a circle is cut out of it corresponding to the diameter of the growth, they are glued, and from above it is additionally fixed with an ordinary adhesive tape or adhesive tape. Kept for 48 hours, then - remove the tape and cut the softened wart along with the root. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
- If the patch is used for papillomas, then it should be removed within a day after gluing. The procedure is carried out as follows: scissors cut out part of the adhesive strip, in accordance with the size of the papilloma. Glue the cut piece to the formation, fixed with an ordinary adhesive plaster. After 24 hours, everything is removed and the papilloma is cut as far as possible “under the root”, trying not to damage healthy tissue. Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated twice more to completely get rid of the tumor.
- Some patients use Salipod not quite standard - for example, from nail fungus. Take a piece of plaster, cut it to the shape of the nail plate and glued to the affected area, preventing the ingress of funds on the skin. Above you can fix the usual bactericidal adhesive plaster. Two days later, the tool is removed, the nail is cleaned with tweezers or tweezers. If necessary, additionally use keratolytic ointments or creams.
Application for children
The instruction states that you should not use the patch Salipod for the treatment of children under the age of ten. However, in practice it is sometimes used - but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.
The categorical age limit for using the product is children under three years old. At this age, the skin is too thin and tender, which greatly increases the likelihood of a burn. In addition, up to this age period, the child has an increased risk of developing an allergic process and contact dermatitis.
In no case should such a treatment be carried out on a child alone, without a doctor's prescription: the Salipod plaster contains aggressive substances that can harm the child’s body.
Use Salipod plaster during pregnancy
The instructions indicate that pregnancy and lactation period are contraindications for using the patch Salipod. This is due, most likely, to the fact that the patch can cause allergic and other undesirable processes, which are extremely undesirable in these periods of a woman’s life.
Whatever the temptation to get rid of corns during pregnancy, it is better to postpone the procedure of using the patch Salipod until the end of the breastfeeding period. Or apply another type of treatment approved by the doctor.
The instruction indicates such contraindications to the use of the patch Salipod:
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients that make up the plaster;
- allergic mood of the body to the ingredients of the drug;
- birthmarks, pigment spots in the zone of the intended impact of Salipod;
- decompensated diseases of the kidneys, liver;
- the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the baby;
- children up to 10 years;
- pimples, ulcers, scratches, wounds, bleeding cracks in the area of the expected impact of Salipod;
- wet corns, bubbly fresh corns.
Salipod plaster is not applied on healthy skin, but only on areas with enhanced growth of the stratum corneum epithelium.
Side effects Salipod plaster
External application of the patch Salipod may be accompanied by a number of adverse events. For example, allergic processes, hyperemia, burning sensation, tingling and itching under the plaster are not uncommon. There are cases of the development of contact dermatitis after applying Salipod.
If after sticking the remedy, the discomfort does not go away for 10-15 minutes, but only aggravates - for example, swelling increases, the burning becomes sharp, pain appears, then the plaster should be removed and the skin cleaned with warm water and detergent.
When using a patch on damaged skin or on wet calluses, skin irritation may occur up to a chemical burn. In order to prevent such a complication, it is necessary to avoid sticking Salipod to the skin covered with scratches, scuffs, bleeding cracks. Neither should a wet callus formation be treated with a plaster.
If the corn from the patch Salipod has not disappeared and has not softened, then, probably, the shelf life of this tool has expired: in such a situation, you need to double-check its release date. If the tool was purchased not in a pharmacy, then a counterfeit option is not excluded. Poor plaster can damage the body and damage healthy tissue, causing irritation and burn damage to the skin.
After the patch of Salipod, did the skin turn white and soften? This is a completely normal reaction to the action of salicylic acid. But we should not forget that such an action should affect only the area of the corn and not go beyond it. Blanching the surrounding healthy tissue indicates that Salipod was not properly glued, causing damage to nearby areas.
Storage conditions
Salipod plaster is retained in warm, dry rooms darkened from sunlight. The optimal ambient temperature for storing the product is +20 or + 25 ° C.
Children’s access to places where medicines are usually stored should be blocked.
The plaster must not be wetted, kept in the refrigerator or near the radiators.
Shelf life
The suitability of the drug is determined by the date of its manufacture and is two years. After this period, the patch ceases to perform its functions, becomes ineffective, badly glued. This expired drug must be discarded.
How to replace the patch Salipod, analogues
Direct analogue of the patch Salipod with a similar composition does not exist. However, other adhesive plasters have a similar keratolytic effect, for example:
- Compid ;
- Mozolin.
In addition, instead of patches you can use the ointment: Flexitol, Hemozol, Verrukacid, Papillek, Denavtilin, etc.
The plaster Kompid from corns has several varieties at once: from dry and wet growths, from natoptys, etc. The composition of the product is represented by croscarmellose sodium, gelatin, and resins. The manufacturer is a well-known company Johnson and Johnson.
Many patients instead of the patch successfully use a special solution Verrukatsid consisting of phenol, meta-cresol and alcohol. The liquid produces a cauterizing effect, folding the protein portion of the skin. Verrukacid is indicated to get rid of warts, papillomas, condylomas, keratomas, dry callused growths. Moles do not remove this drug.
Some people are wondering if a lidocaine plaster will help with corns? Such a patch does not have a keratolytic effect, its purpose is the relief of neuropathic pain. Therefore, in case of callous formations, its use is inexpedient.
Lap pens are another easy-to-use tool that allows you to safely remove a wart, papilloma and other similar pathological growths in just three days. The composition of the product is represented by potassium and silver nitrates.
Salicylic ointment is perhaps the cheapest option for callus, but it does not take more than one week to treat (and you will have to apply the ointment several times a day). The optimal concentration of salicylic ointment to remove skin growths - 10%. More active similar drugs are Hemosol, Ugrokor and Kerasal.
If you apply the patch Salipod competently and in accordance with the instructions, you can successfully and in a short time to eliminate the problematic growth. Many patients share their tricks to enhance the effect of treatment:
- pre-steamed and dried skin is better treatable, since the active ingredients of the plaster impregnate penetrate into the tissue faster;
- do not combine treatment with a plaster and taking resorcinol or zinc oxide;
- if you accidentally stuck the tool wrong, and skin irritation happened, then the treatment is better to be postponed for several days, until complete healing and restoration of the skin;
- Removing the patch should not be sharp: no need to make a breakthrough, you need to remove carefully and gradually.
Salipod plaster really performs its task - to get rid of dry skin growths. However, to remove moles such a tool is not used: the procedure is carried out only in the surgical department or in a special clinic, but not at home.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Plaster from corns and warts Salipod: composition, how to use" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.