



Aneuploidy is a genetic condition in which a cell or organism has an irregular number of chromosomes other than the typical or diploid (2n) set of chromosomes for the species.

Pfeiffer syndrome

Pfeiffer syndrome (SP, Pfeiffer syndrome) is a rare genetic developmental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the formation of the head and face, as well as deformities of the bones of the skull and the hands and feet.

Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (also known as Rett syndrome) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder that affects brain and nervous system development, usually in girls.


Overwork (or fatigue) is a condition where the body experiences physical and/or psychological exhaustion due to overexertion and lack of rest.


One of the rare hereditary connective tissue pathologies is arachnodactyly - deformity of the fingers, accompanied by lengthening of the tubular bones, skeletal curvatures, disorders of the cardiovascular system and visual organs.

Ectodermal dysplasia

A relatively rare disease - ectodermal dysplasia - is a genetic disorder, accompanied by a disorder in the functionality and structure of the derived elements of the outer layer of the skin. 

Tholos-Hunt Syndrome

Syndrome of the superior orbital fissure, pathological ophthalmoplegia - all this is nothing more than Tholos Hunt syndrome, which is a lesion of structures in the superior orbital fissure. 

Svayer syndrome

The disease can have several names: it is often called female gonadal dysgenesis, or simply gonadal dysgenesis. 

Möbius syndrome in children

A congenital anomaly caused by an abnormal structure of the cranial nerves is the Moebius syndrome. Consider its causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and correction.

Hemophagocytic syndrome in children: primary, secondary

A rare and complex disease - hemophagocytic syndrome, is called hemophagocytic lymphogystyocytosis. 


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