

Injuries and poisonings

Ethylene glycol vapor poisoning

Ethylene glycol intoxication most often occurs in manufacturing facilities.

Electrolyte vapor poisoning

Damage to the body is possible both by inhalation of electrolyte vapors and ingestion of the substance.

Chemical vapor poisoning

One of the types of chemical intoxication is vapor poisoning. Consider the main types of body damage, methods of treatment and prevention, possible complications.

Sodium azide vapor poisoning

Sodium azide NaN3 is a compound of sodium amide and nitrous oxide.

Oil vapor poisoning

Occupational intoxication occurs in upstream and downstream industries in people who come into contact with crude oil or its distillation products.

Formaldehyde vapor poisoning

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that dissolves well in water. The substance is produced by oxidizing methanol on an industrial scale.

Toluene vapor poisoning

Toluene is a hydrocarbon, a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor.

Hydrocarbon vapor poisoning

Symptoms of petroleum product damage have different symptomatology, which depends on both the type of toxin and the pathway of its penetration into the body.

Hydrogen peroxide vapor poisoning

Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) in a small concentration has powerful antiseptic properties.


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