

Injuries and poisonings

Acetone vapor poisoning

Exposure to acetone vapors causes irritation and swelling of the nasopharynx, resulting in shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

Poisoning with borschtovirus

The furocoumarins found in borage instantly increase the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation

Ammonia vapor poisoning

Human damage by ammonia is possible if the substance got on mucous membranes or skin, penetrated into the GI tract.

Chlorine vapor poisoning

Chlorinated substances have an aggressive effect on the skin, so the risk of vapor poisoning increases if safety measures during cleaning are neglected.

Vinegar vapor poisoning

Intoxication with vinegar vapor refers to chemical burns. The way in which the dangerous substance enters the body does not matter.

Glue vapor poisoning

Glue poisoning, also known as "inhalation poisoning," occurs when a person inhales glue vapors or fumes.

Dichlofos vapor poisoning

Dichlofos is a chemical preparation designed to kill insects in residential and industrial premises.

Cervical hernia

Cervical herniation involves displacement of the pulposus (gelatinous) nucleus of the intervertebral disc beyond the surrounding fibrous ring.

Ankle fracture with dislocation

A displaced ankle fracture is defined when there is displacement of the broken bone fragments.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra

A cervical vertebral subluxation is defined when the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae are displaced relative to each other while still in contact, but the natural anatomical location of their articular surfaces is disrupted.


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