

Sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases)


Neurosyphilis is a form of syphilis, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.

Syphilitic rash

The second stage of syphilis, a dangerous sexually transmitted disease, is the syphilitic rash. It is a typical reddish-pinkish skin rash that usually does not spread over the whole body, but appears locally.

A solid chancre

Object of primary syphiloma, fleshy ulcer: these names all describe the hard chancre that forms on the skin and mucous membranes as a sign of primary syphilis.

Treatment of candidiasis brown in glycerin

It is not always possible to treat thrush medicine (for example, during pregnancy, in newborns), therefore, sometimes there is a need to use alternative means and herbal remedies.

What to wash with men with thrush?

One of the most effective means of combating thrush is mandatory compliance with hygiene rules. None, even the most powerful treatment, can not have a positive effect if a man does not comply with hygiene.

How to be treated a man, if a woman has thrush?

Thrush in men - a very unpleasant phenomenon, so it must be treated. And you need to do this as soon as possible. To do this, you need to contact the urologist as soon as possible, go through the necessary diagnostics, get treatment.

What causes thrush in men and is it transmitted from a woman?

Thrush in men is rare. Basically, it affects men with reduced immunity, impaired metabolism, impaired and altered hormonal background.

Thrush in men: whether it happens, tests, consequences, prevention

Basically, traditionally, it is commonly believed that this disease affects women. But such a judgment is erroneous: thrush in men is also quite common in medical practice.

Alternative treatment of thrush in men

In order to determine how to treat thrush, you need to understand exactly what the disease is, and also understand the mechanism of its emergence and maintenance. So, thrush can be described as a disease of fungal origin, caused by fungi of the genus Candida.


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