Thrush in men: whether it happens, tests, consequences, prevention
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, one of the common pathologies of the genito-urinary tract is thrush. This condition, which develops against a background of reduced immunity and violation of metabolic processes. Also for the development of thrush is a mandatory condition is a decrease in immunity. Basically, traditionally, it is commonly believed that this disease affects women. But such a judgment is erroneous: thrush in men is also quite common in medical practice.
Do men suffer from thrush?
It is worth dispelling a very common myth today that only women suffer from thrush. This is fundamentally wrong. Men are also sick with thrush. Proof of this is the pathogenesis and etiological factors that contribute to the development of this disease. So, thrush develops against a background of reduced immunity. When it decreases in the genitals, a dysbacteriosis develops, in which the normal microflora is disturbed.
At the same time, the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is significantly reduced, and pathogenic strains take their place. Most often it is a fungus of the genus Candida. But there may be other representatives of bacterial and fungal flora. All this contributes to the development of the inflammatory process, the progression of infection and inflammation. Thus, from all this it is not difficult to conclude that thrush can affect both men and women, because all these processes occur both in the male and in the female body.
Nevertheless, we can not disagree with the statement that thrush more often affects women than men. Indeed, in women, thrush is diagnosed approximately 3 times more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the woman, the physiological characteristics, the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the functioning of the nervous system. Also, women's immunity is initially lower than that of men.
Is thrush dangerous for men?
Thrush represents discomfort rather than danger, as it is accompanied by itching, burning, irritation in the genital area. Also, there are white precipitations of cheesy color, which represent a cluster of purulent exudate, dead leukocytes and other cells. Also thrush can be dangerous with a greatly reduced immunity and a disturbed hormonal background, with microbiocenosis, especially congenital, as the disease can intensively progress, colonize other biotopes. Especially dangerous is the progression of fungal infection, in particular, representatives of the genus Candida.
Complications and consequences
Thrush occurs against a background of reduced immunity and with disturbed microbiocenosis of the urogenital tract. Therefore, if the milkwoman is not treated, it can lead to further progression of the dysbacteriosis. As a consequence, the normal state of the mucous membrane is disrupted, colonization resistance may decrease and the system of nonspecific resistance of the membrane, normal regulation of local immunity, may be disrupted.
Complication of thrush can be the development of fungal infection, in particular, Candidiasis, which covers not only the urogenital tract, but also other organs and systems. Also, as a complication, consider a bacterial infection, an increase in the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora, not only in the main biotope, but also in other microbiocenoses. The most dangerous complication (however rare) may be bacteremia or sepsis, in which the infection penetrates the blood and forms a new focus of infection. Also thrush can reduce potency.
Does thrush affect men's potency?
Thrush is caused by a rather dangerous fungus, which adversely affects the body as a whole, on the functional state of the genital organs, and also significantly reduces libido (sexual desire), potency, negatively affects reproductive function (including sperm activity, their mobility, ability survive in the urogenital tract of a woman, penetrate the egg and fertilize it).
Diagnostics of the thrush in men
To make a diagnosis, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and choose the best treatment. The sooner the treatment is started, the sooner the recovery will come. The doctor examines the patient. The survey can be very informative and contain the necessary information for further diagnosis. It is necessary to have general information, an anamnesis of life and illness. Here, the cause of the pathology may disappear, after eliminating which, one can be cured of the disease.
Anamnesis of the disease is important, because on its basis it is possible to judge the features of the course of the disease, to predict its further development and outcome. Very useful information can be absolutely any information about the disease: the circumstances of the occurrence, the presence of itching, irritation, discharge: how they developed, whether they give discomfort to the patient, whether there are circumstances in which the pathology increases or, conversely, decreases. It is important to inform the doctor about the treatment, preventive measures, lifestyle in general, the presence of sexual partners.
Then the doctor examines the patient. Usually urologic examination is used, in which the doctor carefully examines the genitals, discovers a pathology. Classical methods of research, such as palpation, percussion, auscultation are also used. During palpation, the doctor probes the inguinal area, the nearest lymph nodes, assesses possible lesions, the degree of hyperemia, swelling, and local temperature. Auscultation and percussion are used much less often, mainly in the spread of pathology. If necessary, laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation can be assigned, and differential diagnostics may be required.
First of all, a bacteriological study is carried out, during which the causative agent of the disease, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics are determined. Also, an analysis of antibiotic susceptibility may be required in parallel. In the course of this analysis, the causative agent of the disease is isolated, and the optimal dosage of the drug is selected, which will have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect.
Also traditionally prescribed clinical tests: blood, urine, feces. They allow us to assess the overall orientation of the processes occurring in the body. With the help of these analyzes, one can roughly determine which process is occurring in the body: an inflammatory, infectious, or allergic process. For example, if you detect a large amount of protein in the urine, you can talk about the development of the inflammatory process in the kidneys. With an increase in ESR, leukocytes can also talk about the inflammatory process. We can also assume the development of an allergic process in the case of an increase in the blood of eosinophils, histamine.
Then the nature and direction of further research is determined. For example, for suspected allergic diseases, allergic tests, analysis of the content of the total and specific immunoglobulin E, and the level of histamine are prescribed to clarify the data.
Often appoint an expanded immunogram, seeding on a dysbacteriosis or fungal infection. These analyzes allow you to accurately determine the cause of the pathology. Very informative may be sowing, or scraping from the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract.
If there is a suspicion of a viral infectious disease, virological studies are prescribed, which will allow to differentiate the viral disease from bacterial or fungal infection. With a disease of unclear etiology, a study is conducted on hidden infections, parasitic diseases.
Analysis of thrush in men
Basically, first of all, a smear or a scraping from the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract is prescribed. This makes it possible to isolate the pathogen that caused the disease to develop, as well as to select the medicinal product that has activity against the isolated microorganisms. Also, during the study, the optimal dosage of the drug is selected.
Most often, the study is carried out by the method of microscopy, during which the microorganisms are searched for in a sample under a microscope, which can cause pathology, and then determine their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, basic properties.
Also, laboratory methods such as PCR-polymerase chain reaction are used, during which the filament and DNA fragments of the pathogen microorganism are isolated in the test sample. Also, various serological rapid tests are used, during which the microorganisms are determined and counted in a relatively short time. Serological tests are the fastest, but they are less accurate. The most accurate methods are microscopy and PCR.
Smear on thrush in men
In order to make a smear, it is necessary first and foremost to take biological material correctly. For this purpose in the morning, without preliminary washing and other hygienic procedures, the doctor takes a fence of the contents of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. In this case, it is necessary to observe the conditions of sterility: a smear is taken with special sterile swabs or cotton swabs, which are then quickly placed in a test tube or a petri dish with a nutrient medium.
Then the biological material is sent to the laboratory, where the necessary studies are carried out.
It is also important not to drink alcohol a few days before the analysis, and also not to take any medications. It is necessary to cancel antibiotic therapy, or any other treatment with antibacterial drugs, antiseptics. Even local treatment is contraindicated, since it kills pathogenic microorganisms, and the analysis will simply not be informative, the causative agent of the disease will not be revealed.
Differential diagnosis
First of all, you need to determine whether thrush is an independent disease, or acts as one of the symptoms of another disease. Also, thrush can be the result of prolonged antibiotic treatment, the consequence of chemotherapy, the consequence or complication of another, more severe disease.
Often thrush is a consequence of the manifestation of any skin disease, allergic or other reaction. To establish a differential diagnosis in this case, use laboratory and instrumental methods of research, in particular: scraping, smears, immunograms, allergens. It is also necessary to exclude other diseases that have similar manifestations. For example, one often has to differentiate with various sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, apply bacteriological screenings, crops, analysis for dysbiosis, for hidden infections, for certain infectious diseases.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the thrush in men
The most effective way to treat thrush is to increase immunity. To do this, you need to see a doctor, take the necessary tests, and, depending on what deviations are found in the immune status, take the necessary measures. So, immunocorrectors, immunosuppressors, immunostimulants, infusion therapy, preparations for removal of autoimmune reactions, or for normalization of sensitivity and sensibilization of an organism may be required. Everything depends on the direction of pathological processes.
It may also be necessary to correct the microbiological background, eliminate dysbiosis and dysbiosis. In particular, this may require probiotics, prebiotics, local and systemic means of normalizing the microbiocenosis. Antibacterial or antifungal therapy may also be prescribed. When detecting viruses, prescribe antiviral drugs, with allergic reactions prescribed antihistamines and antiallergic drugs.
Symptomatic therapy may be required, in particular, local remedies for eliminating itching, burning, irritation, for the localization of inflammatory and infectious processes.
Often, medical treatment, but also can be applied and physiotherapy. Also very effective are homeopathic, folk remedies, phytopreparations. In most cases, treatment is complex. Only with normal immunity thrush in men passes independently, without any treatment.
In order to ensure prevention, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, and also to ensure that immunity is always at a high level. Do not allow dysbiosis. Particular attention must be paid to your health after antibiotic therapy, because at this time the risk of dysbacteriosis, and, accordingly, fungal infection increases substantially. After a course of antibiotics, you need to drink probiotics, which allow you to normalize the microflora. You also need to drink vitamins, mineral supplements. Do not overcool, tolerate fatigue.
Prevention of thrush for men if a woman is sick
If a man has strong immunity, he may not get sick. But it is better not to risk and drink for the prevention of an antifungal agent - fluconazole. For the prevention of a single dose of the drug.
Sex with thrush in men
Thrush is not an obstacle to having sex. But we must remember that there is a possibility of infection for a woman, if her immunity is reduced. Therefore, to prevent a woman, it is also better to drink an antifungal agent.
Hygiene in thrush in men
In order to reduce the degree of contamination with fungal microflora, it is recommended to wash at least 2-3 times a day. It is better to use special means to maintain hygiene with thrush, or antibacterial agents. Usual soap should not be used. It is better to use laundry soap.
If you start treatment in time, thrush in men is fast enough. Sometimes it goes without special antifungal treatment. To do this, it is necessary to normalize the state of microflora and increase immunity. If the disease is not treated, it will progress, complications will arise. Infection can spread to other organs.
Can it pass the thrush itself in men?
Thrush in men quite often passes itself due to the fact that the state of immunity is normalized. With reduced immunity, thrush alone does not pass. In this case, it requires special treatment, in particular, the appointment of funds that promote the normalization of immunity. Also, the thrush itself can pass in the event that the cause of the pathology is eliminated. For example, it is necessary to normalize the microflora.
Through how many passes a thrush at men?
Everything depends on the state of immunity and the state of the microflora of the urogenital tract, as well as other biotopes. Thrush with normal immunity can pass and independently, without concomitant treatment. Usually it takes from 1 to 2-3 weeks. However, if you treat thrush, it can take from 1 to 7 days. The minimum duration of treatment is 1 day.
Most often it is antifungal therapy (for example, fluconazole, which quickly and efficiently kills the fungus and normalizes the microflora). When treated with probiotics, which normalize the microflora, it may take 3-7 days for a complete recovery of the body.