


Creative thinking: the key to innovation and progress

Creative thinking is not just the artist's ability to create works of art.

Verbal and logical reasoning: a foundation for critical analysis

Verbal and logical thinking is one of the most important components of human intellectual activity.

Anxiously avoidant type of attachment

An anxiously avoidant type of attachment (also known as disorganized attachment) is one of the four basic attachment types in attachment theory developed by Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby

Properties of human consciousness

Human consciousness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been studied by philosophers, psychologists, neurophysiologists, and other scientists.

Self-development: where to start?

Self-development is a process of continuous learning and growth that helps you develop your skills, knowledge and personal qualities.


Catharsis is a psychological process during which a person experiences a cleansing and release of negative emotions, tensions, and inner conflicts through expression in art, words, drama, or other creative forms.

Manipulation of consciousness: main methods

Mind manipulation refers to an attempt to influence a person's consciousness in order to change their thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or behavior.

Self-awareness: definition, structure, levels, development

Self-awareness is a person's ability to realize and understand himself as an individual, to have an idea of his personality, his thoughts, feelings, desires, motives, values and his role in the world.

Consciousness: definition, structure, attributes

Consciousness is a complex and multifaceted concept that describes an individual's ability to perceive and realize the world around them, their own thoughts, feelings and state.

Forms, functions and properties of consciousness

Consciousness is a complex psychological state that can have different forms and manifestations. Psychology and neuroscience distinguish several forms of consciousness


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