


Clip thinking: understanding contemporary cognitive reality

Clique thinking (or imaginative thinking) is a way of thinking in which information is presented as concrete images, scenes, pictures, or "clips" in the mind.

Theoretical thinking: thinking that transforms the world

Theoretical thinking is a complex cognitive process that involves analysis, abstraction, and systematization of knowledge to understand and explain various phenomena.

Functions of thinking: the basis of the human mind

Thinking is a unique and complex function of the human brain that allows us to analyze information, solve problems, and think creatively.

Rational thinking: the basis for a logical approach to life

Rational thinking is the process of using logic and reason to analyze data and form conclusions.

Visual-action thinking: the path to practical understanding of the world

In a cognitive world that often emphasizes abstract and theoretical thinking, visual-action thinking stands as the key to practical understanding and interaction with the world around us

Visual imaginative thinking: the key to a visual understanding of the world

Visual and imaginative thinking plays a key role in many aspects of human endeavor, from creativity to technical and scientific research.

Anxious personality type

Anxious personality type is a concept used in psychology to describe certain traits and personality traits in a person.

Thinking and doing: interrelationship and impact on human development

Thinking and doing are two fundamental aspects of human existence. Psychologists, philosophers and sociologists have long studied how they influence each other and together shape human personality and culture.

Language and thinking: the inseparable link between human consciousness

Language and thinking are two fundamental aspects of human cognitive activity. Since ancient times, philosophers, linguists and psychologists have been reflecting on how these two spheres are interconnected.

Abstract thinking: the path to a deeper understanding of reality

In today's increasingly complex world, abstract thinking is a key tool for innovation, progress and understanding.


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