

Visual-action thinking: the path to practical understanding of the world

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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In a world of cognitive processes that often emphasizes abstract and theoretical thinking, visual-action thinking acts as a key to practical understanding and interaction with the world around us. This type of thinking proves to be particularly important in learning, developing new skills, and solving everyday problems.

What is visual-action thinking?

Visual-action thinking is a mode of information processing in which a person uses concrete visual and physical interactions to understand and solve problems. This process involves observing, manipulating, and experimenting with physical objects to enhance understanding of principles and concepts.

Features of visual-action thinking

  1. Practicality: based on real, tangible experiences rather than abstract ideas.
  2. Visual perception: involves the active use of visual perception to process information.
  3. Manual activities: often involving needlework, construction, and other physical activities.
  4. Experimentation: involves actively exploring and trying different methods to achieve a practical result.

Real-life applications

  • Education: used to educate children and adults through hands-on experience, experimentation, and hands-on activities.
  • Vocational training: important in occupations requiring manual skills such as medicine, engineering, art.
  • Dealing with everyday tasks: assists with household tasks and craft activities.

Development of visual-action thinking

The development of visual-action thinking is an important part of the cognitive and educational process, especially in childhood. This type of thinking emphasizes physical interaction with the world around us and the practical application of knowledge. Here are some effective methods and approaches for developing visual-action thinking:

1. Interactive learning

  • Experiments and hands-on activities: organizing laboratory work, design projects and craft workshops where children can physically interact with materials.
  • Playful methods: using educational games that require manipulation of objects, such as building constructors, puzzles and board games.

2. Manual arts and creativity

  • Art projects: drawing, sculpting, collage making and other art activities that promote motor skills and spatial perception.
  • Crafts and constructions: projects to create simple mechanisms, models or crafts where children can assemble and disassemble objects.

3. Physical activity and research

  • Educational field trips: trips to museums, nature or science centers where children can observe and interact with objects and phenomena.
  • Research tasks: tasks that require observation, data collection, and analysis of the environment.

4. Visual aids for learning

  • Instruction through visual aids: using charts, diagrams, and illustrations to explain concepts.
  • Multimedia resources: educational videos and interactive applications demonstrating processes and phenomena.

5. Stimulation of logical thinking

  • Logic and problem-solving tasks: riddles, math puzzles and logic games that require a hands-on approach to solving.

6. Parent-teacher interaction

  • Support and direction: Adults can stimulate visual-action thinking by asking questions, suggesting ideas, and helping children explore different approaches to tasks.

Formation of visual-action thinking

Visual-action thinking is a process that involves developing the ability to solve problems and understand the world through direct interaction and manipulation with objects. This type of thinking is especially important in early childhood, when children explore their environment through touch, experimentation, and play. Here are some strategies and techniques that can help build visual-action thinking:

1. Games and physical activities

  • Constructors and building games: using lego, blocks and other construction games helps children understand spatial relationships and develops their ability to plan and build.
  • Jigsaw puzzles and puzzles: solving jigsaw puzzles promotes spatial thinking and enhances the ability to visually analyze.

2. Manual arts and creativity

  • Drawing and sculpting: artistic and creative activities improve motor skills, attention to detail, and the ability to visualize ideas.
  • Crafts and diy projects: hands-on projects such as model making, sewing or working with tools develop practical skills and an understanding of materials.

3. Scientific experiments

  • Simple science experiments: experiments that can be done at home or in the classroom help children understand science concepts through hands-on experience.
  • Nature observation: exploring nature, observing plants and animals helps to develop observation and understanding of natural processes.

4. Use of teaching aids

  • Interactive learning games: learning games that include elements of physical interaction can enhance understanding of the material.
  • Models and demonstrations: using physical models to explain complex concepts or systems.

5. Support and interaction

  • Parental or teacher involvement: Adults can support the development of visual-action thinking by organizing joint projects, games and experiments.
  • Feedback and direction: providing feedback and guidance during the learning process helps children understand how their actions relate to outcomes.

Peculiarities of visually effective thinking

Visual-action thinking is a unique cognitive process that plays an important role in understanding and interacting with the world around us. This type of thinking is particularly significant during the early developmental years, but it also remains important into adulthood. Here are the key features of visual-action thinking:

Main features

  1. Direct interaction with objects: Visual-action thinking is based on physical interaction with objects and the environment. This includes manipulation, experimentation and observation.
  2. Development of motor skills and coordination: this type of thinking is closely related to the development of motor skills and manual coordination.
  3. Concreteness and practicality: visual-action thinking focuses on concrete, tangible results rather than abstract concepts.
  4. Using sensory experiences: this thinking involves using all five senses to gain information about the world around us.

Application to learning and development

  • Early learning: in childhood, visual-action thinking promotes making sense of the physical world through play and exploration.
  • Technical and vocational skills: in adulthood, this thinking is important for developing specialized skills such as mechanics, engineering, surgery, and trades.

Development of visual-action thinking

  • Interactive games and activities: games that require physical interaction, such as building with blocks or drawing.
  • Practical exercises: activities involving assembly, model making, or craft work.

Importance for cognitive development

Visual-action thinking is important for general cognitive development because it promotes spatial perception, logical reasoning, and problem solving.

Visual-action thinking techniques

Visual-action thinking techniques focus on developing the ability to understand and solve problems through direct interaction with the physical world. These techniques are particularly useful in education and vocational training because they strengthen understanding of the concrete, tangible aspects of objects and phenomena. Here are some effective techniques:

1. Experiential learning

  • Laboratory work and experiments: practical tasks, such as scientific experiments or technical projects, allow you to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
  • Field studies: observing and studying objects in their natural environment contributes to a deep understanding of the subjects of study.

2. Handicrafts and construction

  • Craft activities: working with tools, model making, or hands-on activities such as modeling, sewing, and carpentry reinforce understanding of materials and processes.
  • Construction games: using lego or mechanical building sets helps to develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills.

3. Visual teaching methods

  • Use of instructions and diagrams: working with instructions, drawings and diagrams helps to develop the ability to understand and complete tasks in stages.
  • Multimedia resources: instructional videos and interactive applications that demonstrate processes and phenomena can supplement the practical experience.

4. Role-playing games and simulations

  • Simulation games: creating scenarios where students can "role play" different professional or life situations.
  • Virtual simulators: the use of computer simulators to model complex processes or activities.

5. Physical activity and research

  • Sports and movement games: physical activity requiring coordination, balance and tactical thinking.
  • Orienteering and exploratory tasks: activities related to navigation and cartography develop spatial thinking and orientation skills.

6. Learning through tactile sensations

  • Materials with different textures: using objects with different surfaces and properties to develop tactile skills and perception.

Visual-action thinking plays a central role in learning and skill development. It helps to link theoretical knowledge with practical skills, making learning more effective and meaningful. The development of this type of thinking contributes to a deeper understanding of the world and provides the basis for successful application of knowledge in real life.

Literature used

Psychology of Development. Edited by A.K. Bolotova and O.N. Molchanova. - Moscow: CheRo, 2005

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