
Information about doctor

Lior Cohen - one of the most famous experts in psychology, has extensive experience in clinical practice. He is interested in studying and treating phobic disorders (in particular, social ones), stressful post-traumatic disorders, obsessive-compulsive syndromes, panic and depressive states, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and destructive behavioral disorders. Practicing the treatment of all kinds of life crisis disorders.

Uses in his practice group plan psychotherapy. To get rid of some psychological problems, addictions, to combat stress involves hypnotherapy. He advocates the use of an integrated multidisciplinary approach, seeks advice from other specialized specialists, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of therapy.

Lior Cohen He is a Doctor of Medicine, a lecturer in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Jerusalem Hebrew University, is a member of the association of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Association
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