In medicine, there has long been such a concept as orthopnea, literally meaning that a person has shortness of breath lying down: meanwhile, in a standing position, breathing is not difficult.
If there is dyspnea after fever, then most often it indicates a significant amount of lung damage or the accession of cardiac pathologies, which, in turn, can be complicated by oxygen deprivation or other diseases and conditions.
The symptom, which is manifested by difficulty and prolongation of the expiratory phase of breathing - exhalation - and causes a feeling of discomfort when breathing, is defined in medicine as expiratory dyspnea.
Intermittent inspiratory dyspnea is a condition that a person may not notice at first, although it often indicates the development of serious diseases.
If a patient has a combination of inspiratory (during inhalation) and inspiratory (during exhalation) breathing difficulties, specialists use a term such as mixed dyspnea.
When the lumen of small branches of the bronchial tree is narrowed, it is said that bronchospasm has occurred, associated with prolonged reflex contraction of smooth muscle fibers present in the bronchi and bronchioles.
Pneumonias are subdivided according to the degree of lung damage. If the inflammatory process covers only the lobes, not spreading to the vessels and alveoli, then we talk about pleuropneumonia, or pneumonia krupoznaya - a disease of infectious nature, which can be provoked by viruses, microbes or fungi.