

Examination of the body

Diagnosis in dermatology using the Wood's lamp

For almost a century, a simple, safe, and fairly effective method of detecting certain skin infections and pigmentary disorders has been the diagnosis in dermatology using a Wood's lamp, which projects long-wavelength ultraviolet light onto the skin.

Holter monitoring

Holter monitoring (or Holter) is an immediate technique used to continuously record a patient's electrocardiogram (ECG) over a period of time, usually 24 hours.

Electrophysiological studies

Electrophysiologic studies are medical studies that are used to examine the electrical activity of cells and tissues in the human or animal body.

Color blindness and color perception test

Daltonism is a disorder of color perception. To determine it, special tests and tables are used. Let's consider the main methods of diagnosing this problem.


Actigraphy is a method of automatically measuring body movement to determine periods of rest and activity as indicators of sleep and wakefulness rhythms, also over long periods of time.


A diagnostic technique that allows the examination of the musculature system by recording electrical muscle potentials is called electromyography.

Orthostatic test - a method of functional diagnostics

Diagnostic procedure for the study of the functions of the autonomic nervous system - orthostatic test - is based on the increase of its sympathetic and decrease of parasympathetic tone when changing the body position from horizontal to vertical (orthostatic).

Lymph node biopsy

In order to understand the causes of enlarged lymph nodes, it is necessary to conduct a number of diagnostic tests. Lymph node biopsy is currently considered to be the most informative and widespread method of diagnosis.

Bone marrow trepanobiopsy

Trepanobiopsy is prescribed mainly for the study of bone marrow structures and the mammary gland. If necessary, during the manipulation, it is possible to eliminate cystic neoplasms.


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