What to wash with men with thrush?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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One of the most effective means of combating thrush is mandatory compliance with hygiene rules. None, even the most powerful treatment, can not have a positive effect if a man does not comply with hygiene.
During the remission of thrush in men, it is necessary to wash every day with pure warm water, and a mild soap that does not irritate the skin or the mucous membrane. It is better to use baby soap. In the presence of irritation or itching, it is recommended after washing to lubricate the irritated areas with a thin layer of baby cream. In case of severe irritation and burning, it is recommended to use a cream saber, as it removes inflammation, normalizes the cutaneous microflora, and has an antiseptic effect. It should be borne in mind that the skin should not rub with a towel. You just need to get soaked with mild impregnating movements.
During an exacerbation, use of soap is not recommended. During an exacerbation it is necessary to be washed away by vegetative broths which render anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action. To wash out during an exacerbation it is necessary not less than 2-3 times a day. Must necessarily be washed in the morning, and in the evening, just before bed. If additional treatment is prescribed, it is performed after the man has washed out, otherwise it will not be effective. Wipe better with disposable towels or napkins to rule out the possibility of spreading the infection.
Immediately I would like to note that all the broths are being prepared for washing under the same scheme. So, first you need to prepare a concentrated broth. To do this, take about 4-5 tablespoons of herbs, pour a liter of steep boiling water. Insist for an hour, then necessarily pour into the wash basin, and dilute with water to a comfortable temperature. After this, they wash, thoroughly washing the affected areas with decoction. After the washing has ended, you need to wait a few minutes for the broth to soak into the skin and mucous membranes. After that, you can wipe it (preferably use a disposable towel or towel for this). Do not rub the skin, the movements should be neat.
Consider the main decoctions, which should be used for washing. Advantage is given to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs.
- Decoction number 1.
Goatee goose is effective in fighting inflammatory processes. It not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps restore the mucous membrane. It also normalizes the secretion of immunoglobulin A, which protects the body from infectious agents, prevents the progression of the infectious process.
- Decoction number 2.
Licorice nude quickly removes inflammation of any etiology and localization. The main medicinal raw materials are roots, previously dried and ground. The most important property of licorice is that it restores the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system. It is used for various inflammatory processes, various types of infection.
- Broth №3.
Violet tri-color and pansies are effective herbs, which are often used to treat various inflammatory diseases and disorders of microflora. Previously, it was believed that this herbs, which act primarily in relation to the respiratory system. But today, numerous scientific studies have confirmed that herbs are active in other systems. They relieve inflammation, normalize the basic biochemical indicators, prevent the development of the infectious process. It is also proved that they affect the genitourinary and reproductive system, strengthen potency and libido.
Also, the advantage of these herbs is that they stimulate the production of immunoglobulins, which contribute to the recovery of the body after an infectious disease, provide reliable protection against fungal infection, parasites. Eliminate the itching, burning, irritation that accompanies thrush.
- Broth №4.
Sporish (bird mountaineer) contains active essential oil, which helps to quickly remove inflammation. Also, this herbal component has an antiseptic effect, normalizes the state of local immunity, normalizes the mucosal state. In addition, the decoction of this herb helps to remove swelling, itching, burning and redness that occur with thrush. Sometimes thrush is accompanied by pain, itching, burning sensation. Therefore, in this case, you need to wash more often. A spore due to the content of tannins helps to eliminate these unpleasant manifestations.
- Broth №5.
Saber medicinal is used in the form of a decoction, which quickly reduces the inflammation of any localization and genesis. The advantages of this component is that it has an impact quite quickly. After a few hours, a positive effect is seen.
In addition, it has healing and anti-allergic properties. Also, the ability to dissolve seals and bruises is noted. Such effects are almost unique, they can be achieved due to the high content of phytohormones and tannins. Also, I would like to separately note the ability of the sabelnik to stimulate local immunity and normalize the hormonal background. Normalizes local blood circulation, blood pressure, has a hemostatic effect, heals small wounds, cracks, erosion. Improves overall health, normalizes metabolism.
- Decoction number 6.
Horseradish leaves are also used for washing. This is a fairly fast and powerful tool, so it is recommended to apply it no more than 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 4-5 days, because with a longer treatment may have a side effect in the form of an allergic reaction. The uniqueness of horseradish is that it eliminates stagnation, swelling.
- Decoction number 7.
Blueberry ordinary is an effective herbal remedy, which has long been used to eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve pain, prevent allergic reactions. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that normalizes the mucous membranes, removes the inflammatory process, prevents the progression of the infectious process.
- Decoction number 8.
Salvia officinalis has, above all, anti-inflammatory action, as well as astringent, and antibacterial properties. Reduces mucus secretion, normalizes metabolic processes, mucosal status. This is a powerful tool that can be used to treat and prevent purulent and purulent-septic phenomena, stasis, abscesses and boils.