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Treatment of candidiasis brown in glycerin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Currently, thrush is a serious problem that causes discomfort to patients and requires treatment. Suffer from this disease, not only women but also men. In addition to the traditional form of thrush, which gynecologists have to face, there are other non-standard forms. For example, oral thrush is known, which is often seen in newborns. It is not always possible to treat thrush medicine (for example, during pregnancy, in newborns), therefore, sometimes there is a need to use alternative means and herbal remedies. One of these forms is borax in glycerin for thrush.
Indications Borax in glycerin
The main indications for the use of borax in glycerin are thrush, and any symptoms resembling it. This is itching, burning, discharge, ulcers on the mucous membranes, redness. Used in the treatment of oral thrush, reproductive organs, urinary tract. Effective in the treatment of skin diseases, diaper rash and pressure sores, used as a disinfectant for injuries and violations of the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin. Also known cases of use of this tool as a drug to combat parasitic infection, to disinfect the bite site of insects, cockroaches, fleas, and even dogs.
Borax in glycerin from nail fungus
Used externally. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool or a bandage in a solution, apply it for about 15-20 minutes to the damaged nail. You can put a bandage on top, after the recommended time to remove. It is important to take precautions. From the nail fungus is applied as a solution in glycerin. The drill is intended exclusively for external use. Inside it does not apply. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of dosage, since even a minimal deviation from the norm in one direction or another can have negative consequences. So, reducing the dosage can lead to the fact that the drug will be ineffective, moreover, it can develop resistance. This contributes to the fact that the inflammatory-infectious process will progress, and the bacteria and fungus that caused it will undergo mutations and acquire new properties will become a new foci of infection (so-called secondary foci of infection are formed). Excess doses may result in overdose, complications, burns, deterioration.
Borax in glycerin for stomatitis
For stomatitis, borax is used as a solution in glycerin for rinsing and lubricating the throat and mouth. Depending on the dosage used, it can have both fungicidal and fungistatic effects. In the first case, the fungal infection is completely destroyed, that is, the fungus completely dies. In the second case, the fungal activity is simply reduced, and its ability to reproduce is inhibited. In various situations, one or another effect may be required, and only a doctor can determine the dosage. At first glance it may seem that the most logical option is to destroy the fungus completely. It seems illogical is not its complete destruction. But it turns out that sometimes there is a need only to stop the reproduction of the fungus, since in case of its complete destruction dysbacteriosis can develop, which will lead to even more adverse consequences, and can cause re-inflammation or bacterial infection. It has no direct toxic effect on the body, it acts directly on the microflora, as well as on a system of nonspecific resistance.
Release form
Available in the form of a solution of the main active ingredient (sodium tetraborate) in glycerin. Release form - the liquid packed into glass bottles from dark glass.
- The solution of borax in glycerin
Procedures are not applied as a means for home use, it is used exclusively in a hospital setting, the procedure should be carried out by a specialist. This minimizes the risks and side effects. Also, another reason that the treatment is carried out in a hospital is that the drug should be carried out only after a preliminary diagnostic study, and in the process of treatment it is necessary to systematically monitor its effectiveness and observe the course of the disease over time. It is important to provide comprehensive diagnostics and a comprehensive approach to treating the problem. In identifying concomitant pathologies, it is necessary to begin with the elimination of these pathologies, otherwise, the effectiveness of therapy is significantly reduced. Also, to ensure the effectiveness of the approach, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provokes the development of pathology (trigger mechanism), otherwise relapses will constantly develop. It is necessary to ensure proper nutrition, minimize stress, increase immunity, eliminate fatigue and dysbiosis. It is also important not to lead an immoral lifestyle, to refrain from casual relationships, often not to change sexual partners, to carefully follow the rules of hygiene. Allowed to use the drug for douching and external use. However, lubrication is more efficient and safer. The solution of borax in glycerin is applied to a cotton swab, or cotton swab. You can also wrap cotton wool on your index finger, dip into the liquid and lubricate.
Pharmacodynamics shows that the pharmacological properties of the solution is a tool with antiseptic properties. It has an effect on the fungal infection, that is, it acts directly on the cause of thrush. Accordingly, it is used in the course of etiological treatment. This explains the high efficiency of borax, since eliminating the cause of the pathology, the disease goes much faster. However, there is a risk of dysbacteriosis, since the drug is not selective, and it does not affect exclusively the fungal infection, but affects the entire microflora, including representatives of normal microflora. By reducing the number of normal microflora, there is a possibility that pathogenic microflora will develop in its place. It is worth noting that borax is not always used as an independent means, it is often included in other pharmaceuticals, and is part of the combined treatment. It reduces inflammation, has antimicrobial and regenerating effects. In addition, it acts on the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs, is used in otolaryngology, in the treatment of skin diseases. This not only removes the inflammatory process, but also stimulates the protective properties of the body.
When studying the features of pharmacodynamics, it was found that the drug is absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin. The maximum concentration in the blood is detected after 1-2 hours, circulates in the blood for 1-2 weeks, after which it is excreted in the urine. Thus, the main organs of elimination are the kidneys. This creates an additional burden on the kidneys, so it should be used with caution in people who suffer from kidney and urinary tract diseases. Part of the output through the intestines, with feces.
Dosing and administration
The application is quite simple: the drug is applied with a thin layer to the affected area, about 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is a week, with a lack of effectiveness, the course can be extended to 10 days. Longer treatment is not recommended. The exact scheme, method of application and dose is determined by the doctor. Also, the drug is used to treat tonsillitis (throat lubricated with a cotton swab, about 5-6 times a day). Can be used for rinsing the throat, the number of rinses up to 10 times per day. A special solution should be prepared for rinsing: a glass of warm water is taken, a tablespoon of usually table salt is dissolved in it, and then a quarter of a teaspoon of borax is dissolved at the very end.
Glycerin borax for men
Quite an effective tool used for external lubrication or undermining. For both men and women, borax in glycerol is used strictly according to the prescription of the doctor and under his control. The procedure is carried out by a doctor in a treatment room. A characteristic feature is that the borax not only eliminates the fungal infection (somatic cells of the fungus), but also destroys the mycelium and hyphae of the fungus, which prevents relapses and makes it impossible to preserve the fungus in an inactive form. It also contributes to the restoration of the normal cellular structure of the mucous membranes, improves their characteristics, protective properties. Therefore, the probability of a relapse is almost always excluded.
Glycerin for thrush in women
For thrush, a full course of treatment with glycerol with brown in women is performed. At the same time, the frequency and duration of therapy is determined on the basis of how effective the therapy is, how effective the treatment is (control over time). Particular attention is paid to the quantity and quality of discharge, itching and pain.
When douche should strictly observe the precautions and application rules. So, the drill is applied in the form, diluted and exclusively warm. You need to douche for a long time - from 10 to 20 minutes, without a break. Heal no more than 5 days. Abuse should not be, because it can develop vaginal dysbiosis. Against it, secondary infection (bacterial, fungal) can develop. It is also necessary to take into account that the solution should flow evenly and slowly into the vagina during the process of douching, should not be under pressure. Otherwise, inflammatory processes in the vagina, external genital organs may develop. It is important to control the comfort of sensations. In no case should there be pain. With the appearance of even minimal pain, you need to pause. Then you should try to relax as much as possible, and then repeat the procedure. The recurrence of pain, and even more, their intensification, is the basis for the cessation of douching. It is worth trying another way to use the drug. After the procedure is terminated, a cotton swab should be inserted into the vagina moistened in sodium tetraborate for about 20 minutes.
At the end of the procedure, all devices are disinfected. The course can be carried out until the symptoms stop completely.
Glycerin for thrush in a child
The main cause of thrush is the development of fungus. Thrush is also called candidiasis, by the generic name of the fungus that causes this condition. Thrush develops on the background of dysbacteriosis, when the number of representatives of normal microflora decreases, and the number of pathogens, including fungi, increases. It is against this background that the infectious-inflammatory process develops. The characteristic signs of thrush are itching, burning, white, cheesy discharge. To relieve symptoms and eliminate the inflammatory process will help borax, which is a solution of sodium tetraborate. It is used in many areas of medicine. There is practically no area in which there is no use: it is gynecology, and dentistry, and surgery, and dermatology, and even pediatrics and neonatology. But keep in mind that glycerin and borax, used for thrush in a child - is a concentrated potent agent that in no case should not be used for self-treatment.
Glycerin for thrush in newborns
There is a certain risk of side effects for the newborn. However, glycerin is used for thrush. When the procedure is performed by a doctor, in the conditions of a medical institution, if the treatment regimen is observed, there will be no side effects. It is difficult to deny that the drug is really effective in the treatment of fungal diseases. It not only removes the inflammatory process and prevents the development of infection, but is also an excellent prophylactic agent, prevents the risk of recurrence and complications. With the observance of the dosage side effects do not occur.
Use Borax in glycerin during pregnancy
Contraindications per se are not indicated in the instructions. However, there is no unequivocal answer among specialists as to how safe is the use of borax with glycerol in the treatment of thrush in pregnant women. It can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. There are several opinions. Some believe that borax should almost always be prescribed in the treatment of thrush. They recommend using it for both treatment and prevention. Applied with skin diseases, with the defeat of the mucous membranes. It should be noted that it is equally often prescribed both as an independent means and as a component of complex therapy. Other experts argue that it is not necessary at every opportunity to resort to the use of this tool, but it is necessary to prescribe it only as a last resort, and then only as part of complex therapy. There is a third opinion, in which doctors believe that this tool can only be used for the treatment of adults, and can not be used for children. There are only a small number of doctors who avoid the use of this tool, for unknown reasons.
The drug is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the drug, with a tendency to allergic reactions, especially if it is an immediate type of reaction, or skin reactions. Not recommended for itching, skin irritation, redness. It is also contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation, with open injuries, skin cracks, microtraumas. Not recommended for acute inflammatory processes in the urogenital system, for some gynecological diseases (urethritis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis), for erosions and burns of mucous membranes. Also, the drug is forbidden to take orally. In addition, when used in the field of gynecology, the drug is contraindicated in the treatment of virgins.
Side effects Borax in glycerin
Borax is an effective and safe means. But side effects are also observed. Most often, they are observed in case of hypersensitivity, body sensitization, against the background of individual intolerance and a tendency to allergic reactions. In this case, the effect may not occur, or even the state will worsen.
Side effects are manifested mainly in the form of redness, swelling, increased local body temperature, increased pain, increased itching. The effectiveness of treatment is closely related to the severity of the pathological process, degree. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be. Also, the effectiveness is determined by the method of treatment. In order not only to get rid of the disease, but also to prevent relapses, one should undergo a full course of treatment, not interrupt it, not skip the procedure, fully comply with the scheme and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Should be a comprehensive approach to treatment and diagnosis.
Interactions with other drugs
Cases of interaction with other drugs are not registered. The drug does not enter into any reactions. However, it is recommended to observe the interval between the application of other medicines for at least 2 hours.
Shelf life
The shelf life of the drug depends on whether the package is opened or not. If the drug has already been used, it can be stored for no more than 30 days. Packed drugs stored for 2-3 years.
There are no direct analogs, which would fully correspond to the borax solution, in the pharmaceutical industry. Relatively similar in properties can be Miramistin solutions. Also cauterization of the brown can be replaced by the procedure of cauterization with liquid nitrogen.
[33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38]
It is worth noting that the reviews about the tool are mostly positive. Borax in glycerin for thrush can achieve good results in a short time, relieves pain, inflammation, after 2-3 applications. But for the complete elimination of the inflammatory-infectious process, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, at least 7-10 days.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of candidiasis brown in glycerin" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.