


Sleepy Sleep Syndrome

From the elderly people sometimes you hear complaints that waking up in the morning, there is no feeling that you have rested, they say, not so much in youth. However, in the modern world there are many young people who face such a problem.

Vertebrobasilar syndrome

If a person is often tormented by dizziness, he experiences instability during walking, there is reason to suspect that he has a violation of blood flow in the vertebral arteries.

Syndrome Zudeka - one of the complications of bone fracture

Injuries to the hands and feet is a common phenomenon, because with these limbs, a person performs the basic household and professional duties, moves and even protects the remaining parts of the body from damage.

Syndrome of the Old Maiden

Probably everyone is familiar with the notion of "old maiden" - so long ago called a girl who for a long time did not marry. After all, following an unspoken stereotype, before the age of 25 any woman should have had a family.

Alisa's syndrome in Wonderland

The disease is a neurological disorder, in which there is a distortion of reality.

Carthage syndrome

Congenital pathology - the syndrome of Kartagener - is named after the Swedish scientist Kartagener, who in 1935 conducted a thorough study of the totality of the three pathological signs

Chimerism in humans

Simultaneous presence of cells of different genotypes in the body is chimerism. In humans, it has several types and causes of appearance, we will consider it in more detail.

Lesha-Nihan Syndrome

This is not a very common disease attracted attention for a long time, its first description refers to the middle of the XIII century. And only in 1964 medical student M.Lesh and his teacher U. Nihan, describing this disease as an independent, immortalized their names in his name.

The Charge-Strauss Syndrome

The Charge-Strauss syndrome is named after the scientists Charge and Strauss who first described the disease. The disease is a separate type of vasculitis - allergic angiitis and granulomatosis - affecting mainly medium and small vessels.

Usher's Syndrome

Usher's syndrome is a hereditary disease that manifests itself in the form of complete deafness from birth, as well as progressive blindness with age.


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