Vertebrobasilar syndrome
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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If a person is often tormented by dizziness, he experiences instability during walking, there is reason to suspect that he has a violation of blood flow in the vertebral arteries. This means that a person develops a vertebrobasilar syndrome, the lack of treatment of which can lead to a terrible disease - a stroke, the consequences of which are unpredictable.
The diagnosis may sound differently: vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBN), vertebrobasilar syndrome, vertebrobasilar arterial system syndrome, vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome, but all these names designate one pathology that should not be ignored. This pathology indicates that, for some reasons, the blood supply to the body from the vertebral (vertebral) and basilar (main) arteries decreased, and as a result, brain disruption occurred.
Studies show that patients with a diagnosis of "cervical osteochondrosis" are especially vulnerable to VBI. A third of these patients find confirmed vertebrobasilar syndrome symptoms. In addition, vertebrobasilar syndrome is responsible for almost a third of cases of stroke.
However strange it may sound, VBNs are exposed to people of different ages, including children from 3 years old. There are often cases of development of vertebrobasilar syndrome in school age, when children are especially mobile, which can result in injuries during gaming activities or training sessions (physical education lessons).
Causes of the vertebrobasilar syndrome
Reduction of the blood supply to the brain is most often due to the slowing of blood flow in some part of the vertebrobasilar system. This gives grounds for implying the development of VBI. But for what reason can the blood flow decrease?
There can be many reasons for this, but some of them are quite common, and others have to be spoken of as some kind of exception. Here are the most common reasons for the development of vertebrobasilar syndrome:
- In the first place in popularity is, of course, osteochondrosis of the cervical region, where VBI is observed in more than 30% of cases.
- A frequent cause of development of various pathologies of blood vessels in adults and children are spinal injuries in the cervical region. Usually this happens during sports activities or all kinds of accidents, as well as with improper manual therapy.
- The vertebrobasilar syndrome can develop against the background of a common disease such as diabetes mellitus when the small brain arteries are exposed to the danger of injury.
- Arterial hypertension (stably high blood pressure), especially common in adults, can easily provoke VBI, and, therefore, a stroke.
- Atherosclerosis of the vessels itself indicates a decrease in the patency of the vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the circulatory arteries.
- To prevent the flow of blood through the vessels can and various inflammatory reactions affecting the walls of the arteries (arteritis).
- Prevent and even stop the flow of blood can thrombi formed inside the vessel, especially in the case of thrombosis of vertebrates and the main artery. Increased thrombus formation is often found in still young people.
- Damage to the arteries of the vertebral-basilar system, when there is a stratification of their walls and leakage of blood in the tissue.
- Herniated cervical spine, spondylosis and similar diseases can lead to compression of the vertebral and basilar arteries, resulting in the blood flow is disrupted.
- Congenital pathologies of the structure of vessels and vascular bed or anomalies of their development.
- Hereditary factor.
Pathological changes in various parts of the brain (atrophic lesions of the cerebral cortex, evidence of neuronal death, small focal brain lesions called lacunar infarctions), revealed in patients with VBI in studies, suggest that it is necessary not only to diagnose pathology, but also to in each concrete case, to determine the cause that caused its development. And, if possible, it is necessary to treat first of all the root cause.
Risk factors
The risk factors for the development of vertebrobasilar syndrome include some congenital vascular pathologies, and birth trauma (for example, spine trauma during childbirth), and genetic predisposition.
There is an opinion that no one is insured from VBN, as some positions of the head may lead to the vascular transmission, if they are repeated often or the person in this position is quite long. This concerns a strong tipping of the head back, maximum turning of the head to the side from the prone position on the abdomen, which happens uncontrollably during sleep, active rotation of the head.
The vertebrobasilar system of the organism represents a set of 2 vertebral and main arteries with branches leaving from it. Accordingly, any violation in one of the components is a blow to the operation of the entire system and, of course, to the brain, since the system provides its nutrition.
At first, the disturbed blood supply manifests itself in the form of minor disturbances in the vestibular apparatus, but if the pathology is not treated in the future, a full stop of blood supply through the damaged vessel may occur, which is usually the cause of the stroke.
A distinctive feature of vertebrobasilar syndrome is the presence of lesions in the brain. Those. Violation of the blood supply causes damage to the trunk or bridge of the brain, as well as the cerebellum, occipital lobes or the medulla oblongata. Sometimes the process may affect the areas of adjacent blood circulation, as indicated by the traces of cerebral ischemia in some patients.
The anatomical structure of the spine is such that the vessels passing along it are subjected to bending in the region of the first cervical vertebra. It is in this place most often there is an inflection of the vessel, as a result of which the flow of blood weakens, and the brain "starves."
Symptoms of the vertebrobasilar syndrome
The vertebrobasilar syndrome is characterized by two types of symptoms: permanent and temporary. Temporary symptoms are the satellites of so-called transistor ischemic attacks (TIA), which signify a limited time-related cerebral circulatory disorder, which takes an acute course and often leads to a stroke.
Typically, these symptoms persist for several hours, sometimes days (usually up to 2 days). At this time the patient experiences:
- rather severe pains of a pressing nature in the occipital region,
- discomfort in the cervical region,
- quite strong dizziness.
Permanent symptoms are those that the patient experiences for a long time. Their severity depends on the degree of development of pathology. Such symptoms include:
- often repeated pulsating or pressing pain in the occipital part of the head,
- noise in the ears, accompanied by hearing impairment, which, in neglected cases, becomes permanent,
- pathology of vision: loss of objects from the field of view (blanks), blurring of the picture, doubling of objects, "flies" or film before the eyes,
- disturbance of concentration of attention, deterioration of memory, thus the person becomes very scattered,
- violation of coordination of movement, manifested in a systematic loss of equilibrium,
- at an exit from a long inconvenient position of a neck there can be giddinesses, often accompanied by a nausea and reaching an unconscious condition,
- rapid fatigue, a significant decrease in workload in the afternoon,
- mood instability, attacks of irritability, which in childhood are manifested in the form of causeless crying,
- increased sweating and increased heart rate without obvious causes, a feeling of heat,
- perspiration in the mouth, a sensation of a lump in the throat, a change in the voice (becoming slightly hoarse).
In childhood, the first signs of development of VBI are disorders of posture, irritability, tearfulness, chronic fatigue and drowsiness, intolerance of stuffiness.
The earlier the patient pays attention to these manifestations of pathology, the more favorable will be the prognosis of treatment. In the early stages of development of vertebrobasilar syndrome correction can be carried out even without the help of medications, which can not be said about the chronic course, which requires the use of various types and methods of therapy, up to surgical intervention.
Vertebrobasilar syndrome with osteochondrosis
The development of vertebrobasilar syndrome in the background of cervical osteochondrosis does not surprise doctors, because this happens very often. Oxygen starvation of the brain in this case occurs precisely because of the transmission of vertebral arteries modified due to the disease by the vertebrae of the cervical region, past which the path of the vessels lies.
In osteochondrosis of the neck, the following pattern is observed: violations in the intervertebral discs of the cervical region are observed, they are altered, the fibrous ring that connects the vertebrae and the formation of intervertebral hernias is destroyed. Cartilage tissue is replaced by bone. Which gradually grows, limiting the movement of the neck and causing pain.
These changes can not but affect the nearby vessels. They are threatened if not spasm, then an inflection due to deformation of the spine, characteristic of the third stage of osteochondrosis. And since osteochondrosis is still considered an age-related disease, despite the increased incidence of the disease at a fairly young age, the symptoms of vascular atherosclerosis, which also develops with age, can join the degenerative changes of the spine. This only aggravates the situation, and the symptoms of the vertebrobasilar syndrome are manifested with redoubled force.
The negative impact of the modified cervical spine on nearby blood vessels reduces the blood flow to the brain, resulting in various parts of it. The cerebellum, for example, is responsible for coordinating the movement, which means that its fasting will cause dizziness and loss of balance, and the brain cortex is connected to the visual center, from which there is blurred vision, double vision, etc.
The main reason for the development of osteochondrosis, and therefore, VBN, is the wrong way of life. Lack of movement, inadequate nutrition with excess fats and carbohydrates, violation of posture due to improper position during class at the table, active rhythm of life with nervous overstrain and stress are the factors that trigger the development of pathological changes in the spine. To them you can add various injuries, infections, hypothermia, insufficient physical training, hard physical labor.
Many symptoms of osteochondrosis and VBI are very similar. This is dizziness, accompanied by nausea, changes in blood pressure, impaired coordination of movements, pain in the occipital region, visual and hearing impairments, voice changes, impaired concentration. If the treatment of osteochondrosis is started on time, without triggering the problem before surgery, then the manifestations of vertebrobasilar syndrome against the background of osteochondrosis will leave quite quickly.
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Complications and consequences
Considering that the vertebrobasilar syndrome is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, the consequences of which is disruption of working capacity and a decrease in the quality of life in general, it makes sense to start treating the pathology itself and its causes as soon as possible, avoiding complications. Therefore, timely and complete diagnosis is so important.
In addition, early diagnosis will not only help to ease the therapy of VBI, but first of all, it will prevent various severe complications in the form of a stroke and even death.
Diagnostics of the vertebrobasilar syndrome
The whole problem in diagnosing vertebrobasilar syndrome is that the combination of its symptoms is not unique. Similar symptoms are common to many diseases, take at least the same osteochondrosis. In addition, there are a couple of nuances, further exacerbating the situation. First, the manifestations of the syndrome are purely individual, and the symptoms in different patients may differ slightly. Secondly, the stories of patients may differ from reality, since here the subjective factor comes to the fore.
And although the work of the doctor is not easy, it is necessary not only to diagnose VBN, but, most importantly, to determine the cause of it caused. To cope with this task helps instrumental diagnostics, which has in its stock of many effective methods and tools, which include:
- Radiography of the spine, in particular the cervical spine. It helps not only to determine the condition of the vertebral column and its parts, but also to determine the place where the inflection or compression of vertebral arteries occurs.
- Computer / magnetic resonance imaging. Helps to establish the presence of a hernia on the spine.
- Functional tests "fold-folding". Allow to reveal the displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other, which can cause compression of the arteries.
- Ultrasonic dopplerography. With its help, the blood flow through the vessels of the vertebrobasilar system is already estimated: what is its rate, whether there are violations in the patency of the vessels, etc.
- Infrared thermography. Helps assess the state of individual parts of the body by their thermal fields.
- Duplex scanning, angiography and MR angiography. These methods of research allow you to examine arteries from the inside: the diameter of the vessels, the state of their walls, and also to study in detail the channel of the vessels of the brain.
- Digital subtractive arteriography. One of the most effective innovative methods for determining lumen in the vessels.
- Rheoencephalography. This method of research is aimed at studying the blood supply of the brain.
- Transcranial dopplerography (TCDG). Allows you to determine the adaptive capabilities of the brain (hemodynamic reserve).
- Oto-neurological examination with the use of special equipment. Gives information about the state of the brain stem structures.
If heart disease is suspected, functional tests with hyperventilation may be necessary to identify cardiovascular dysfunctions that may also affect the supply of blood to the brain.
And, of course, certain useful information can be given by tests, in this case a biochemical blood test, which is carried out in the first place.
Since the symptomatology of the vertebrobasilar syndrome is also characteristic of other diseases, it is very important that the patient as accurately as possible describes his feelings: localization, character and duration of pain, when dizziness is observed, how much time lasts, what is accompanied, etc. This is very important in order to exclude similar in symptomatic pathology.
To evaluate the objectivity of the patient's complaints is helped by neuropsychological testing, which gives a clear picture of how a person perceives his illness, what his psychological state is.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
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Treatment of the vertebrobasilar syndrome
The choice of methods and means for treatment of vertebrobasilar syndrome depends on the state of the vessels and the concomitant diseases that caused the VBI. But whatever the additional diagnosis, the beginning of treatment implies a change in the patient's lifestyle:
- rejection of bad habits,
- feasible exercise,
- a special diet rich in fruits, vegetables and seafood with the restriction of salt, bread and baking from the premium flour, pickles, smoked products, etc.
Another requirement of vascular therapy is the regular measurement of blood pressure.
In some cases, already one of these measures is already enough for the disease to recede. If improvement is not observed, then after 3-6 months the doctor can prescribe a medicamental and physiotherapeutic treatment, which can be performed out-patient or in a hospital.
Drug treatment is carried out using several groups of drugs. The most important role in the therapy of VBI is played by vasodilator drugs, which prevent the formation in the vessels of areas with poor permeability, provoking oxygen starvation of the brain. These drugs include nicotinic acid, which is a solution of vitamin PP (otherwise vitamin B3), although it has a short but strong vasodilating effect.
Nicotinic acid is presented in the form of a solution for injection, which contributes to the expansion of both small vessels and vessels of the brain. The drug is usually administered intravenously in a dosage of 10 mg (1 ampoule) 1 or 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 300 mg. Therapeutic course lasts about 2 weeks.
Admission of the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: flushing to the head, redness of the face, headache and a feeling of heat, a significant decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, various allergic manifestations, pain when injected.
Precautionary measures. The drug affects the concentration of attention, so during treatment should not perform tasks that require increased concentration.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are hepatitis, gout, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, cirrhosis, exacerbation of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypersensitivity to the drug. Caution should be observed in patients during pregnancy and lactation, with gastritis, low blood pressure, glaucoma.
Since nicotinic acid is not suitable for the treatment of patients with VBN in the background of arteriosclerosis of the vessels, in the presence of this diagnosis, preference should be given to such drugs as "Papaverina hydrochloride", "Theobromine", "Cavinton", etc.
"Papaverine hydrochloride" - a drug in its effect is just a find for a patient with a diagnosis of "vertebrobasilar syndrome". Being simultaneously an antispasmodic, antihypertensive and vasodilating drug, even in itself it can alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
"Papaverin" is available as a solution for injections, tablets for adults and children and rectal suppositories.
Method of application and dosage. With oral administration of the drug, a single dose is 40-60 mg. Tablets should be taken 3 to 5 times a day.
Single dose for rectal administration is slightly less - 20-40 mg. The procedure is carried out 2 to 3 times a day.
In the form of injections, the drug is administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. In this case, the single dose ranges from 20 to 40 ml. With intravenous injection, papaverine solution is mixed with saline and injected very slowly (the process should be controlled by a doctor!). The timing of injections is at least 4 hours. Such injections can be prescribed from 2 to 4 per day.
Reception of the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: increased nausea, violation of defecation, hyperhidrosis, a significant decrease in blood pressure, increased drowsiness. If intravenous injections are not performed slowly enough, there may be a disturbance in the heart rate.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are: atrioventricular blockade, glaucoma, severe violations of the liver, intolerance to papaverine. The drug is designed to treat patients older than 6 months. For the elderly, the dose of the drug should be minimal, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor with dose adjustment. The same is true for patients who underwent craniocerebral trauma, with renal failure, with supraventricular tachycardia, hypothyroidism, prostate adenoma.
With VBI, in addition to vasodilating drugs, pills and injections that reduce blood pressure (antihypertensives), reduce blood clotting (antiaggregants), nootropic and metabolic drugs ("Piracetam", "Actovegin", etc.) are prescribed, and, of course, drugs that help to remove the main symptoms (antiemetic, dizziness, painkillers, antidepressants, etc.).
As an antiaggregant most often acts aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in a low dosage of 50-100 mg. But, firstly, not all patients have the desired effect from its administration, and secondly, "acetyl" negatively affects the gastric mucosa. That is why it is often replaced by other antiplatelet agents, such as "Dipiridamol", "Ticlopidine" or even "Cardiomagnum", in which the negative effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the mucosa is reduced due to the special coating, and the dosage is more convenient.
"Dipiridamol" is an antiaggregant with a pronounced vasodilator action, intended for the treatment and prevention of cerebral circulation disorders.
Assignable doses of the drug can range from 50 to 600 mg per day. It depends on the diagnosis and the degree of development of pathology. What should be the dosage of the drug and the frequency of its use determines the attending physician.
The drug can cause such side effects as increased nausea and vomiting, stool disorder, hot flashes and lowering blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches and dizziness, skin allergic rashes.
Precautionary measures. "Dipiridamol" is not used in patients with acute myocardial infarction, coronary atherosclerosis, stenocardia and other heart diseases. And also under reduced pressure, increased bleeding, severe impairment of kidney function.
It is undesirable to apply the drug in parallel with caffeine, dobutamine, drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
"Piracetam" refers to a group of noortopic drugs that have been used in the treatment of symptoms of vertebrobasilar syndrome. It is designed to improve metabolic processes in the tissues and blood circulation of the brain. The drug has a stimulating effect on blood microcirculation in the affected capillaries, acts as a kind of defender of the brain for its damage associated with a lack of oxygen, improves brain activity in general.
The method of administration and dosage of the drug depends on the stage of the disease and the age of the patient. Therapy in adults usually begin with a small dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 2 tablets per reception. When the condition improves, after 2-3 weeks return to the original dose. When a stroke is maintained maintenance dose of 12 tablets, divided into 3 divided doses.
Children under 5 years are given half of the initial adult dose of the drug.
Side effects of the drug make themselves felt very rarely. Sometimes on the basis of the reception of "Piracetam" dizziness intensifies, there is a slight tremor. The patient can become more irritable and irritable, his sleep deteriorates, weakness and drowsiness develop. Occasionally, there are various disorders of the digestive tract. In older patients, there may be cases of coronary insufficiency.
The drug is not prescribed to patients who have a severe degree of renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke or hypersensitivity to the drug. It is undesirable to use Piracetam in children under 1 year of age, in pregnant and lactating women.
At dizziness, especially against cervical osteochondrosis, the doctor can prescribe the drug "Betaserk", which reduces the frequency and severity of this symptom of VBI, reduces nausea and tinnitus.
The drug should be taken with food. Dosage is selected individually.
"Betaserk" for convenience of use goes on sale in tablets 8, 16 and 24 mg. The daily dose is from 24 to 48 mg, it is used for 1 or more receptions.
Reception of the drug is often accompanied by the following side effects: headache, nausea, indigestion (dyspepsia). Sometimes there may be allergic reactions.
Precautionary measures. The drug is intended for therapy in adult patients and is not recommended for admission to persons younger than 18 years of age. It is contraindicated with a hormone-active tumor of the adrenal gland and hypersensitivity to the drug. With care spend a therapy in patients with bronchial asthma and ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions.
Physiotherapy with vertebrobasilar syndrome
Physiotherapeutic treatment with VBN is not just an additional therapeutic measure. This is one of the main methods of treating this disease. Without therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy, it is almost impossible to achieve a lasting positive result.
Therapeutic gymnastics (LFK) is especially useful for osteochondrosis, against which the vertebrobasilar syndrome develops. It helps to strengthen the spine, correct the posture, stop muscle spasms.
Therapeutic massage, conducted by specialists, will help to significantly improve blood circulation.
Do not stand aside and manual therapy, often used for pathologies of the spine. If there is a vascular disease, a positive effect will give hirudotherapy through leeches.
Of the methods of reflexotherapy, the greatest effect is achieved with acupuncture, which helps effectively relieve spasms and pain in the muscles of the cervical spine.
With VBI and cervical osteochondrosis, methods of magnetotherapy are shown . The influence of low frequencies helps to remove dizziness, pain in the occipital region, improve performance.
In some cases, the doctor prescribes a conservative measure, such as wearing a cervical corset, which prevents the blood vessels from circling in the neck.
If the positive effect does not occur even after prolonged treatment with medicines and methods of physiotherapy, an operative treatment is appointed, the purpose of which is to improve blood circulation in the vertebral and basilar arteries.
Most often, angioplasty is required (stenting of blood vessels). In this case, a special stent is inserted into the artery, which prevents the narrowing of the lumen inside the vessel and the violation of blood circulation.
In the presence of a hernia in the cervical spine, very often a microdiscectomy is prescribed (removal of a small piece of bone tissue), which prevents the squeezing of vessels supplying oxygen to the brain.
Endarterectomy - a surgical operation that allows you to remove from the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques. It is indicated for atherosclerosis, against which a vertebrobasilar syndrome may also develop.
Alternative treatment of vertebrobasilar syndrome
Specialists of alternative medicine have long noticed that there are many food products that can influence the coagulability of the blood. Such products include berries (sea buckthorn, cranberries, viburnum, currants, etc.), fruits (lemon, orange, kiwi, etc.) and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C. They well dilute the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
Reduces coagulability of blood and all known bitter physician - garlic. To do this, 3 good heads of a burning vegetable are scrolled in a meat grinder, folded into a jar and placed on a 2-3 day storage in a cool place without access to light. Then add the same amount of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the composition. Use the mixture overnight in an amount of 1 tablespoon. Store in the refrigerator.
For the same purpose, with a vertebrobasilar syndrome, a decoction or a tincture of horse chestnut seeds is used. For tincture of 100 g of seeds, 300 g of vodka are poured and insisted for 7 days, after which it is filtered and taken 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Infusions of rose hips, mountain ash or currants, rich in flavonoids and vitamin C contribute to strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.
Reduces blood pressure helps seaweed, chokeberry, hawthorn, as well as infusion of clover. For the preparation of infusion 2 tbsp. L. Herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist for about an hour. Take infusion should be before eating 2 tablespoons. Spoons.
With VBI good results are provided by herbal treatment. To reduce pressure, you can advise such a collection of herbs: lemon balm and corn stigmas or rue, mint, corn stigmas and valerian. And as a vasodilator collection - the composition of St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle, yarrow and birch buds, taken in equal quantities (1 tablespoon of collection per 0.5 liters of boiling water).
Homeopathy with vertebrobasilar syndrome
The spectrum of homeopathic preparations that help to somehow improve the cerebral circulation is very important, it is important to choose exactly those drugs that give the best effect when treating the patient's existing diseases that caused the development of vertebrobasilar syndrome.
For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a good effect is observed when using a homeopathic preparation with a rich plant composition "Traumeel C", which removes pain, cures the inflammatory process and helps restore damaged spinal discs.
Method of application and dosage. Like any homeopathic tablets "Traumeel C", it is necessary to put the tongue floor and keep it there until it is completely dissolved. Take the pill a quarter of an hour before a meal. The daily dose - 3 tablets, used for 3 doses.
In parallel with taking the tablets, you can use ointment and do an intravenous injection of the drug (1-2 ampoules from 1 to 3 times a week).
The course of treatment lasts no more than 8 weeks.
During the drug intake, allergic reactions, irritation at the injection site, increased salivation may occur.
Precautions: The drug is not used for tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivity to components. It is not indicated in therapy of children under 12 years.
To reduce dizziness in atherosclerosis therapy with "Edas-138" is shown in the form of homeopathic drops.
The drug can be used in 2 ways: 5 drops drop on a piece of sugar or dissolve in a tablespoon of water. Take the drug is recommended 3 times a day.
The drug is well tolerated if there is no reaction of intolerance to the components of the drug.
When atherosclerosis of the vessels is shown and herbal preparation "Dihydroquercetin", which strengthens the blood vessels and improves microcirculation of blood and cholesterol in the vessels. Take it in dosage: 2-3 tablets from 1 to 4 times a day.
The most popular and effective drugs for improving both cerebral and peripheral blood circulation are homeopathic remedies based on ginkgo biloba. One of these drugs is "Bilobil", which reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.
The drug is released in the form of capsules, which should be taken 3 times a day, washed down with water. Single dose - 1 capsule.
Homeopathic remedy is taken for a long period. Despite the fact that the improvement is already within 1 month of treatment, the therapeutic course should be conducted for at least 3 months.
Side effects of the drug include such symptoms as headache, sleep disturbances, bleeding against the background of reduced coagulability, allergic reactions.
The drug is contraindicated in reactions of hypersensitivity, low coagulability of blood, erosions and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, myocardial infarction, as well as in acute disorders of cerebral circulation. It is not used in pediatrics and therapy in pregnant women.
To replenish the body's reserves of B vitamins, which is so necessary for the treatment of vertebrobasilar syndrome, you can use a homeopathic remedy that has proven itself as a medicine for the eyes. It's about pill "Blueberry Forte. "
Take the drug you need 2 tablets 2 times a day. Doing it best while eating. The course of treatment is up to 4 months.
In childhood, the possibility of using the drug and the dose should be agreed with the doctor.
The only contraindication to the use of the drug is the intolerance of its components, against which allergic reactions may develop.
The goal of preventive measures to prevent vertebrobasilar syndrome is to prevent the development of diseases against which the symptoms of VBN are observed. For this you need:
- Practice rational nutrition with a restriction on fried and fatty foods, white bread, sausages and smoked meat, pickles.
- To refuse from bad habits.
- Reduce the intake of salt to a minimum.
- To lead an active lifestyle with moderate physical activity and stay in the open air.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Follow the pose during sleep and wakefulness.
- Constantly monitor the pressure.
The prognosis of vertebrobasilar syndrome directly depends on the degree of development of the underlying disease, which became the cause of VBI. Nevertheless, it is influenced by the following factors: the correctness and timeliness of the diagnosis, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, the quality of the patient's prescription of the doctor.