
Information about doctor

Orit Reish is an advanced Israeli and American specialist in the field of medical genetics. Head of the Institute of Genetics, as well as the cytogenetic and molecular-biological laboratory. Continuous practical experience is thirty five years.

The doctor Reish is a professional in the field of cytogenetic studies (tests to determine failures in the patient's chromosomal set), mapping and identification of new genes and their mutations. It studies the genotype-phenotypic correlation of single gene disorders in generations and populations, investigates the hereditary factors of cancer processes in the mammary glands and ovaries among owners of BRCA1 / BRCA2 mutations.

Orit Reish She received an honors degree after graduating from Ben-Gurion University in Israel and was a resident of pediatrics at the University of Tel Aviv. She practiced in the department of neonatology and intensive care, received additional training at the American University of Minnesota, and served as a military doctor in the Israeli Defense Army.

Clinical practice of the doctor is successfully combined with membership in world professional communities and organizations. Orit Reish He does not get tired to improve his professionalism, reads reports at specialized forums and conferences, writes scientific works, and publishes in international medical journals.

He teaches at the pediatric department of the University of Tel Aviv, is the owner of a number of grants allocated by the International Israeli-American Foundation for the study of new genes.


Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine University. Ben-Gurion, Beersheba, Israel
  • Residency in Pediatrics at Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Specialization in genetics and metabolism at the University of Minnesota, USA
  • American license to practice medicine (1995)
  • Certificate of the American Council on Medical Genetics (1996)
  • Israel Medical Genetics Board Certificate

Membership in international organizations

  • Israel Medical Association (HARI)
  • Israeli Society of Medical Genetics (ISMG)
  • Israeli Society of Clinical Pediatrics (CHIPAC)
  • American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG)
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