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Wart plasters
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The appearance of warts on the “uninvited guests” is always associated with the activation of a special human papillomavirus infection in the body. And, the more active the virus, the more tumors the person finds. The means to get rid of this scourge, we know a lot. Among the most common are ointments, caustic and cauterizing solutions, creams. However, the most comfortable in the application of many consider a special wart patch. Next, you will learn what patches are and how to use them properly.
Indications Wart patch
Warts, despite the common names, are different. For example, depending on the structure, shape and location of these growths are divided into:
- plantar;
- genital (genital warts);
- ordinary;
- filamentous;
- flat;
- atypical.
Genital warts are equally common in members of any gender and age. As a rule, infection with the virus causing the appearance of warts occurs during sexual contact with the carrier of the infection.
The plantar variant is found in the area of the sole of the foot. On such a growth is always the greatest pressure, because of which the wart becomes particularly dense, with a solid surface layer.
Other warts can appear almost anywhere on the human body. Often they are found on the arms, in the armpit, in the groin, on the head, or in the mammary glands.
Medicinal preparations, allowing to get rid of warts, are presented in pharmacies in a wide range. So, any pharmacist can advise the appropriate creams, liquids and even sprays. The latter are most relevant if the patient suffers from a large number of tumors in one place. If the growth of a single, then to remove it is quite possible to use a special patch from warts.
Absolutely all such patches have a similar principle of action. First of all, they soften the skin, contribute to the neutralization of the virus. The active substance with which the plaster is impregnated penetrates deep into the tissues and acts directly on the structure of the wart. In addition to the acid destroying the growth of the epithelium, the impregnation of the patch may include sulfur or another component that provides further restoration of the skin.
Patches for warts are relatively inexpensive, it is most convenient to use (compared to other similar means), almost devoid of contraindications. But the spectrum of activity of the patch is quite extensive:
- relieves inflammation;
- neutralizes the effect of the virus;
- has keratolytic properties;
- destroys secondary infection;
- softens rough skin.
From plantar warts perfectly helps, as Salipod, and any other patch, based on the action of salicylic acid. The moment of steaming the skin before applying the tool is very important for the plantar area, because there is the most coarse skin. It is recommended after each removal of the patch to cut off the dead tissue from the wart: so the wart will disappear soon.
From warts on the hands also helps, both domestic and imported plaster. Their main difference is the price. The active ingredient and action of the agent are almost the same. Only the German drug Suda Epitact has another basis: this remedy does an excellent job with its task and perfectly helps against dry corns and warts in any part of the body. The only contraindication to the use of such a patch-pads is an allergy to its components.
From warts on the foot, from plantar warts, not only patches can be used, but also other external agents. The main thing - do not forget that the growth is triggered by a viral infection, therefore, to prevent relapse, it is necessary to conduct a general antiviral therapy.
Release form
All currently known patches from warts almost equally cope with their task. The difference between them - only in the manufacturer and cost. The most popular are such means as Salipod, Mediplast, House Hi Tech, salicylic plaster and Suda Epitact.
Consider sounded funds separately.
- Salipod (or, as they say in people, salt-water plaster) deservedly leads in the list of the most common remedies for warts. He is able to cope with almost any growth in any area of the body. The basic ingredients of salipoda are salicylic acid and sulfur. These substances easily penetrate deep into the tissues and act directly on the structure of the wart: the virus dies, and the growth eventually undergoes necrosis. It is believed that the course of treatment will require only three patches, which should be used one by one during the week.
- Mediplast salicylate plaster includes 40% salicylic acid, which effectively copes with problematic growths even on such coarse surfaces as the plantar part of the foot. The plaster with salicylic acid is glued to the area affected by warts. It is recommended to lightly grease the healthy skin next to it with any baby cream to avoid additional irritation.
- Chinese patch House Hi Tech is an analogue of the domestic salicylic patch: the active ingredient is 40% salicylic acid. Additionally, you do not need to apply a baby cream when using a Chinese patch: a special disc is included with the product, which protects healthy skin from an irritant.
- Suda Epitact is a warts patch manufactured in Germany. Its action is based on a vegetable extract of thuja. This patch has an adhesive surface and a small pad with active impregnation, which should be applied to the wart. Thuja belongs to hypoallergenic plants, so this tool can be used even in children's practice. True, it is worth Suda Epitact
Dosing and administration
Before sticking the patch on the wart, you first need to steam the affected skin (eg foot) in very warm water for 5-8 minutes. After that, the skin is carefully wiped with a cloth and dried. Next, you can fix the adhesive patch on the area of growth. The replacement of the patch is carried out according to the instructions: each patch has its own action term and its own duration of treatment. In any case, the total duration of therapy should not be less than two days. For example, the salipod patch is changed every 10-12 hours, and the treatment period should be at least a week. Independently trying to tear off a wart ahead of time is unacceptable: it should disappear by itself when all medical processes are completed.
We must not forget that getting rid of warts with a patch does not guarantee that the growths will not appear again, because the virus in the body continues to circulate. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a course of antiviral therapy. This treatment is especially important if the warts appear frequently and / or in large quantities.
It is important to use caution during treatment. Well, if the patch will cover only the wart, without affecting healthy areas of the skin.
Prevent the patch from moving. If it is held loosely, then you can additionally fix it with a strip of medical adhesive tape. If the wart is located on the foot, then you can wear a sock for better fixation.
The patch will hold better if the skin in the affected area is dry and clean.
After removing the funds should not be any additional skin treatment.
Application for children
Experts note: the vast majority of children have warts themselves without the use of any therapeutic agents, including patches. It is necessary to think about the removal of growth in a baby only in cases when a neoplasm really causes certain problems - for example, it hurts, or it grows too vigorously, changes its color. In all other situations, it is enough to conduct supporting immunotherapy to strengthen the body's defenses.
As for the use of patches for warts, the main representatives of such drugs are not used in pediatrics. An exception is, for example, the German patch Suda Epitact. However, it is allowed to use it only after consulting a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist.
Use Wart patch during pregnancy
Doctors advise most future moms to postpone the fight against warts until the baby is born. If, however, it is impossible to do without removal, for example, in case of multiple neoplasms and their intensive growth, then the procedure is prescribed not earlier than from the 28th week of pregnancy. It is in this period that morphological organs and systems are already formed in the future baby. A special approach requires the appointment of antiviral treatment.
The period of childbearing is not the best time for experiments, so the use of patches from warts should not be independent. Consultation with a doctor is required. It may happen that the doctor suggests a different, safer way to fix the problem.
Almost all patches are prohibited for use by pregnant women. The possibility of using any such means should be discussed with the doctor.
The wart plaster is never used to get rid of moles: it is dangerous and can provoke a malignant degeneration of the neoplasm.
Do not stick the warts plaster on healthy skin. It can cause skin irritation, and even burns.
It is not recommended to use patches in pediatric practice. The skin of children is too thin and tender: complications may occur.
Also, you should not be treated with a plaster during pregnancy, as the effect of aggressive destructive agents on the development of the fetus has not been fully studied.
If pimples, pustules, cuts, scratches and other skin lesions are present next to the wart, then you should not use a plaster in this place (until the lesions have completely healed).
We should not forget about such a contraindication as the body's allergic tendency to any of the ingredients of the patch. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to carefully study the instruction and composition of the product.
Almost all warts plasters contain acids - most often it is salicylic acid. Auxiliary ingredients may be antiseptics, antimicrobial and antiviral agents, sulfur, perhydrol, etc. Many manufacturers produce similar patches, so there are quite a few analogues. If the nearest pharmacy did not have a remedy recommended for you by a doctor, you can replace it with another similar drug. So, Salipod plaster can be successfully replaced with Urgo Coricide - a plaster containing 32 mg of salicylic acid. It is a keratolytic, that is, dissolves the keratinized layer of skin on the wart. It can also be used to get rid of dry and dense callus formations on the foot.
Analogues of patches are also various ointments, creams, solutions that are applied directly to the warts according to the instructions. For example, Solcoderm, a dissolving drug, which contains several different acids at once, has a good effect: oxalic, acetic, nitric, lactic, etc.
Verrukatsid - another popular cauterizing agent, which is used in clinics and at home. The composition is represented by phenol and metacresol. These substances lead to coagulation of proteins, as a result of which the wart shrinks, necrotizes and disappears.
One of the new remedies for warts is the so-called “Cryopharma” system: this is an applicator based on liquid nitrogen that works on the principle of cryotherapy (“freezing” growth). Patients say that only one application can be enough to completely eliminate the problem of growth, and one package may be enough to remove 10-12 warts.
In addition to special preparations, it is possible to use point application of various acids, including salicylic or acetic acid. But such treatment must be controlled by a doctor, since any errors in the use of such acids can lead to irreparable consequences (burns, scars, etc.).
Wart plasters have been used in medicine for more than five decades. Only this fact suggests that this tool is effective and popular (and inexpensive, which also means a lot). The quality of the impact of the patch depends on many reasons. For example, an old and large-sized wart will disappear much more slowly than a small growth that has just appeared. It is believed that the average period of probable cure can be:
- one week with a small education;
- 2-4 weeks with a significant increase.
If this tool did not help, then, perhaps, there were violations in the technique of its use. Not less often it happens that the patch has expired, and with it the effectiveness has disappeared. Date of production and duration of storage must be checked, as when buying funds, and immediately before its use.
Among the patches made in China are often fakes, which directly affects the quality of treatment. To avoid the purchase of low-quality goods, it is important to make purchases only in verified places, and in case of any doubts, to demand a certificate of conformity and quality. Too cheap products should also be wary.
In general, the warts plaster is considered the most simple and affordable way to solve skin problems. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions and follow the advice of the doctor.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Wart plasters" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.