How to get rid of flat warts by alternative means?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In this article, let's talk about the means to get rid of the manifestation of the human papilloma virus in a short time, i.e. To those in the composition of which there are keratolytics, providing softening and exfoliation of the word warts. After all, these drugs are most of all of interest to young patients, skin problems in which they represent not only a cosmetic, but also a psychological problem.
In 2016 the drug "Clareol" appeared on the pharmaceutical market . On the one hand, it is positioned as a cosmetic agent (exfoliating gel or exfoliating agent), but on the other hand a noticeable curative effect is noted (warts dry out, turn black and fall off). At the same time, the drug contains substances that prevent the recurrence of HPV manifestations.
Around the "Claryol" on the Internet are stormy debates. The fact that it is sold through the Internet and is expensive, pushes many to think about fake products with untruthful advertising. But having studied the reviews on different sites, including those where there is no advertising of the drug, it can be concluded that the remedy really helps, if you purchase not a fake, but the original. In addition, there is information that "Claryol" is present on the shelves of ordinary pharmacies.
What is this cosmetic with therapeutic effect? The main active substances responsible for the removal (exfoliation) of wart tissues, celandine juice, actively used to remove various growths on the body (warts, calluses, papillomas), and sodium hydroxide, known as caustic soda (a popular and fairly strong alkali capable of dissolving cells skin). It is not surprising that the action of two such strong exfoliating agents will give a positive effect - the wart tissues dry up and fall off.
To ensure a longer action and reduce the activity of the virus, the preparation contains an extract of peel of green walnut fruit. By the way, this remedy is actively used to remove warts in alternative medicine. It is believed that it has a harmful effect on the virus, which becomes unable to reproduce. This is very important given that it is not yet possible to get rid of HPV completely.
What else can be found in the composition of the facility? Deionized water, i.e. Purified from various impurities. Its introduction into the composition of medicines and cosmetics is not accidental. It is believed that the water thus purified helps to treat the skin with a minimal amount of medicinal components, i.e. It enhances the action of medicinal substances, ensuring their deeper penetration into the skin.
D-panthenol is a well-known healing and soothing means of the skin. It helps to smooth out the effects of corrosive alkali and celandine juice, removing inflammation and burning at the application site, promoting skin regeneration, preventing the formation of scars at the site of the removed warts.
Acrylate crosspolymer (aka carbomer), which is attributed to medicinal properties, is in fact a popular thickener and stabilizer used in the manufacture of cosmetics. The positive properties of this component is its safety for the body and the ability to create a film on the skin that prevents evaporation of the liquid and creates a feeling of smoothness and softness.
The composition of Claryol is selected in such a way that the gel removes warts and various roughness, causing minimal harm to healthy tissues. According to the instructions, use the drug every day 2-3 times a day, applying it on clean, dry skin point. That is, it is necessary to apply the gel on the wart area, avoiding contact with other skin areas. This is not difficult, given the convenient design of the bottle.
After applying the gel, you need to let it soak up and dry, without covering it. It is advisable not to touch the skin with your hands again.
According to various reviews, the disappearance of warts is observed within 4-14 days. Flat warts do not have a coarse horny layer, so their treatment is rarely delayed for more than 5-7 days.
As for contraindications to the use of the drug, it is not recommended for the treatment of small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not apply to skin areas with various injuries (wounds, scratches, irritation).
The use of the gel should not cause any appreciable discomfort, and if the patient begins to feel a burning sensation, itching and redness appear in the application area, this may indicate individual sensitivity to Clariol components and the development of allergic reactions requiring discontinuation of the use of the drug.
In fact, the effect of an alkaline drug is similar to the effect of using salicylic acid with the difference that in Clario there are additional caring components and substances that enhance the therapeutic effect. Caring procedures that reduce the trauma of healthy tissues and prevent the appearance of unaesthetic traces on the skin are very important when it comes to removing warts on visible parts of the body. After all, scars and scars on the face and hands are not more attractive than warts, which, moreover, can be passed on their own without leaving a trace.
In the end, everyone chooses what to treat him skin defects. Another thing is that flat warts often appear in adolescence, when the desire to get rid of a defect prevails over logic and caution. And here it is already very important to help an adult who can explain to the adolescent the consequences of ill-considered treatment and offer safer options for getting rid of warts.
Those who are skeptical of all kinds of antiviral drugs, but also are not inclined to use aggressive necrotizing and keratolytic drugs can be offered to turn to the help of essential oils, often used in cosmetics. So, for treatment of warts and other manifestations of papillomavirus infection, tuya essential oil is often used. By the way, thuya is the drug of choice from HPV in homeopathy.
Thuya oil contains substances with cytostatic action. It reduces the activity of the virus, which stops the process of cell division and growth of tumors. But even here it is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the agent and not to use it in high dosages.
Oil of thuja should be applied to warts 2-3 times a day, lubricating them with a cotton swab. Treatment lasts for several days. After that, the build-up darkens and becomes smaller.
If you turn to an experienced homeopath, he will also advise taking thuji preparations inside to fight the virus inside the body, and not just with its external manifestations. In this case, prescribe a course of prima homeopathic solution (three times a day for 15 drops).
As an external agent, you can use both oil and homeopathic ointment thuja, the concentration of active substance in which is lower, and therefore it will be safer for adolescents.
By the way, the treatment of essential oils with good tolerability is one of the safest methods of combating parillomavirus at a young age. It is important to use both immunostimulating and soothing oils, because the state of the nervous system has a marked effect on the patient's immunity.
For the treatment of warts, you can recommend lemon oil and coniferous trees (such as pine), which can be applied directly to the warts several times a day. Tea tree oil is good for use on inflamed warts, because it, among other things, has good bactericidal properties. And esters of orange and lavender are ideally suited for use in aromatic lamps (in the absence of such they can simply drip into hot water so that the aroma spreads around the room). The inhalation of medicinal vapors (a kind of inhalation) will increase the immunity, and the body itself will begin to actively fight the virus.
The main thing is that the oil does not cause a child or teenager allergies, so it is preliminary to conduct an allergic test, dropping a little oil on the delicate skin in the wrist or elbow area and observing during the day. If there are itching, rash, runny nose and other manifestations of allergy, you can not use oil, regardless of the age of the patient.
Alternative treatment
It must be said that essential oils are often used in alternative medicine to treat flat and other types of warts at home. But they are far from the only remedy known as a cure for external manifestations of the virus. There are many other means and recipes that our ancestors used to remove warts. After all, before medicine and pharmaceuticals were not at the level that we see today, and people had to deal with the misfortune with the help of gifts of nature and their own ingenuity.
Usually alternative recipes are considered universal, as they are suitable for removing various types of warts, papillomas, calluses of viral and other nature. We will pay attention to those of them that you can safely apply on visible areas of the skin, and in particular on the face - the favorite location of juvenile warts.
The most popular natural antibiotics are onions and garlic. There is an opinion among the people that these burning vegetables due to the high content of vitamin C and some other components (for example, phytoncides capable of deactivating virions) are effective against various viruses. That is why they are used not only for colds, but also for fighting various manifestations of the papilloma virus, for example, for the treatment of flat warts.
Given the localization and small size of warts, it is most convenient to simply grease them with garlic or onion juice 2-3 times a day until the growths disappear. On large growths you can put a gruel from these vegetables and fix it for a couple of hours with a plaster if the warts are located on the hands and feet, but not on the face.
It must be said that onions and garlic from warts are used quite often, but young people have a biased attitude to them because of the unpleasant odor, so not all will agree to the above recipe.
Helps from warts on the face and body and the juice of the green nut. We need to take the green shell enveloping the immature fruit, and a few times a day to smear the growths with its slice. Unlike onions and garlic there will be no unpleasant odor, and the burning sensation is felt only insignificant. But the darkened warts, which will disappear only after a few days, will look even more unattractive in the open parts of the body. Therefore, it is better to have such treatment when there is an opportunity to stay at home for at least a week.
It is popular in the treatment of warts and vinegar, which need to regularly lubricate growths, avoiding areas of healthy skin. For these purposes, it is better to take natural apple cider vinegar, and to enhance the effect, add to it a couple drops of lemon essential oil, horseradish, onion or garlic juice. Vinegar will act as a cauterizing agent, and lemon, onions and garlic will fight viruses.
Sometimes it is advised to use acetic essence for the treatment of warts, referring to the fact that the effect is stronger, and the result is much faster. But the essence can cause severe skin burns, especially if it is applied with garlic. Such treatment is not suitable for removing outgrowths on the face and hands, because after him serious scars can remain. Apple vinegar acts more gently, but not to risk testing it is still first on the limbs and body, and then apply on the face or use more gentle means.
This means is a fresh juice from sour apples, which need to lubricate the growths 2-3 times a day. In theory, this is the same treatment with acid, but less concentrated than in vinegar. This method of treatment is quite suitable for the face, because after it there are no defects on the skin.
There are many different recipes based on raw potatoes. Various authors suggest cutting the potato, then greasing the warts of one of the halves and burying both, throwing the used half of the potatoes over your shoulder, turning your back on the departing moon, applying compresses from potato slurry, etc. On warts. It is difficult to say what are the basis for such advice on the treatment of warts and how potato juice affects them, but if you believe in your recovery, they help. In theory, potatoes are more likely to serve as a placebo, and faith helps to activate the protective functions of the body. Harm such treatment certainly will not bring, but it can help someone.
It is used in people from flat warts and herbal treatments. At the same time, the most popular plant that can cope with papillomatous rashes is considered to be celandine. For the removal of warts it is recommended to use fresh juice of the plant, but two facts should be taken into account:
- celandine is a poisonous plant, and applying it on large surfaces (and juvenile warts, located in groups, can cover the face, legs, hands and other parts of the body) can trigger the appearance of symptoms of intoxication,
- after lubricating the warts with celandine juice, they darken as well as from the walnut juice, which does not look the best.
It turns out that the celandine juice is advisable to use only to remove individual growths and in places where they are practically not visible (for example, on the back of the foot, which can be covered with socks). Moreover, this is far from being the best choice for treating children and adolescents.
Instead of celandine juice, you can try using milky dandelion juice, which also needs to treat warts several times a day. It is believed that the juice of a dandelion is most effective with fresh warts, so do not delay with treatment.
A good anti-viral agent is the Kalanchoe juice, which is recommended for warts when applied externally, repeatedly lubricating the growths until they disappear.
Similarly, calendula works in a similar way, so a recipe can be applied from flat warts: lubricate warts 4-5 times a day with calendula ointment or apply compresses from mashed flowers and plant leaves for the night.
Above we have listed various methods and means of alternative medicine used for external treatment of warts. But at the same time it is necessary to understand that without increasing the overall immunity they will not be able to restrain the disease for a long time. It is not surprising that after successful removal of external manifestations of papillomavirus after some time patients face with fact that the rashes appear again on the same or other parts of the body.
Prevent recurrences of viral infection will help recipes for internal use, using the beneficial properties of various herbs. For example, with adolescent warts, a healing decoction of such herbs is considered: plantain, nettle, melissa (leaves), horsetail field (ground part), dandelion (root). Herbs should be taken in the same proportion.
Prepare the "medicine" as follows: 1.5 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs pour 2 glasses of water, bring to a boil and stand with a weak boil for 10 minutes, then cool for a couple of hours and filter. Take the broth should be 3 tablespoons. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
As a regular drink you can use herbal teas. To do this, well suited broths of mint and lemon balm, leaves and currant berries, hips. You can also drink green tea, adding zest and lemon pulp, as well as eating more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, which strengthens the nervous system and increases immunity.
It is also useful to drink a course of plant adaptogens: eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea, etc. For this purpose, you can buy a tincture of plants in the pharmacy (take 30 drops 2-3 times a day) or brew vegetable raw materials as a healing tea.