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Carnivitis q10 for weight loss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Complex product Carnivit Q10 for weight loss in addition to its basic function also helps to rejuvenate and improve the body. This drug is produced by a Russian company specializing in the creation of non-drug products that help to remove excess weight.
Indications of the carnivite q10 for weight loss
Release form
Carnivit Q10 has the form of capsules. One package contains 180 caps.
Carnivit Q10 contains 4 active substances that have a complex effect on the body, as well as activating its own resources. The result of this is the normalization of the metabolic process, and with it the normalization of the processing of carbohydrates, as well as proteins with fats.
L-carnitine is the main active component of capsules. The body produces it independently, but in case of its deficiency, the cell membranes lose their elasticity, because of which fats are not converted into energy. In addition, this substance has other properties that help to reduce weight.
Coenzyme Q10 closely interacts with L-carnitine. It increases the rate of oxidation processes, and besides it helps quickly burn stored fat in the body. Together with this, the vitamin improves the process of oxygen absorption by the cells of the body, has a positive effect on the NS and stimulates metabolism.
Tioctacides in the body, too, are produced, but in very small quantities. This component helps lower cholesterol, as well as reduce the load on the liver with overeating fatty foods, or, conversely, with diets. Also, thioctacids help stabilize metabolic processes.
Vitamin E does not directly affect the process of losing weight, but it is a fairly strong natural antioxidant. It effectively fights against substances that provoke premature aging (free radicals). As a result of the use of tocopherol, the condition of hair, skin, and nails improves.
Dosing and administration
Take Carnivitis Q10 is required for 1 month, and repeat the course is allowed up to 5 times / year. The daily dose is 3-5 capsules, they need to be taken with food. Together with this, it is also necessary to change the diet - to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, and instead there are dishes that contain unsaturated fatty acids, as well as proteins. It is recommended to give up alcohol, but simple water should drink at least 1.5-2 liters / day. In addition, it is required to exercise regularly and intensively, as this drug will not help to lose weight without applying additional efforts. He acts only as an assistant, simplifying the process of losing weight.
Use of the carnivite q10 for weight loss during pregnancy
In pregnancy, the use of this product for weight loss is prohibited.
The list of contraindications for taking this medication is rather small. It can not be used in such cases:
- during lactation;
- with increased sensitivity to the elements of the drug;
- with exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies;
- children under 15 years.
Side effects of the carnivite q10 for weight loss
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because in some cases such adverse reactions may occur, such as an allergy-itching, skin rash, swelling.
Storage conditions
Contain Carnivit in a place that is closed from sunlight, and also dry and inaccessible to children. Temperature conditions - no more than 25 ° C.
Shelf life
You can apply the drug for 24 months. From the moment of manufacturing.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results
Julia: "I used the drug for 1 month, I lost 3 kg. Not exactly the result I was expecting, but it's already quite good. I note that I did not observe any diets at the same time. "
Kira: "The reception of the Carnivite Q10 allowed me to lose weight very well. Although the drug is quite expensive, but it brings results - for 2 months it took 10 kg of excess weight. "
Lena (35 years): "I used BAA in a dosage of 3 capsules instead of 5 for economy reasons, because the drug for me is quite expensive. The effect was almost invisible - for a month dropped only 2 kg, but I often went on foot, and also did not eat after 6 pm. But at the same time, I noticed that the state of nails, skin, hair, and in general health in general, has improved significantly. Apparently, I have a very neglected case, so a one-month course was not enough. Or it was necessary to use the maximum dose. "
Doctor's comments
Carnivit Q10 for weight loss gets positive feedback and from experts - sports doctors, as well as nutritionists. This drug can cover the daily requirement of the body in those components that contain it, so it can be recommended even to people with excellent health. According to research, it is known that tocopherol, ubiquinone, and L-carnitine are often used in pediatrics, which suggests that this dietary supplement is safe and can be beneficial to health.
To make the process of losing weight more effective, you should take Carnivitis in combination with the medicine "Phytoslim Active" - it is in this case, doctors fix the best results (patients drop 5-15 kg for one such course).
We must not forget that the effect can be obtained only if there is an individual weight loss plan - a specially designed for the patient complex of physical exercises, as well as a diet. Doctors believe that it is unlikely to get results without proper nutrition and exercise.
Some patients complain about the high cost of dietary supplements, as well as the fact that it does not always give results, because of what money is wasted. In this case, I want to say that you should not expect that the food additive itself can remove excess weight. With her help, you can only accelerate the process of losing weight, as well as increase metabolism. In the rest everything depends on you and your efforts.
We must understand that this process will not be superfast. Getting rid of fat stores will begin when the body normalizes metabolism, as well as accumulate the necessary amount of vitamins. If you are ready to wait for the result, and are also focused on keeping an active lifestyle, Carnivit Q10 for weight loss suits you.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Carnivitis q10 for weight loss" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.