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Ointments for Coughs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A common complication of colds is a runny nose and cough. Laryngotracheitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, regardless of genesis, are accompanied by a cough. The intensity of manifestation of the cough reflex depends on the degree of involvement of the chest organs in the inflammatory process. The use of ointments to reduce the symptoms of complications of colds is based on the warming effect and anti-inflammatory inhalation inhalation of active ether fumes. An attractive and simple method of using an auxiliary method of cough treatment. To a minimum, the manifestation of side effects from the effect of this method of therapy is reduced. If you correctly use ointments and do not overdo it with the amount of medication used (there may be burns at the place of application at too high doses of the remedy), then the treatment will have only positive dynamics.
Indications of the ointments for coughing
After consulting a specialist, if there are no contraindications, rubbing with the use of ointments play a significant role in the therapy of bronchial tree disease. The active use of special ointments in many pulmonary pathologies accompanied by a cough leads to a faster recovery. Trituration of the chest with ointments causes activation of blood circulation in the area of application and acceleration of excretion of the products of vital activity of viruses and bacteria.
Release form
The warming effect after rubbing leads to warming deeper the located organs of the thorax and reducing stagnant phenomena in them. Inhalation of vapors of essential oils helps to reduce inflammation of the mucous respiratory system.
Turpentine ointment
Turpentine ointment is made from vegetable components and has an anti-inflammatory property.
Indications for use are acute diseases of the respiratory system, rheumatism, muscle pains, peripheral nerve fibers, radiculitis, Sokolsky-Buyo disease.
Method of application. Use an ointment in the form of rubbing. Apply the drug to the upper body, neck, avoiding the area of the nipples and the projection of the heart. Intense movements actively rub the ointment into the skin. Then the patient is put on a shirt made of natural cloth and wrapped with a blanket to keep the heat. After 2 -3 procedures the condition improves. If the ointment is used to treat cough in children, then it is mixed in equal proportions with a baby cream.
Contraindications - disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver; intolerance of the ingredients of the drug. Danger of getting the drug on the mucous membranes. Use during pregnancy is excluded.
Ointment Dr. Mom
Used externally. Means of translucent color. Made from natural ingredients. Active active substances - camphor, levomenthol, nutmeg oil, turpentine and eucalyptus, thymol. The basis is white paraffin. Has local irritating, antiphlogistic and antiseptic effects. Ointment is intended for symptomatic therapy of ARI. It is used strictly externally. Contraindicated use for any damage to the skin, individual intolerance of individual components and children under the age of two. Side effects are allergic manifestations. It is stored at a temperature of 15-25 ° C in a place inaccessible to the sun's rays, in hermetically sealed containers. Shelf life is 36 months.
Ointment of propolis
Homeopathic remedy, the main active ingredient of which is propolis. Excipient - medical petroleum jelly. Propolis is a product of beekeeping. Potentially dangerous for people with hypersensitivity to bee honey and pollen. Propolis contains: a variety of vitamins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, fatty acids (kumaric, coffee, cinnamon), amino acids (lysine, cystine, arginine, etc.), flavonoids, pinotsebrin.
Propolis ointment can be prepared independently. Freeze in the freezer 10-15 g of propolis, grate the raw materials on the grater. Take butter (100 g), melt in a water bath. In the oil solution add grated propolis and simmer for 30 minutes. The mixture is filtered and cooled. Keep refrigerated.
Ointment of pharmacy or home preparation are equally effective and have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, promote regeneration and healing of wounds.
Teraflu Ointment
Combined product for external use. Used for diseases of the respiratory system. Active ingredients - camphor, essential oils of rosemary and eucalyptus, Peruvian balm. Auxiliary components - carbopol, sodium hydroxide (30% rr), polyoxyethylene, purified water. Ointment is a component of complex therapy for viral respiratory tract infections accompanied by cough. Indications for use - tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis. Ointment is contraindicated in the syndrome of increased convulsive readiness, sensitivity to ingredients and children under 3 years of age. Application during pregnancy, during the lactation period is not desirable, because there is no data on the effect of the drug on the health of the mother and child during these periods. Apply ointment externally 2 or 3 r. / Day. Apply in small portions on the chest and back and slightly rub. Side effects: local allergic reactions may appear.
Viks ointment
Ointment based on herbal ingredients (eucalyptus and terpentine oil, camphor, levomenthol). Used as an auxiliary element of complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infection with symptoms of rhinorrhea, cough and sore throat. Ointment is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, whooping cough, inclination to larnigo and bronchospasm, false croup, hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, children under 2 years. It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy because of a lack of information about the effect of the drug components on the organism of the future mother and fetus.
The drug should be used only externally or for inhalation. Apply ointment is recommended on the skin of the chest, back, neck and rub with massage movements from 2 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 5 days. Ointment is dispensed without a prescription and stored at t no higher than 25 ° C in a tightly closed jar. Shelf life - 4 years.
Asterisk ointment
An ointment agent made from natural ingredients. Ingredients : menthol, camphor, mint, eucalyptus, clove flowers, beeswax, paraffin, lanolin, petroleum jelly. Available in tin cans, packed in cardboard boxes. Has a local irritating, antiseptic effect. Ointment is recommended for use in case of flu, cold, cold. Contraindications are: sensitivity to the ingredients of the product, damaged skin, children under the age of two. The method of application - externally, lubricate the skin of the wings of the nose, temporal areas, with a slight grinding. Carry out the procedure carefully, avoiding getting the ointment in the eyes. The drug loses its effectiveness, if the storage rules are violated (not isolated from sunlight and moisture). Store at 12-15 ° C in a tightly closed jar. Shelf life - 5 years.
Bryonia Ointment
Homeopathic remedy for external use. The active ingredient is white hairspray extract. As a component of complex therapy, ointment from cough, can be used in pathologies of the respiratory system, contributes to the removal of bronchial secretions and reduces the manifestations of barking cough. According to the instructions, the agent is indicated for use in bronchitis, tracheitis, joint diseases. From cough ointment is used as follows: apply to the area of the chest and back 1 r./dut. (preferably in the evening) and wrap the treated areas with a warm natural cloth. Contraindications - intolerance of derivative transgressions. In the gestational period, the drug is administered under close medical supervision. The conditions suitable for storing the preparation are a temperature background of not more than 20 ° C; a dark dry place inaccessible to children. Shelf life is 2 years.
Herpferon ointment
The drug has an antiviral effect. Active components: interferon, acyclovir, lidocaine. Color - white with a cream tint. It has a weak specific odor. Has a local analgesic, antiviral, antiphlogistic action.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug is determined by the mechanism of action of each component.
Interferon - antiviral activity, normalizes the immune status. Acyclovir is an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Lidocaine is an analgesic action in the place of application. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. It is well compatible with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating medications. With the appearance of the first signs of a cold, 5 r. Mucous membranes are applied to the mucous membranes. A day with a break of 4 hours. The course of use is 5-10 days. Store the drug at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. Shelf life is 24 months.
All of the above cough ointments have different pharmacodynamics, depending on the composition of the agent, and similar pharmacokinetics. Their absorption by the skin is minimal. They are not determined in blood and urine. With affected skin, the effectiveness is moderate.
Ointments with a dry cough
Attacks of dry cough - a reflex, the purpose of which is to clean the upper respiratory tract from various irritating agents (sputum, exudate, mucus). Dry cough almost always accompanies infectious, cold, viral diseases. Depending on the immune response of the body and the causative agent of the disease, the character of the cough varies from mild to debilitating, intensifying during sleep.
Side effects of ointments from coughing arise in connection with intolerance of some components and are expressed by local allergic reactions (hyperemia, itching, burning).
Ointments used for dry cough: Dr. Mom, ointment star, propolis, Gerpferon, etc.
Ointment funds are intended for external use only.
Contraindications to drugs in the presence of hypersensitivity, to the ingredients, the presence of skin inflammation and disruption of the integrity of the upper layers of the skin.
Warming Cream Ointments
Almost any catarrhal disease is accompanied by a cough. In the modern world, a large number of various drugs are available to combat this symptom. A wide range of ointments from cough. Proponents of traditional medicine refer this tool to distracting procedures. But the drugs are very popular. They often contain menthol, turpentine, camphor, thymol (thyme), methyl salicylate, etc. These components with external application have a strong enough antiseptic, warming, diaphoretic, intensifying blood circulation and ultimately lead to stimulation of expectoration.
To warming ointments from a cough are:
- Balsam asterisk
- Bom-Benge
- Boromentholovaya
- Kombigripp and others.
The advantage of these drugs in ease of use. It is enough to take the necessary amount and rub for 10 minutes in the zones of the chest, larynx, back or stop. It is advisable to perform the procedure for rubbing in the evening before going to bed.
Do not apply rubbing at high body temperature. Do not forget about the possible local allergic manifestations. Heating cough ointment is not used in the acute stage of the disease. Use is permissible in a period approaching recovery to eliminate residual cold manifestations. Warming ointments are not used in children under 1 year of age, and extreme caution is observed in older children.
Ointments for rubbing on coughing
From the deep antiquity to the present day, an effective method of coughing in children and adults - rubbing - has been preserved. This procedure is to increase the intensity of blood flow and warming, which stimulates the departure of the pathological secretion of the tracheobronchial tree and reduces the cough.
For grinding use, manufactured industrially, turpentine ointment, Dr. Mom, Vix-asset, Bryonia ointment, ointments containing essential oils, bear, badger, goat fat. The active components of each agent have good permeability and antiphlogistic action.
Alternative healers advise for rubbing to apply goat or badger fats. You can use fat in pure form or with various additives (apyprodukty, alcohol or vodka). Honey has antibacterial, antimycotic, antiviral and sedative properties. Alcohol or vodka contribute to a deep warming and expansion of the vessels in the organs of the chest.
Ointment Doctor Mom, sold in the pharmacy chain, is used for grinding. The composition of the ointment contains eucalyptus and menthol, intensively warming the thorax and possessing antibacterial properties.
Rubbing with the use of ointments from the cough promotes more active sputum discharge from the lungs, speeding up the recovery.
It is necessary to carry out the procedure of grinding correctly. Medsoderzhaschie ointments before use must be heated to a uniform consistency. Any of the ointments used should be at room temperature. The agent is applied to the thorax according to the instructions, but the region of the projection of the heart is almost always excluded. Rubbed places are covered with a natural cloth or towel. The patient is wrapped in a blanket and allowed to lie down for at least 2 hours. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
Ointment forms of preparations for coughing can stain the bed linen and bed linen. In this case, it is necessary to use old things that will not be a pity, then discard.
Rubbing is allowed only if there is no fever and children over 2 years old.
Cough ointments for children
Cough ointments for children have been used for many centuries. Now the pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of various ointments and creams from cough, intended for use in the treatment of children. All of them apply differently. The action of some, is based on the inhalation of essential oils that have an anti-inflammatory property, while others are effective in grinding. Before using the ointment to cough, you need a mandatory pediatrician consultation. Each ointment has its own list of indications and contraindications. When coughing occurs due to pertussis disease, rubbing with ointment is unlikely to give a positive result, because the nature of this cough lies in the irritation of certain zones of the central nervous system.
In cases of flu or ARVI, it is necessary to determine a dry or wet cough in a child. In the initial stage of catarrhal disease, coughing is usually dry.
For some time, a dry (unproductive) cough turns into a wet cough. The general condition of the patient improves, mucopurulent sputum begins to separate.
The use of ointments is effective when transferring non-productive cough to productive (wet). Rubbing will speed up the evacuation of sputum and promote a speedy recovery. You can use ointments from a cough from any child age, including infants, but it is important to remember the sensitive features of the child. If the ointment is used for the first time, then a test for individual susceptibility is necessary. To do this, apply a small amount to the inner surface of the ulnar fold. If there is no local redness or rash, then you can safely proceed to use the drug.
The most popular ointments in pediatrics are:
- Pulmeks baby;
- Doctor Mom;
- Dr. Thais;
- Bear cub;
- Badger and others.
All cough ointments are applied on the chest, bypassing the projection of the heart, on the back, and also on the soles of the feet. When using ointment for the treatment of a cold, the nose wings are lubricated with the drug.
Rubbing with ointment is an effective and simple method for cough relief, which contributes to a speedy recovery. The variety produced by the pharmaceutical industry, ointments from coughing leaves no doubt that the method is actively used in therapeutic treatment. But rubbing with ointments is not an absolutely safe way. Do not forget about the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the ointment, the possible age limits, the duration of exposure of the ointment on the skin. All these features will be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the preparation for grinding. Self-medication is unacceptable, although at first glance the application of the ointment seems absolutely harmless.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments for Coughs" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.