

Treatment of influenza, colds, coughs, bronchitis

Sialor nasal spray.

By its local action Sialor spray from runny nose is a disinfectant (antiseptic) agent of bacteriostatic nature.

Antipyretic medicines for children

Antipyretics - antipyretics - antipyretic drugs for children are used to normalize body temperature.

Drugs for shortness of breath

Selecting treatment, it is important to understand that drugs for shortness of breath can not be the same: they are prescribed by a specialist, focusing on the patient's condition and the underlying disease.

Folk remedies for wet and dry coughs

Having studied the annotations for many remedies for wet and dry cough, you can see that the lion's share of these drugs is developed on the basis of natural components (herbal extracts, plant extracts and their derivatives).

Does the cough need to be treated?

How justified such behavior, whether it is necessary to treat cough, if sputum expectorates without external intervention and what are the remedies for wet cough, we will talk about in this article.

Medicines for wet and dry coughs

In the pharmacy network today you can find dozens of varieties of different remedies for wet and dry cough, not counting the new ones that are periodically supplied by pharmaceutical companies, expanding their range.

Cough suppressants and combination therapies for dry and wet coughs

Cough remedies have less popularity in treating this symptom compared to mucolytics and expectorants.

Cough tinctures

As a liquid dosage form, plant tinctures - alcoholic extracts (obtained by extracting biologically active substances from pharmacopoeial plants with ethyl alcohol) - are galenic preparations. Can tinctures be cough tinctures?

Mustards for children

An effective warming procedure is mustard sticks. Children are prescribed them for coughs, bronchitis and other diseases. Consider the features of the means of local action.

Cough inhalations for dry and wet coughs

Coughing is one of those unpleasant symptoms that do not let you forget about yourself for a minute. It is especially difficult when a mild cough and occasional urges to cough up the contents of the respiratory tract turn into an agonizing bout or a persistent dry/slow-productive cough.


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