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Cough tinctures
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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As a liquid dosage form, plant tinctures - alcoholic extracts (obtained by extracting biologically active substances from pharmacopoeial plants with ethyl alcohol) - are galenic preparations. Can tinctures be cough tinctures?
Alcohol tinctures have existed since time immemorial and are still used in traditional phytotherapy, although their pharmacodynamics is not sufficiently studied, and the therapeutic effect in many cases is not confirmed by clinical studies.
Nevertheless, it is recommended to take tinctures from dry cough (non-productive), as well as from productive (wet) cough - with colds, acute respiratory viral infections, laryngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia.
Cough tincture recipes
All recipes for cough tinctures contain ethanol (80-90% ethyl alcohol). Plant raw materials for their preparation are appropriate medicinal plants with secretomotor properties: leaves, flowers, roots and expectorant herbs for cough.
With a dry cough use plantain leaf (Plantago major), herb thyme or thyme creeping (Thymus serpyllum), oregano (Origanum vulgare), cough with thick phlegm help leaves of mother and stepmother (Tussilago farfara), root licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and althea medicinal (Althea officinialis).
Plantain tincture for coughs
It is a recognized expectorant (secretomotor), containing surface active saponins, alkaloids, flavone compounds, polysaccharides and phytoncides. Tincture is sold in pharmacies in pure form, and is also included in some ready-made syrups. In addition, this remedy is used in hypoacid gastritis and chronic colitis.
Contraindications to use include increased gastric acidity, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. And the main side effects of plantain leaf tincture are expressed in the form of an allergic reaction. Means with plantain extract are used in children from the age of two years. For more information see. - Plantain for cough
Licorice tincture for coughs
Licorice root (licorice) supports the motor function of the respiratory tract, and also stimulates the production of tracheobronchial secretion due to the properties of its glycosides and flavonoids.
Read more - Licorice root: medicinal properties and contraindications
Interactions with other drugs should be considered, as licorice should not be used with agents that depress the cough reflex, and diuretics.
Licorice syrup (with dry licorice root extract, sucrose, water and 8% ethyl alcohol) can be found on sale. Its use for children is recommended: up to 3 years - 2.5 ml for one intake (three times a day), 4-9 years - 5 ml, 10-12 years - up to 10 ml, over 12 years (and adults) - 15 ml.
Also read:
- Tincture, infusion and mixture of licorice for coughs
- Licorice root for dry and wet cough: how to take?
- Licorice syrup for dry and wet cough: how to take, dosage
Althea tincture for coughs.
Liquefies viscous phlegm and makes it easier to expectorate althea root for cough.
Tincture is prepared from dry crushed root, which is poured with alcohol or vodka and insisted in a tightly closed container for at least two weeks (with periodic shaking of the contents. But it is unlikely that anyone will treat a child's cough with this remedy.
Although any pharmacy has a mixture or cough syrup with an extract of the root of this plant (especially for children - Alteika), you can prepare an aqueous infusion: a tablespoon of raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and insist under a lid (until cool). See also - Tinctures and syrups with honey for coughs
Despite the effectiveness of this medicinal plant, it is contraindicated in the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, and an overdose of tincture or mixture with althea root can lead to vomiting.
Tincture of eucalyptus for coughs
Due to a whole complex of biologically active substances, eucalyptus leaves are characterized by their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant properties and are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx in the form of decoction for throat gargles and inhalations. For more information - Inhalations with eucalyptus for coughs and bronchitis
Infusion of leaves (two tablespoons per glass of boiling water) is taken for coughs to reduce the viscosity of sputum. A tincture is prepared from crushed leaves: 25 g to 100 ml of ethyl alcohol (20-30%), insist for two weeks. Take twice a day - adding 15-25 drops in 60-70 ml of water at room temperature.
Contraindications are under three years of age, whooping cough, obstructive laryngitis, bronchial spasm and bronchial asthma. Side effects are manifested by allergic reactions, and in cases of overdose there is dizziness, shortness of breath, fever.
Aloe tincture for coughs.
The juice of aloe leaves contains anthraglycosides (aloin, rabarberone, emodin), as well as biologically active enzymes and resinous substances. Together they have anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, choleretic and loosening effect. In addition, the juice of stoloniferous leaves promotes digestion (by increasing gastric secretion), as well as increases immunity and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. But to facilitate the coughing up of phlegm this plant is not able to.
However, aloe for cough can be used - with the exception of children under 12 years of age and pregnant women, as well as in the presence of bleeding, acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, low blood pressure and low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood.
What is a tincture for cough from aloe and honey, read in the article - Aloe with honey and cough cahor
It should be borne in mind that it applies:
- Calendula tincture for cough. Calendula in the form of tincture of its flowers has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect; in tonsillitis or stomatitis it is used for gargling the throat or mouth: 10-15 drops per half a glass of water. A doctor may recommend oral administration of this tincture to patients with inflammation of the gallbladder or bile ducts.
- tincture of wormwood for coughs. Tincture of bitter wormwood (Arthemisia absinthium) is used as a bitterness, that is, a remedy to increase appetite.
- propolis tincture for cough. Propolis tincture and glycerin is included in Proposol throat spray because bee glue has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and also promotes tissue regeneration. For more details, see. - Treatment of purulent sore throat with propolis
In addition, can be used propolis tincture for atrophic gastritis, hyperacidity
- Tincture of walnuts for coughs: tincture of walnut kernels is a folk remedy for fibroadenoma of the mammary glands, and from immature walnuts - home remedy for diarrhea.
- Tincture of lilac from coughs, but it is used for rubs for joint pain and neuralgia.
Use during pregnancy
Firstly, alcohol tinctures for cough during pregnancy cannot be used by definition. Secondly, many herbs in pregnancy are categorically contraindicated, so galenic preparations are prescribed with caution.
If you are concerned about cough, which is a symptom of many different diseases and conditions, you should consult a doctor. There are many medicines with similar therapeutic effects available for treatment:
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Cough tinctures" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.