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Herbs during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What herbs can be drunk during pregnancy, and which should be categorically refused should every future mother know, since it is important not only for her, but also for the health of the baby's future. Some herbs that promote conception are categorically contraindicated in pregnancy, because they can provoke a miscarriage.
What kind of herbs can I drink during pregnancy?
Harmless for the treatment of colds and cough during pregnancy are considered lime blossom, infusion of flowers and roots of the marshmallow, leaves of mother and stepmother, primrose, gravelite city.
The root of valerian can also be used for medicinal purposes during pregnancy, but only for a short time and in a small amount. It is best to abandon the alcohol tincture and use prepared at home, the infusion. To do this, you need to pour a teaspoon of roots with a glass of warm water and insist for 6-8 hours.
Birch leaves help well from edema. Infusion of two teaspoons per 200 ml. Boiling water should be kept for half an hour and drink warm until the disappearance of swelling.
Also, during pregnancy, the use of air, volostushki, vasilisnik, zolotoratnika, vyazolistnogo labaznika, burdock, flax seeds, bilberries, rennet, dogrose.
The fact of eating a decoction or infusion of even harmless herbs should always be agreed with the doctor supervising the pregnancy.
What herbs can not be in pregnancy?
What kind of herbs can not be used during pregnancy, and what medicinal preparations can harm your health and provoke a miscarriage? Many future mothers, trying not to harm the child, deliberately make a choice in the direction of natural, natural medicines, which is not always true. By and large, it does, but not all herbal preparations are useful in pregnancy - some herbs have abortive effect, increasing the tone of the uterus, provoke miscarriage or premature birth, and affect the functioning of the central nervous system of the fetus and cause its pathologies in the early stages pregnancy.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is better to avoid the use of herbs and other medications, if there is an urgent need, then do this in small doses and at short intervals, and applying decoctions and extracts to the skin is not at all dangerous.
Plants, which contain strong substances, can affect both the mother's body and the child's body. These are: autumn crocus, barberry, Canadian wolf foot, borage, ginseng, lobelia, mandragore, Ma Huang.
Contraindicated plants that have laxative effect. Anthraquinone in these plants not only affects the musculature of the large intestine, but also the uterus. This aloe, buckthorn alder, Zhostera Pursha, buckthorn laxative, cassia.
To other alternative means, the use of which during pregnancy should be avoided, include infusions and decoctions of: basil, carnation, voronets, buculus blessed, stalker, vizier Verginsky, hyssop, lover, male sculler, oregano, podophyllum, meli, mahonia, satura, sumac , wild yam, turmeric, ginerium.
This is not the whole list of herbs that can be harmful to a pregnant woman or have a side effect. To avoid any problems, before using any herb or collection you need to consult your doctor or homeopath.
Dangerous herbs during pregnancy
Dangerous herbs during pregnancy are those that can harm both the body of a woman and harm the fetus, and in severe cases lead to a loss of pregnancy. Often, pregnancy is accompanied by a variety of ailments, which is associated with a decrease in the body's defenses. Pregnancy means giving up many medications, so the only alternative is homeopathy.
- Dangerous herbs include parsley - it includes substances that affect the muscles of the uterus, causing it to contract, and this can lead to premature birth.
- A split spacing can provoke developmental malformations in the fetus;
- Hyssop leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can lead to abortion;
- Rhubarb can provoke defects in the formation of the skeleton of a future child;
- Tansy increases blood pressure, affects the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which provokes miscarriage;
- Ayr has a very pronounced diuretic effect, which also affects the development of the fetus;
- Cornflower during pregnancy is harmful for two reasons - it contains a cyanide complex and it has a diuretic effect.
- Wormwood can cause seizures, hallucinations and other mental disorders, as well as bleeding.
- Thyme and sage can also cause bleeding.
- Devyasil is able to influence the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which can also cause interruption of pregnancy.
Before at your own risk and risk to take decoctions or infusions of the above herbs, you should first consult with your doctor or doctor who leads the pregnancy
Herbs useful in pregnancy
Herbs useful in pregnancy are not so numerous in its kind. As a rule, they are very relevant, because they do not harm the body of the mother and child. Such herbs are irreplaceable as natural non-toxic agents against inflammation, as well as sedatives, diuretics, and general cleansing agents.
Leaves and buds of birch. They have a diuretic, antibacterial, sedative, clearing and anti-inflammatory effect, restore water-salt imbalance. Recommended for toxicosis in later periods, with edema and kidney pathology. Effective in this case napar from the kidneys of birch - 1 teaspoon of kidneys should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Eat 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Cowberry leaves and berries. Effective in pathologies of the urinary tract, because they have a pronounced antimicrobial and diuretic effect, and are also rich in the necessary vitamins.
Valerian root has a pronounced sedative effect, and can also be used as a diuretic, choleretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, hypotensive natural remedy.
Berries of blueberries, rich in vitamins A and C, mineral salts, organic acids, can be used as a vitamin complex, which strengthens the mother and child. Also, blueberries reduce blood sugar and promote the secretion of bile.
Blackberry berries and her leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, E, B, K, R, PP and other important micro and macro elements that are irreplaceable for a pregnant woman. In addition, the blackberry has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and mild laxative effect.
Kalina is shown as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory natural preparation with an anti-allergic and spasmolytic effect. Decoctions and infusions on Kalina can be drunk in painful bouts, muscle spasms.
Herbs useful in pregnancy and their infusions and broths should be taken strictly in the recommended doses.
Grass motherwort during pregnancy
Grass of the motherwort during pregnancy is one of the undeclared sedatives that will not harm a future child. During pregnancy due to hormonal bursts the nervous state of the pregnant woman fluctuates all the time. This is connected with the fact that on reaching the new trimester of pregnancy, the balance of hormones rapidly changes, which greatly affects the well-being and behavior of women.
The safest way to normalize the condition and calm down the anxiety of a pregnant woman is to use soothing herbs in a small amount. For example, the motherwort herb relieves irritation, improves digestion, smooths the heart rhythm, removes the tone of smooth muscles, relaxes, reduces pressure, and also prevents bouts of nausea, relieves flatulence.
The herb of the motherwort can be brewed by herself, but it is better to mix with your favorite tea - then her taste will not be so sharp. Enough half a teaspoon per cup to achieve the desired effect.
However, we must not forget that before you engage in self-medication, you need to consult a doctor who leads the pregnancy. Timely consultation and diagnosis will help prevent the development of any complications.
Grass hay during pregnancy
Grass hay during pregnancy is not included in the category of authorized safe herbs. During pregnancy, a lot of physiological changes take place in the body of the woman - progesterone, with its high content, inhibits peristalsis, which reduces intestinal tone. At later dates, due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower parts of the intestine, its displacement occurs and normal work is disrupted. Also, reducing fluid intake can provoke constipation.
Constipation during pregnancy is not uncommon, but at the first signs of violations of defecation need to address the elimination of this problem. Constipation can cause hemorrhoids, lead to disruption of the microflora and the development of cystitis, colpitis. Also, due to impaired intestinal microflora, the risk of purulent-septic complications increases.
Senna is a classic natural remedy for constipation, but it is contraindicated in pregnancy. The active ingredients in its composition act on the smooth muscles of not only the intestines, but also the uterus, which can provoke contractions and cause the abortion. Therefore, it is better to choose a safer natural laxative, which will not harm the future child.
Grass mother during pregnancy
Grass mother during pregnancy or, as it is also called, "oregano", refers to female grasses. It is part of the herbal collection, which is usually recommended for diseases of the reproductive system - it normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps with inflammation of the appendages, promotes the onset of pregnancy. But the maternal herb has one drawback - it can not be used inside during pregnancy, either in its pure form, or in the composition of medicinal dues.
Nevertheless, the external use of oregano will not harm the fetus, so the grass can be safely used for some ailments. With purulent rashes and boils, you can do compresses with oregano broth, and to maintain the purity of the skin and for the prevention of rashes, you can wash the broth of oregano in the morning and evening.
With a headache, you can wash your head with not too concentrated decoction - it not only relieves discomfort, but also improves and strengthens your hair, and during pregnancy they suffer considerably.
With inflammatory processes of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis can rinse the mouth with a small amount of broth oregano 4-5 times a day. As a natural anti-inflammatory and decontaminating agent, oregano will help in a short time to get rid of the problem. With angina, rinses of oregano give a particularly pronounced positive dynamics, but do not forget that the broth can not be ingested.
But in order to prevent any complications, you can not rely entirely on natural remedies, at the first signs of a malaise it is better to seek help from a doctor.
Grass floor sex in pregnancy
The herb sex of the floor during pregnancy (also called ura woolly) is used mainly for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, and during pregnancy it is unacceptable to exacerbate any chronic disease, since it is practically impossible to carry out effective treatment without synthetic drugs. And any antibiotics and other potent drugs have a toxic effect not only on the mother's body, but in utero and on the baby. And this is fraught with the development of severe pathologies of the nervous system, brain, cardiovascular system, liver.
Sex of the sex is contraindicated in all forms of hypoparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, osteoporosis and other violations of excretion of calcium from the body. However, the grass floor of the floor, despite its effectiveness is not always well tolerated by pregnant women, which is manifested by intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders. Such conditions are unacceptable and can lead to problems with the fetus, so it must be used carefully, only after consulting a gynecologist in advance. Self-medication and blind trust in alternative methods of treatment, advice of friends and relatives can affect the health of both mother and child.
Chamomile grass during pregnancy
Chamomile in pregnancy is relevant in many situations, and the area of its application is so wide that the broths and infusions of chamomile can be used to treat both internal organs and as an external remedy. Chamomile grass is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth, stomach, intestines, gynecological inflammations.
When pregnant, you can drink chamomile tea - it calms the pain in the stomach, relaxes, helps relieve nervous tension. With meteorism, a decoction of chamomile flowers is drunk as an anti-inflammatory, light laxative, which also acts as a defoamer. At attacks of a toxicosis the broth of a camomile helps or assists to cope with a nausea and a nervous strain, and at a pain in a throat or an inflammation of gums it is necessary some times a day to do or make rinsings this broth. In the early stages of pregnancy, a warm syringing with a decoction of chamomile helps with inflammation of the genitals.
But do not forget that a day you can drink no more than 400 ml. Broth. Substances that are part of the flowers of chamomile can stimulate the production of estrogen, which can lead to the termination of pregnancy. Use the broth should be very carefully and in a strictly indicated dosage, having previously agreed the treatment scheme with a gynecologist.
Grass turn during pregnancy
Grass turn during pregnancy is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, hemostatic and regenerative alternative.
The sequence is effectively used to treat various skin diseases - the active components in its composition act as a disinfectant and a healing substance. Very often a sequence is appointed in combination with a burdock, violets of tri-color, young branches of black currant, raspberry and other plants. Decoctions are prescribed for both external and internal use.
Also, the broth of the turn is used for the baths, compresses, bandages - this is the most effective treatment regimen for seborrhea, allergic rash. In psoriasis, ointments based on alternatives are actively used. In small therapeutic doses, the turn is used as a sedative, but for permanent use it is not suitable, as accumulating in the body leads to an even more nervous excitement.
In general, the herb during pregnancy is not contraindicated and does not lead to the development of severe pathologies, but before the treatment begins it is better to put the gynecologist in the know.
Cowberry grass during pregnancy
Cowberry grass during pregnancy is very popular. Berries cranberries, its leaves and young shoots contain a lot of vitamins and active substances, extremely beneficial for the mother's body, without harming the fetus. Cowberry grass has a powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, which significantly expands its scope.
Decoctions and infusions of cranberries, rich in vitamins and trace elements are very useful for colds during pregnancy, and are not replaceable in the prevention of colds in the cool season. But still the main field of application of decoctions and infusions of cranberry leaves is the treatment and prevention of urinary tract diseases. Decoction of cranberries, without irritating the mucosa and without loading the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, has an antimicrobial effect in nephritis, cystitis. It is undesirable to use decoctions in the acute period of the disease, and for prevention and treatment in the subacute stage the best alternative means can not be found.
Take the decoction during pregnancy should be carefully - with the reception of other herbs the action of cowberry broth may intensify, and this is not always desirable. Therefore, before you independently switch to receiving herb cranberries, you need to notify your choice of a gynecologist.
Herb Echinacea in Pregnancy
Echinacea herb in pregnancy, as studies of geneticists have shown, does not lead to intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, and throughout the pregnancy supports the protective forces of the mother's body. When the correct dose of the drug is observed, the risk of abortion is extremely low, in contrast to those cases when pregnant women prescribed synthetic immunomodulators and antibiotics according to the prescription of doctors.
To once again not to be at risk, it is better to take the issue of taking Echinacea for examination by the treating doctor or doctor supervising the pregnancy. Basically, echinacea is prescribed for the treatment of purulent skin diseases, as well as sinusitis, cystitis, etc.
Alcohol tincture Echinacea during pregnancy is contraindicated, so it is best to take it as a decoction, infusion and additive in tea. Extract of echinacea in pricks is contraindicated, since it leads to the development of immunodeficiency in the fetus. As a result, the child will not be able to withstand the influence of the internal environment at all.
Drink a decoction of Echinacea strictly, with a course not exceeding 10 days. It is also better to use Echinacea preparations not in the early stages of pregnancy and under the supervision of a gynecologist. Physiological enhancement of immunity in the early stages can lead to the fact that the fetus will be perceived as foreign and this will provoke spontaneous abortion.
Valerian herb in pregnancy
Valerian herb in pregnancy is prescribed as an effective sedative. The most convenient form of taking the drug in this situation is valerian pills and infusion from her herbs. In any pharmacy you can buy the roots of valerian from which a healing broth is prepared.
The herb of valerian does not have a negative effect on the fetus, so it can be taken without fear of harming the baby. But this should not mean that valerian can be taken in an unlimited amount - any drug in a critical dose can become a poison.
Valerian herb during pregnancy has a calming effect on the woman, and also relieves muscle spasm, which is very important. Assign this drug mainly in the early stages of pregnancy, when almost all synthetic preparations of a different nature of action are contraindicated and when there is a probability of miscarriage. Also valerian is prescribed in the last trimester of pregnancy - when pregnant people are concerned with gestosis. The infusion of valerian has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus, arresting hypertonia and soothing the very pregnant. The standard dosage of Echinacea tablets does not exceed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, an hour after eating. In such situations, it is best to drink valerian courses - then the constant effect will be maintained, which will positively affect the mother's well-being and the fetus's condition.
Bogorodskaya grass in pregnancy
Bogorodskaya grass during pregnancy or thyme, as it is also called, is prescribed during pregnancy only after examination by a doctor and detailed diagnosis of the condition of the mother and fetus. In pregnancy, thyme is prescribed in rare cases, mainly as a diuretic and diaphoretic. Bogorodskaya grass is effective in the prevention and treatment of cystitis, bronchitis, colds, tracheitis, indigestion, externally the broth from thyme is used as a bactericidal agent in rashes and wounds.
Thyme can not be used by those pregnant women who suffer from arrhythmia, cardiovascular insufficiency, cardiosclerosis, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland. At high arterial pressure from the use of decoction of the Bogorod grass it is also better to refuse - the active substances in its composition lead to a stable increase in pressure for a certain time, the flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis. Also, thyme provokes contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus and activates contractions, which during pregnancy is very undesirable and can lead to premature birth at any time.
It is best to drink a decoction from thyme in late pregnancy - this is a great way to keep the uterus in tone and prepare for labor. But you can not solve such problems yourself, the course should be under strict supervision of a gynecologist's doctor, who decides whether the woman's body is ready for delivery and whether it does not harm the fetus.
Tea with herbs during pregnancy
Tea with herbs during pregnancy is very useful and is a worthy safe alternative to synthetic drugs and antibacterial agents. Each mother wants her baby to be completely safe from the harmful effects of drugs and receive the necessary supply of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients.
A great alternative in such a situation is phytotherapy, or rather the treatment of herbal teas. In herbs contains several times more useful components than in fruits and vegetables, and most importantly their advantage is that the herbs in most do not cause allergies. But when taking herbs you need to be careful with the dosage, and it is also important to know and understand which herbs are harmless, and which ones can lead to fetal pathologies and termination of pregnancy. In a small number of pregnant white tea, lime tea, tea with chamomile, lemon are useful.
It is important to know that not any tea with herbs during pregnancy is useful. There are a number of medicinal plants, which, despite the irrefutable benefits, are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy. They include teas with the addition of fennel, ginseng, mint, voronets, rusty elm, licorice, fenugreek, sage, hops, wormwood. The influence of many herbal dues is not fully understood and it is fully appreciated how the main components of herbs will affect the entire body is impossible.
Reviews of herbs for pregnancy
Reviews of herbs during pregnancy often can not provide objective information about how the active substances of the herbal collection will act on a specific organism. Each person is individual and the mechanism of action of the drug substance in the body is carried out in different ways, it all depends on the age, concomitant pathologies, additional treatment. Self-medication can be very detrimental to the health of both the mother and the fetus, regardless of whether the plant is a medicinal plant that supports the body or one of the abortifacial herbs used to interrupt unwanted pregnancies.
In any case, it is impossible to base the choice of the herb taken during pregnancy. It is safer at first to consult a doctor, supervising pregnancy, fully surveyed, assess all risks, and only then decide on the intake of a particular herb. Also it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the dosage form, because even a medicinal decoction in a large dose can become a poison.
Reviews of herbs during pregnancy that are considered abortive also will not give confidence that in each individual case their reception will achieve the desired goal, and even vice versa. Abortive herbs kill the fetus and cause too weak fights-it is not enough to make the fetus born. As a result, blood infection, local inflammation and severe intoxication develop, which leads to the death of the mother. Before taking any medicinal herbs it is better to discuss this decision with your doctor. Only in this way can you protect your life and the life of your child.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Herbs during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.