
Pregnancy and medications

In the majority of cases, the concepts of pregnancy and medications are incompatible. Virtually all medicines - with very few exceptions - have contraindications to use during pregnancy and lactation. Often, the instructions to the drugs say that taking them during pregnancy should be exclusively for the doctor's prescription. Sometimes the wording contains a recommendation to the doctor: carefully weigh the expected benefit for the mother and the potential risks to the fetus.

Fraxiparin in pregnancy

Many women have a tendency to thrombosis. In such a case, both for therapeutic and preventive purposes, fraxiparin is prescribed in pregnancy.

Syrups in pregnancy: which can and which cannot?

The most common question - what syrups are allowed during pregnancy - concerns cough remedies. It is generally believed that since most of these syrups contain extracts of medicinal herbs

Immunoglobulin in pregnancy

In pregnancy, administration of immunoglobulin can help preserve the fetus and prevent abortion.

Rinofluimucil during pregnancy

Medicines during pregnancy - even for the treatment of a cold - should be prescribed by the attending physician, and, as formulated in the instructions, assess the ratio of the expected benefits for the pregnant woman and the possible risk for the unborn child.

Succinic acid during pregnancy: can I drink, how to take?

Succinic acid is a white, saltish-bitter crystals in taste. It found its application mainly in crop production, as promotes plant growth, increases their productivity.

Iodine during pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs an increased iodine rate, because the fetus until birth takes this element from the mother's body. And the woman herself due to the increase in hormonal activity needs more volume.

Betadine during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimester

An effective local preparation based on iodine with a wide range of antiseptic activity Betadine precisely because of its active substance is not the most desirable tool for pregnant women.

Paracetamol in breastfeeding: dosage

Paracetamol is a very popular medicine used to treat not only adults but also children and is available in the medicine chest of almost every family. Rarely, the treatment of colds without it.

Sorbifer durules during pregnancy: how to take?

With the participation of iron, all the most important processes in human life take place: DNA synthesis, enzymes, proteins, redox reactions of tissues and the circulatory system, respiration, energy metabolism.


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