

Treatment of influenza, colds, coughs, bronchitis

Treatment of influenza by alternative methods

Treatment of influenza by alternative means can replace even strong antiviral drugs, especially if it is influenza in mild or moderate form.

Home remedies for flu: which ones to choose?

Do you want to run to the nearest pharmacy every time you get flu? There are excellent home remedies for influenza that can help you manage your condition and reduce discomfort from it. Which of these home remedies are the most effective and powerful?

Antiviral medicines for influenza: do they need?

Influenza refers to diseases caused by a virus. Therefore, it is logical to assume that people are fighting the flu with the help of antiviral drugs. If the flu is not treated, it can cause various kinds of diseases, ranging from the symptoms of mild flu-like symptoms to influenza, to life-threatening pneumonia, bacterial infections and other serious complications.

How and how to treat influenza in pregnant women?

How and how to treat the flu if a pregnant woman gets it? After pregnancy, you can not drink all the pills, and not all injections can be done so as not to harm the future child. In addition, with the flu in pregnant women there is a greater threat of miscarriage. How, then, to fight the flu?

Influenza in children: how to treat it correctly?

Did you know that children suffer from influenza more often than adults about 5 times? More than a third of all cases of hospitalization with ARVI falls on children under 17, which is a very high percentage. Influenza in children in 7% of cases ends in a fatal outcome. Therefore, you need to protect your children from infection with the influenza virus, and if this happens - it is properly treated.

The most modern means of influenza

What are modern methods of influenza treatment? Today, there are several ways to treat the flu, which are based on the use of symptomatic (to eliminate symptoms), pathogenetic (to eliminate heat and pain) and etiotropic (affecting the very cause of the disease) funds.

Influenza Hel and its help during the flu

When the disease is started, a quick-acting medicine comes to the rescue - the flu hel (the correct name is the Flu Hell).

Proper Flu Treatment

At a time when people are sick with the flu, the number of those sent to hospitals increases more than 5 times. How to properly treat for the flu to get sick as little as possible?

What is forbidden to do with the flu?

The very first thing that is forbidden to do with the flu is to be treated. Are you surprised? It is not necessary - with the flu it is forbidden to be treated independently, but on the recommendation of a doctor - it is possible and necessary. What else can you do with the flu?


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