

Treatment of influenza, colds, coughs, bronchitis

Alcohol for cold: poison or medicine?

Anecdote about alcohol with cold: "And how do you protect your husband from harmful microbes? Try the vodka! 50 grams before eating protect it from all known microbes. And 100 grams - from all unknowns. "

The child has caught a cold! What to do and how to treat colds in children?

"The child has caught a cold!" - a phrase that frightens many parents. But do not panic. It's worth keeping yourself in hand and calm down, because the cold is not terrible, as it seems, at first glance. With her to cope quickly and easily, without even resorting to chemotherapy drugs.

How to cure a cold a day: proven methods

To cure a cold in one day, it is best to hold it at home and not go anywhere. But this day we should use the maximum benefit for our health and dedicate it to the fight against a beginning cold, as well as ARI and ARVI.

Ginger for cold is an effective and proven remedy

The systematic use of tea with ginger for colds, especially during the cold season and seasonal epidemics of ARI, ARVI and influenza, many times reduces the likelihood of serious illness. And this is not an allegation, but a fact acknowledged by doctors.

Ointment for colds for children: rub or not to grind?

In the complex treatment and prevention of such diseases, local topical preparations are often used - various ointments for colds for children. Let's start with those that do not rub off.

Teas for colds: we treat correctly

With general malaise and fever, we, first of all, go to the kitchen and ... Brew tea for colds - that is, from acute respiratory disease (ARD), which cause over 200 known viruses and which we habitually call a cold.

Rhinitis and sinusitis: how to treat?

Genyantritis is a complicated disease, which, unlike the common cold, will not pass by itself and threatens a serious danger for an exhausted organism. The first signs, as often happens, do not foretell anything terrible: not too abundant discharge from the nasal cavity, a slight increase in temperature (not more than 37 degrees), a decline in vitality.

How to knock down the temperature in a child and whether it is worth doing?

Each mother worries about the health of her child and the presence of a high temperature - this, of course, is a good reason for excitement. At the hearing each of us has a huge amount of information about what is worth doing if the thermometer shows a figure other than 36.6, but are we good at this issue? Let's find out when and how to knock down the temperature of the child, and when it should not be done?

Physical activity during colds

Physical load during the cold - can it be used or will it weaken even more and so weakened by the viruses organism? Let's find the answer to this question together, taking into account the facts about colds and sports.

Nutrition during the cold: 6 tips

Good nutrition during colds is important for resistance to viruses and restoration of the immune system. But good nutrition does not mean abundant and fat.


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