What if I do not get a cough?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Coughing is a normal reaction of the body to some external or internal stimulus, which can be caused by both the irrigation of various groups of receptors and the presence of pathology (inflammation, sputum or defect of the respiratory tract tissue), which hinders the free passage of air, creating a problem of normal breathing. It is thanks to the cough that it is possible to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. But if such attacks are persecuted often enough and last two to three months, this may be the main factor that indicates the presence of some serious disease. But what if you do not have a cough for a long time? Let's try to understand this question in this article.
What can I do to get a cough?
Probably there is no person on Earth who, though not once, has survived a cold, inflammatory disease, especially from them the population living in territories with a cool and damp climate suffers. Cough, general weakness, high temperature, pain when swallowing, runny nose - all this symptomatology is able to get a person some more time after recovery, especially with regard to coughing. But the month is running out, what should you do if the cough does not pass?
Natural reflex response of the body to any irritation present alien body. Cough can occur and if a person choked or, breathing in sharply, ordinary household dust fell into the respiratory tract. In the period of infectious and inflammatory process, such an organism response makes it possible to purify from sputum - a breeding ground for various microbes. Therefore, cough should not be taken as a complication of the disease. This, on the contrary, is a method of self-healing, laid down by a wise nature, which makes it possible to bring about a full recovery.
What can I do to get a cough? But effective therapy is not one that tries to rid the patient of a given symptom, but one that tries to make it more productive. And if the disease is stopped, then the cough will pass by itself. Another question is if the seizures are so great that they do not allow a person to normally rest, leading the body to vomit reflex. With such a clinical picture, it is simply necessary to take all measures to reduce the intensity of attacks.
It is also worth remembering that a prolonged cough is a factor that indicates the presence in the body of a more severe pathology, for example, such as:
- Pneumonia.
- Adenoviral infection.
- Lesions of the lungs with a tubercle bacillus.
- Chronic or acute bronchitis.
- Whooping cough.
- Gastroesophageal reflux - return the contents of the stomach back to the esophagus and pharynx.
- Presence of a malignant tumor that affects the respiratory system.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Heart failure.
- Flu.
- Respiratory syncytial viral infection.
- Provoke this symptomatology, and smoking.
Therefore, answering the question what to do if the cough does not pass? We recommend that you contact a specialist for assistance. It will not be superfluous to appear to the otolaryngologist and phthisiatrician. And before answering the question what to do in order to have a cough? First you should undergo a complete examination. Only after receiving a complete picture of the state of the patient's body and the diagnosis is possible to talk about adequate therapy, which should lead to a cessation of pathology and the elimination of irritation.
Self-medication in this situation should not be dealt with. For the diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination, which usually includes:
- Fluorography.
- If necessary, radiography. Analyzing the resulting picture, a qualified physician is able to obtain information about the nature and location of pathological disorders, which significantly narrows the circle of ascertaining the probable disease.
- Analysis of urine and stool.
- Blood test for antibodies, determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). This is a nonspecific indicator of inflammation of various genesis.
- Sputum analysis is possible to identify the pathogen.
Very often, with prolonged cough, the disease recurs and the accompanying symptoms appear again, such as:
- Swelling of the nose.
- Belching with sour masses.
- Appearances in the departing sputum of blood veins.
- Sensation of dryness of the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
- The appearance of a tickling feeling and the sensation that the mucus is draining from the nose down the throat.
- Heartburn.
After the diagnosis, you can already talk about the appointment of therapeutic therapy. If the diagnosis reveals a tuberculosis or an oncological disease - hospitalization and passage of the adequate treatment corresponding to the given diagnosis is obligatory.
But the most common pathology that can cause a protracted cough is bronchial asthma, the accompanying symptoms of which, mainly, are wheezing, appearing in the process of inhaling and exhaling, shortness of breath, a feeling of impossibility to breathe in full. But the accompanying factors may be absent, manifesting pathology only by coughing.
There are cases when a protracted cough is observed even after ARI therapy. Such a picture is possible if in the patient's body there is a slow-onset infection, or respiratory tracts are irritated and reflex attacks appear. At the same time, prolonged reflector does not allow a person to sleep normally or rest, which leads to weakening of the body, dizziness, high sweating and pain in the head may appear. Prolonged cough can provoke urinary incontinence and even in some cases, pendants to the fracture of the ribs.
The "three main medical whales" of the infectious-inflammatory process will help to ease the condition of the patient. This is a large number of liquids drunk during the day, carrying out inhalation procedures, as well as drugs that work to dilute viscous sputum, which facilitates their easier elimination. There may be such mucoregulators (expectorant medications) as ambroben, marshmallow syrup, ambroxol, bromhexine, mucaltin and many others. The spectrum of these drugs is quite wide.
Althae syrup (Althaeae sirupus) is introduced into the patient's body orally. To adolescents over twelve years old and adults, the drug is attributed to one teaspoon three to four times throughout the day. Babies who have not reached the age of twelve - one teaspoon three times during the day. The duration of the course of treatment is from ten to fifteen days. A longer period of admission should be coordinated with your doctor. The drug should not be given to patients who suffer from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Mucaltin (Mucaltin) is recommended to drink with sufficient water before eating. The administered dosage is from 50 to 100 mg, taken three to four times a day. For small patients who are hard to swallow a medicine in the form of tablets, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a third of the glass. Duration of therapy from one to two weeks. Contraindicated mukaltin only in the case of increased individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in the case of stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the anamnesis.
Ambroxol (Ambroxol) is taken orally along with food, squeezed with a small amount of liquid. To adolescents over the age of twelve and adults, the drug is prescribed 30 mg three times throughout the day, (the first two to three days). Then, in the same single dose (30 mg) twice daily or as a half dose (15 mg), but taken three times a day. Babies who have already turned six, but have not reached the age of twelve - 15 mg (half tablet), two - three approaches during the day. The duration of the course of treatment is from four to five days, longer therapy should be agreed with the treating doctor.
A group of these medicines dilute sputum, which allows you to spend less energy on its excretion, as well as activates the intensity of the ciliated epithelium, helping to update it.
If the focus and agent of the disease is not established, then the symptomatic relief is practiced, allowing to improve the patient's condition. In such a situation, menthol, camphor or others are usually prescribed. These drugs are good for depressing cough.
Menthol is used mainly in the form of oil or ether drops. The oil form is used to lubricate the pharynx and nasal passages (1-5% oily solution), liquid (0.2-0.5% menthol solution) is used to instill in the nose five to ten droplets. As well as inhalation, carried out using 1-5% oily menthol solution and water.
This drug is not recommended for use if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the patient, with thrombophlebitis (for external rubbing), extensive itching dermatosis, as well as small children, since the probability of blockade and stopping breathing is high.
If bronchitis, bronchial asthma or asthma is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed drugs related to bronchodilating drugs.
Fenoterol is a drug related to the pharmacological group of drugs beta-2-stimulants. The tablet is taken inside by one to two units, making four approaches a day. The maximum amount of medication taken is not more than 8 tablets throughout the day.
This drug is contraindicated for use in glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, placental bleeding, diabetes mellitus, infection of the birth canal, with cardiovascular diseases of moderate and severe degree, in the case of placental detachment, with individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug and malformation of the fetus.
The method of application and dosage of effective anticholinergic drug ipratropium bromide is prescribed by the doctor especially individually, depending on the age of the patient and the level of sensitivity to the drug. The quantitative component for adults and children older than three years is two to three dosages (for prophylactic purposes, one - two dosages) three times throughout the day. One dose corresponds to one push on the dispenser.
Inhalations with a solution of this drug are recommended for patients who are already six years old. Inhalations can be carried out during the course of the day three to five times.
Contraindication to the use of ipratropium bromide is hypersensitivity to the drug and the age of babies up to six years.
Non-selective alpha stimulant and beta-stimulant adrenaline is injected into the patient's body parenterally (mostly subcutaneously, less often intravenously or intramuscularly). Adult patients in the amount of 0.2 to 0.75 ml, with the maximum daily intake corresponds to the figure of 5 ml, and once a 1 ml (with subcutaneous injection). To small patients - from 0,1-0,5 ml.
Adults in the case of an attack of bronchial asthma are injected subcutaneously from 0.3 to 0.7 ml. If there is a cardiac arrest, an injection is administered directly to the heart with a volume of 1 ml.
The drug is prohibited for use in case the patient has a history of hypertension, angle-closure glaucoma, aneurysm, pregnancy, severe atherosclerosis, hypersensitivity to the drug, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus.
Do not forget about the means that have been tested for centuries by our ancestors. It should be noted that any drug, even prescriptions of alternative medicine should be entered into therapy only with the permission of the doctor, especially if pharmacological preparations of chemical or plant origin are taken in parallel.
- The most popular among the people are inhalation procedures, performed with the use of various herbal decoctions. In our case, peppermint, pine buds, sweet-scented thyme will do.
- If the patient has a bad sputum, in order to prevent undesirable development of the situation, it is necessary to prepare a drink from fresh natural juice of cranberries, sweetened with a small amount of honey and sugar. It is necessary to drink one tablespoon several times throughout the day and the viscosity of the sputum is reduced, which contributes to its faster and easier elimination.
- If the cough is very intense, well-baked pears or melons that are used warmly as a food product for food will be great.
- If there is a dry cough to make it softer, you can drink warmly a little throughout the day, compote of apples (sugar is not desirable to enter). Effective in this situation will be the freshly squeezed white cabbage juice, slightly sweetened with sugar. A good result is also shown by mandarin crusts, which were infused with medical alcohol.
- Freshly squeezed juices of black currant or bilberry berries are effective. If you add a little honey to it, the juice will taste nicer and more useful.
- If an intense cough does not make you sleep, try to eat as many fresh leaves of any salad before retiring to rest. Thankfully, this product, to date, no problem to find and in the winter.
- Our grandmothers noted the high efficiency of mouth rinses and, especially, of the throat with beet juice. This is an indispensable medicine for chronic prolonged coughing. To conduct an effective procedure, freshly squeezed juice is slightly heated in a water bath. The liquid should be moderately hot. The rinsing procedure is carried out for two minutes. The juice can be safely taken. The rinse is repeated until the liquid is complete. Our ancestors believed that in order to finally recover, removing all the symptoms, you should rinse the juice, which was made from 5 kg of red beets. Of course, this whole volume should not be chased away in one go.
After a protracted cough was stopped, it should not be relaxed, it is advisable to avoid contact with persons with cold or viral diseases for one or two consecutive months, public places should be avoided. It is desirable in this period of time to take immunostimulating medications. For example, it can be apilac, rekormon, imunoriks, kagocel, leacadin, prodigiozan, broncho-vaccum, isoprinosine, glutoxim and many others.
Imunoriks to adult patients is prescribed in a dosage of 0.8 g pidotimoda, which corresponds to two vials. This amount of the drug is divided into two doses, which are administered either before or after a meal. The maximum dose of the medicine taken during one day should not be more than 1.6 g. The duration of therapy is 15 days.
Babies who are already three years old or older are injected per day with a single vial of the drug, which corresponds to 0.4 g of pidotimod (the active ingredient of the drug in question). The maximum dose of medication taken over one day should not be more than 0.8 g.
Depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the pathology, dosage and timing of admission may be amenable to correction. The maximum duration of treatment with imunoricas should not exceed three months (or 90 days).
The drug is contraindicated for use by children who are not yet 3 years old and in case of hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug. It is necessary to exercise special caution when entering patients with hyperimmunoglobulinemia syndrome E, as well as with the patient's tendency to allergic reactions.
Isoprinosine is introduced into the body after a meal with a small amount of water. For adult patients, the daily dosage is six to eight tablets divided into three to four doses, and for children older than three years, the amount of medication administered is 50 mg per kilogram of the weight of the small patient, approximately half the tablet per 5 kg of body weight divided by three - four reception.
In the case of severe pathology, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 100 mg, taken per kilogram of body weight of the patient. The duration of the treatment course is from five to fourteen days.
It is not recommended to prescribe this medication if the patient has a history of urolithiasis, chronic renal dysfunction, gout, heart failure (both bradycardia and tachycardia), as well as with increased sensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drug and children whose the age did not reach three years. The weight of the child is from 15 to 20 kg.
Cough that lasts for a long time. "What should I do if the cough does not pass?" - this question should be asked by a qualified specialist, by placing a polyclinic. After all, it is not always possible to deal with this problem quickly and efficiently on your own. A doctor, after a systematic examination, is able to correctly determine the root cause and source of the disease. And if you know who your "enemy" is, it's easier to fight with him. Do not dismiss such a problem as a cough, letting its development take its course. After all, it can be a bell, with which your body signals about an existing problem and it can be quite serious.