What if I do not get dry cough?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Many people are interested in the question of what to do if the dry cough does not pass? This phenomenon is often encountered. But before you start to solve this problem, you need to identify the causes of cough. After all, in many cases it indicates the presence of a chronic disease.
Why does not a dry cough go away?
Do you know why the dry cough does not go away? In this case, much depends on the treatment itself and on the reason for which it arose. So, basically this phenomenon is connected with the problems of the upper respiratory tract, the causative agents of which are viruses and pathogenic bacteria. In this case, a strong organism will cope with the infection, the weak one will not be able to resist it, which leads to serious consequences.
With parainfluenza and flu, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, these diseases can eventually become aggressive and lead to a mass of complications.
Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by an unpleasant dry cough. This indicates the presence of pneumonia or pleurisy. In addition, these phenomena are characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain and high fever. For atypical forms of pneumonia, a normal phenomenon is a protracted cough. For its diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a blood test using ELISA.
Pertussis, measles and false croup. For these diseases are characteristic manifestations of coughing, and protracted. In some cases, it is convulsive. And it is so strong that it is necessary to resort to the help of antitussive drugs.
Tuberculosis is a formidable disease that mainly affects people of low social level. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, enthusiasm for various debilitating diets, can lead to the development of this disease.
Laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis can lead to frequent causes of dry cough. Inflammatory processes in these diseases affect the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. In this case, there may be a barking, debilitating and painful cough for a long time.
Oncological diseases in particular lead to the appearance of a protracted cough. In this case it is necessary to conduct a survey and begin treatment.
Allergic cough often occurs against the background of the appearance of allergens. Mostly children suffer from this phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the allergen and begin to fight it effectively. For bronchial asthma is characterized by the appearance of excruciating dry cough.
Glaive infestations, professional dry cough, gastroesophageal reflux and cardiovascular diseases can also lead to a protracted cough. That's why you should not self-medicate. After all, the cause of this phenomenon can be covered in a variety of problems. What to do if the dry cough does not pass, the doctor will tell.
What if the dry cough does not last long?
Do you know what to do if a dry cough does not last long? There are cases when an unpleasant symptom does not want to leave. This may indicate the presence of a serious disease, which must be eliminated through medication.
If the problem lies in the presence of infection, the patient can be offered to drink warmed milk with the addition of a small amount of baking soda. Such a drink will make a dry cough more productive and will help to get rid of sputum and completely eliminate it.
A good help and broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain juice, thyme and anise fruit extract, as well as black radish with honey. But special efficiency from these means is observed at their complex application.
Inhalation can become a common method of treatment. It is not necessary to use medicines. Suitable ordinary mineral water Borjomi or a solution of drinking soda. It is recommended to resort to such a method with an obtrusive dry cough in children. Naturally, everything should be under the guidance of a doctor.
If alternative medicine does not inspire confidence, you can use medicines. Anti-cough means are especially effective. Some of them affect not only the functions of the cough center, but also other nerve centers of the brain. These include Glaucine, Dextromethorphan, Prenoxidiazine, Codeine and other drugs based on them.
Peripheral antitussive drugs are able to affect the cough receptors in the mucosa of the respiratory tract. To accelerate the transition of dry cough to wet try to use mucolytics. One of the most effective is Fljuditik. In general, what to do if the dry cough does not pass, should be the attending physician. He also prescribes effective drugs in the required dosage.
What if the dry cough does not last a month?
Not many people know what to do if a dry cough does not last a month. So, an unproductive cough in many cases testifies to the development in the body of such diseases as influenza, cold, appears after hypothermia, but more often it will soon turn into productive form.
If there is no escaping of sputum, special preparations should be drunk. This phenomenon can occur against the background of an infection in the lung tissue. In this case, treatment should be carried out by taking medications.
When a dry cough torments a smoker, in this case the problem has a slightly different character. Most likely, the body can not tolerate the action of nicotine. Cope with this situation, will help complete abandonment of addiction.
If a strong dry cough does not pass and tortures a person only at night, then it's just necessary to change the slope of the pillow. The fact is that in a horizontal position in a person, the mucus drips intensively on the back wall of the larynx and irritates it.
If, together with a dry cough, it also torments the throat, then experts advise drinking a solution of a spoonful of honey and 200 ml of water, which helps to soften the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, the question: what to do if the dry cough does not pass, will disappear by itself.
What if the dry cough does not last a week?
Do you know what to do if a dry cough does not last a week? The first thing to do is to seek help from a specialist. This problem is not global, but may indicate a serious inflammatory process.
You can visit a physiatrist, he will appoint special procedures. Not in the last place is the alternative medicine. So, for preparation of an effective remedy it is necessary to take chopped garlic head and a dozen bulbs. All this is cooked in cow's milk until completely softened. The resulting mixture should be diluted with honey. Ready-made formula should be consumed daily for 1 tablespoon, every hour.
The second recipe is no less effective. It's enough just to take a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in a glass of warm boiled water. The resulting solution should gargle every hour.
The third recipe is inhalation. It allows to improve the process of sputum evacuation. It is desirable to use essential oils.
If alternative medicine is not to your liking, then drugs are used. Perfectly relieve the obsessive problem: Sinekod, Lazolvan, Mukaltin, Bronchipret and Tusuprex. Take them in accordance with the instructions. The approximate dosage is no more than 3 tablets per day. Now what to do if the dry cough does not go away was very clear.