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Ointments with sprain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The musculoskeletal system of man carries out the following main functions:
- motor (allows a person to move in space);
- Protective (prevents trauma of internal organs);
- Support (supports the support of organs, systems and tissues in a particular position).
The skeletal-muscular system is divided into two main parts: active and passive.
The active component includes:
- skeletal muscles, motoneurons (large nerve cells located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord, transmitting to the muscles impulses from the movement of the central nervous system);
- receptors (permeate muscles, joints, tendons, transmit "information" of the central nervous system on the status of all components of the musculoskeletal system);
- afferent neurons (cells of the nervous system that transmit information to the central nervous system from receptors);
Passive component of the musculoskeletal system includes: bone tissue, joints, ligamentous apparatus and tendons.
Tendons are the elements of the muscles that provide their articulation with the bones. Tendons are filamentary protein structures (fibrils) that contain collagen in large amounts. Fibrils are very strong, almost non-tearing and non-deforming structures. The main functional task of the tendons is the transfer of muscle effort to the bones.
Bundles are part of the joint, which ensures its stable state by keeping fragments of bones close to each other. The basis of the ligamentous apparatus, like the tendons, is collagen, but it contains more elastin, which has the ability to stretch, which ensures the mobility of the joints without the displacement of the bone components.
The mechanical characteristics of the tendons and ligaments are affected by the size, thickness and composition. A feature of the tendons is that, under forced physical exertion, they are not susceptible to rupture, but immediately detach from the attachment site. Bundles under excessive load can stretch out, break or break at all. Stretchings and tearing of ligaments are treated conservatively, and gaps are operative.
Strength and elasticity of ligaments and tendons are directly dependent on the hormonal background. The amount of hormones affects the amount and quality of collagen, and accordingly the ability of the ligaments to stretch. This quality can also be affected by prolonged immobilization of the limb and excessive physical force loads. Increased likelihood of injury to ligaments and tendons.
If there are sprains, ligaments take a long time to restore their full functionality. For this purpose, ointments are widely used, which are applied externally to damaged areas.
Ointment is a form of a medicinal product, which necessarily includes a natural or artificial fat component. When using the ointment, the active substance, penetrating into the layers of the skin, is transported through the capillaries to the affected area. Ointments are applied locally, at the site of injury, and have a therapeutic effect. Active substances do not accumulate in separate organs and tissues of the body. A minor ingestion of the active component into the systemic circulation is possible, but its metabolites are rapidly eliminated from the body.
The main tasks of therapeutic ointments used in sprains are the relief of pain syndrome, reduction of swelling, elimination of inflammation and restoration of mobility.
Release form
Therapeutic ointments are divided into several categories:
- anti-inflammatory,
- analgesic,
- warming,
- cooling.
One of the ointments that exerts anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is heparin ointment.
Heparin ointment
Means for external use. According to the pharmacological classification refers to medicines, which affects the metabolic processes in the tissues. It has analgesic effect, accelerates resorption with hematomas, promotes the lysis of the formed blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones. The form of release - aluminum tubes in volume of 10, 25 g with plastic, tightly twisting, a cover.
The composition - heparin, benzocaine, nicotinic acid ester, ointment base.
Heparin ointment is recommended for use in superficial thrombophlebitis, subcutaneous and intradermal hematomas, injuries with ligament damage, to remove puffiness that occurs with bruises of soft tissues.
Method of application of ointment. The product is applied with neat massaging movements 2-3 r. / Day. (0.5 to 1 g per affected area of skin). The course of therapy is carried out for 3-7 days until the symptoms disappear completely.
Side effects of heparin ointment are local allergic manifestations on the skin (itching, burning, flushing, rashes).
For the use of a heparin-containing agent, there are contraindications:
- Do not use with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug,
- Do not apply to open wound surfaces,
- Do not use ointment if the integrity of the skin in the place of injury,
- Do not apply with a tendency to bleeding (hemophilia, Verlhof disease) and the presence of thrombocytopenic conditions with a violation of platelet aggregation.
- the drug is not prescribed for children under 10 years of age, pregnant, nursing mothers;
- It is prohibited to use synchronously the means with NSAIDs, tetracycline antibiotics, antihistamines.
The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the factory carton package, on the seam tube with ointment and is - 3 years.
Storage conditions - a place not accessible to children dry and cool.
As an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug, you can use the ointment form of diclofenac.
Ointment Diclofenac
The drug is applied to the skin at the site of the projection of lesions of the osteo-ligamentous-muscular tissue. Effective for relieving pain in the focus of inflammation.
Pharmacological affiliation - NSAIDs.
The active ingredient is sodium diclofenac.
Auxiliary substances - propylene glycol, krobmer, lavender oil, ethanol, purified water.
Pharmacodynamics active ingredient ointment.
The drug is a derivative of alpha-toluic acid. It has antiphlogistic, analgesic and antipyretic effects.
The mechanism of action is the suppression of COX activity (the enzyme of the metabolism of the omega-6-unsaturated fatty acid), which is one of the causes of the inflammation, pain and temperature rise. Anesthetic effect is achieved due to the blocking of diclofenac of different levels and links of the pathogenesis of pain syndrome in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The drug suppresses the synthesis of proteoglycan in the cartilaginous tissue. Inhibits the aggregation of platelets.
Pharmacokinetics of diclofenac sodium. When oral intake is quickly and easily absorbed GIT. Food consumed immediately after taking the drug, significantly reduces the rate of admission of diclofenac into the systemic circulation. During the application of the drug of prolonged action, absorption and excretion are slow, but the effectiveness of Diclofenac does not decrease. The rate of absorption depends on the form of release of the drug. If the ointment is applied externally, the ingestion of the active ingredient in the bloodstream is minimal. The highest concentrations of the active ingredient are observed in the blood plasma with an injection method of injection after 1/3 hours, after using suppositories ½ hour after ingestion 1-2 hours later. There is a high binding of the drug to plasma proteins (99.7%). Metabolic transformations of the substance are carried out by the liver. The property of cumulation and addiction does not possess. It is excreted by the kidneys together with the urine (70%), the remaining inactive metabolites are eliminated by the intestine.
Ointment Diclofenac is prescribed for: relief of the symptoms of inflamed muscles and joints that appeared as a result of trauma (stretch, bruises, bruises); diseases of articular tissues with rheumatic genesis (bursitis, tendovaginitis); pain syndrome and edema, which are associated with destructive changes in the joint tissue (osteoarthritis, sciatica, arthritis against rheumatism, etc.); myalgia; neuralgia; pain syndrome in the postoperative period.
Contraindications are: hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment, pregnancy, lactation period, children under 6 years of age, "aspirin" asthma, erosive and ulcerative gastrointestinal pathology.
Application during pregnancy. Use of the drug is excluded in the III trimester of pregnancy. Application in the I and II trimesters of the gestational period and during breastfeeding is possible, but after the doctor's recommendations received during the consultation, because there is no clinical data on the use of ointment in these situations.
Method of administration and dose. The drug is administered exclusively externally. Adults and children over 12 years of age - 2-3 r. / Day. Ointment Diclofenac is applied by gentle massage movements to the affected area. The dosage required for therapy depends on the vastness of the surface of the skin being treated. Once it is permissible to use 2 g (about 4 cm of the drug strip when the tube is fully opened). Children 6-12 years - 1-2 rubles. / Day. (up to 1 g). After the procedure, hands should be thoroughly washed using soap. The duration of therapy depends on the individual dynamics of the disease, but no more than 14 days. Interaction of ointment Diclofenac with other drugs is minimal. Sometimes an ointment form of diclofenac is administered in combination with injections or tableted forms of the same drug.
With the simultaneous use of non-omega forms of Diclofenac with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to the accumulation of potassium in the bloodstream, a decrease in the effect of loop diuretics, and the risk of side effects in the joint use of other NSAIDs increases.
Side effects : local allergic manifestations in the form of itching, burning, redness, peeling;
Systemic - urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema.
Overdose ointment when used externally is not possible.
The storage of the medicinal product is a dark cool, inaccessible place for children. Do not expose the ointment to freezing. Shelf life with proper storage up to 3 years.
Ointments with sprains on the leg
When there is a stretching of ligaments on the leg, the most commonly used remedies are in the form of ointments, gels, creams, relieving pain, inflammation, activating the bloodstream and reducing swelling in the area of trauma. In the acute period with a severe pain syndrome, warming and irritating ointment agents that promote the intensification of blood circulation are not used in the first day after injury. It will take analgesic, cooling, containing plant extracts:
- balm Gold Star - a natural product containing clove oil, mint and eucalyptus.
- Ointment Lidocaine has anesthetic and analgesic effects. It must be applied several times a day.
When stretching the ligaments of the leg, gels can be used. Gels are faster than ointments are absorbed by the skin. Preparations in the form of a gel have the best cooling effect (Heparil-gel, Venoruton - analogues of Rutozid, Troxevasin, Indovazin, Essaven-gel). After 1-2 days, you can go to the use of warming ointments on the affected area and thermal procedures. In this case, the use of the following drugs will help:
- Espol - a preparation with an extract of chilli peppers (distracting and analgesic effects);
- Naphtalgin - active ingredients - sodium metamizole, monohydric alcohols, sperm whale;
- Finalgon - dilates blood vessels, improves blood supply to the area of injury;
- Nikofleks is a lavender cream oil that helps reduce puffiness and has a distracting effect. When used, the drug causes a rush of blood to the injured area and warming the affected area.
Ointments with sprains of ankle joints
Injury to the ankle often occurs in athletes, especially basketball players, football players, tennis players, etc. During the competition and during training the athlete has to make jumps, run fast and stop abruptly. This puts a huge strain on the ligaments of the ankle. The sharper and faster the movement, the greater the load on the ankle.
The risk group includes hyperactive children who do not sit still, but are almost constantly in motion, jump, run intensely and stop abruptly.
Any person can get a stretch in the ligaments of an ankle joint. The risk of a potential injury is increased when you have to catch up with public transport, when you fall, when you are dislocated, when you slip in winter on ice. High heels in women can also cause stretching of the ligament apparatus of the ankle joint. If an ankle injury occurs, then the severity of the lesion should be determined.
If the ligamentous apparatus is damaged, there is a sharp pain, then swelling and bruising. Growing pain, which does not pass for a long time, significant swelling of the injured joint is an occasion for treatment in the traumatology department to exclude fractures and cracks in the ankle bones. In case of damage to the ligaments, a tight bandage or teip on the leg is recommended. In the first day after the injury, ice should be applied. Starting from the second day, you can start physiotherapy, ankle massage, antiflogistic drugs. When stretching ligaments apply:
- Indovazin;
- Lyoton;
- Troxevasin;
- Dolobien.
They are applied to the area of the lesion with light massaging movements twice a day. Over time, the edema decreases, the hematoma disappears. Ointment in each case is chosen by a doctor, taking into account the trauma features and the patient's propensity to allergic reactions.
Ointments with sprain of knee joints
The ligaments of the knee are injured in the case of excessive forced loads on the knee, which causes the ligaments to stretch and break.
Situations, as a result of which the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint may stretch :
- exercise, where you want to quickly bend and unbend leg in the knee (jumps in length and height, running, raising the bar, hockey, football, etc.);
- weight lifting (loading and unloading, carrying heavy bags, suitcases);
- sudden onset of movement or sudden stop (walk with a small child, dog walking);
- fall on the knee cap or blows to the knee area.
Symptomocomplex, arising when the knee ligament is stretched:
- the appearance of bruising and congestion in the place of injury;
- limitation of joint mobility;
- sensation of crunch during movement;
- severe pain with palpation of the joint.
Apply anesthetic ointments can be immediately when establishing an accurate diagnosis (stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the knee), warming the ointments can be used for 2-3 days after receiving the injury. To prevent the emergence of a persistent limitation of the motor ability of the joint, the use of ointments must be combined with therapeutic gymnastics. The time when you can begin to engage in restorative exercises, the traumatologist will determine. The complex of exercises will be developed by the physician of the physiotherapy department, taking into account the individual characteristics and nature of the trauma.
The most commonly used means for stretching knee ligaments are:
- NPS (Indomethacin, Voltaren, Diclofenac);
- preparations containing steroid hormonal components (ointment with prednisolone, hydrocortisone);
- medicines containing terpene series ketone, camphor, acid nicotine and essential oils, which have a warming and local irritant effect;
- means with cooling effect (menthol and chloroethyl are included);
- ointments with an anesthetic effect (Ultrafastin);
- means of resolving action (containing heparin);
- ointment forms of preparations, strengthening vessels (Venoruton, Aescin, Troxevasin);
- combined preparations - one of the most effective (Diklobene, Nikofleks, Apizatron, Finalgon).
Ointments with sprains of the shoulder
The ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder is injured when the sports are intensively engaged in sports, falls and heavy physical exertion on the upper limbs.
Stretch of the ligament of the shoulder can occur with circular rotation, sharp and vigorous swinging of hands, a strong blow to the shoulder area, an unsuccessful fall on the hands or shoulder.
The symptomatology accompanying the extension of the ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder girdle is manifested by swelling and hyperemia of the shoulder region, the appearance of severe pain during passive movements of the injured upper limb and during palpation of the joint, restriction of movements or pathological mobility of the shoulder joint, hyperthermia of the patient's body may appear.
Therapy, performed with the sprained ligament, begins with the fixation of the injured limb. The immobilization dressing (caliper) is applied for several days. The duration of wearing the dressing directly depends on the degree of injury. In case of loss of ligament integrity or minimal stretching, the traumatologist recommends a resting state, cooling compresses, applying ice to the affected area for 20 minutes three to four times a day for the first two days. From modern medicines a doctor can prescribe an ointment that relieves pain and swelling in an acute period, and then warming or combined preparations. Self-administration of ointment preparations can lead to deterioration of the patient's condition, therefore, before using the ointment, the doctor's consultation is necessary, since many of the drugs offered by the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to side effects, also have contraindications. After the lapse of an acute period, they begin to restore the functionality of the damaged joint. Preparations that contribute to the rapid restoration of the operability of the ligaments of the shoulder are:
- Dolobien-gel;
- Apizarthron;
- Nikofleks
- Finalgon;
- Menovazine;
- Capsoderm;
- Viprosal;
- Alflutop gel.
Anti-inflammatory ointments with sprains
In case of trauma, inflammation is caused by a microcirculatory disorder in the trophic zone of ligament fibers. The regeneration of the ligamentous apparatus slows down. The process of restoring the functionality of the joint is prolonged. Inflammatory manifestations can be minimized by using various drugs in the form of ointments, gels, foams, aerosols. These drugs help to eliminate the negative effects of sprain (pain, swelling, inflammation), improve nutrition in the affected area and accelerate the process of repairing the damaged ligament apparatus. The use of therapeutic anti-inflammatory ointments for injuries is recommended in order to avoid complications in the form of restriction of joint mobility.
Most often, ointment forms containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used. Anti-phlogistic ingredients of ointments block the synthesis of neuronal mediators, which are a response to injury due to trauma and causing painful irritation and edema of various tissues. The active compounds contained in the ointment preparations help to reduce edema and stop the manifestations of the pain syndrome in the lesion focus. In anti-inflammatory ointments are most often present: ibuprofen (a derivative of propionic acid), aspirin (salicylic ester of acetic acid), indomethacin (an indolylacetic acid derivative), ketoprofen (a derivative of propionic acid), voltaren (a derivative of phenylacetic acid).
Sports Ointments with Sprain
People who professionally engage in any sport have a high risk of getting injuries to tendons and ligaments. Because of the constant forced physical load, the ligament apparatus of athletes is susceptible to chronic microdamages. In the focus of the microtrauma, the fibers of the ligament are replaced by a connective tissue, which leads to a partial loss of elasticity by the ligament apparatus. Bundles, in comparison with muscle tissue, are very weakly amenable to strengthening in the course of numerous trainings. There is an imbalance between increased muscular strength and strength of ligaments and tendons. Significantly increased muscular potential begins to exceed the ability of the ligament apparatus to withstand stress. As a result, the potential danger of injury to tendons or ligaments develops. For complex closed tissue damage, sprains, bruises, etc .; diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as with a preventive purpose, use various ointments, creams, gels, whose action is aimed at relieving pain, swelling, improving regeneration, trophic tissue. Such ointments can have a warming or cooling property, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. When stretching the ligaments, athletes can use ointments:
Anesthetic liquid on alcohol basis, which includes compounds of menthol, novocain, anestezin. Used for local anesthesia with bruises, hematomas, sprains. A small amount of liquid is applied to the damaged areas. Rubbing lightly massaging movements in the skin over the lesion.
Ointment Apizarthron. The main active substance is bee venom. In addition, the composition of the product includes mustard oil and methyl salicylate. Ointment has a warming effect. Thanks to this, the metabolism, blood flow improves, the pain symptoms decrease.
Butadione. It has anti-inflammatory effect and is used for the therapy of inflammations of soft tissues, ligamentous apparatus, joints of traumatic origin, arthritis of rheumatic genesis, radiculitis, sciatica and lumbago.
Diclofenac. It is used for injuries of tendons and synovial membranes, damage to the capsular-ligament apparatus, inflammation of the joints; has a local analgesic effect (analogues - voltaren, orthophene).
Dip-relif. Contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. It is used to reduce the pain that occurs during rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia, and musculoskeletal system trauma.
These ointments are designed to relieve pain symptoms, as well as to reduce puffiness and hyperemia of soft tissues arising from injuries associated with exercise and forced physical activity.
Ointments for children with sprains
A characteristic feature of childhood is activity, restlessness, emotionality. Children are happy to participate in outdoor games. The result of this dynamic activity is trauma from falls. Most often in childhood, the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower and upper extremities is damaged. Injuries are large joints (knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder) and small joints of hands.
When you stretch or tear ligament there is a strong and sharp pain. The child begins to cry, scream and panic. Gradually, the swelling of soft tissues is increasing. At the site of the injury, redness and bruising are observed. When stretching or rupturing the ligaments of a large joint (ankle or knee), difficulties arise with movement. The child tries to spare his injured joint as much as possible. In situations where the fall occurred, it is desirable that the child is examined by a traumatologist or surgeon to exclude bone fracture and the appointment of further treatment tactics.
First pre-medical care if there is a suspicion of sprain or ligament rupture.
It is necessary to calm the affected child, to ensure the maximum immobilization of the injured limb. The resulting hematoma and the site of the injury is applied ice. At home, you can take from the freezer any frozen product in the package and attach it to the affected area. To avoid frostbite, ice is prewoven with a cloth or towel. To reduce pain, the child can give painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen). The joint of the net is fixed with an elastic bandage. A specialist consultation is required to exclude more severe diagnoses.
The tactics of treatment is determined by the doctor, depending on the result of the diagnosis. Treatment of sprains is carried out for a week. In the acute stage antiflogistic drugs are prescribed, tight bandages on the affected joint and ointments with analgesic effect. Apply Dolobene (active ingredients - dexpanthenol, heparin), Traumeel gel (consists of plant components), Kapilar (based on gum). For the treatment of acute period ointment is applied 4-5 times a day. In case of severe trauma to the ligament apparatus, a child may need to be hospitalized. After the disappearance of severe pain symptoms and swelling, the exercises that restore the function of the affected joint are recommended. Gymnastics must be performed in the gym.
It is practically impossible to exclude traumatic factors in childhood. It is necessary to constantly inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and also to control, so that physical activities are moderate.
Effective ointments with sprains
The most common type of injury is stretching or rupturing the ligament apparatus when actively engaged in sports, in transport, at work or at home. Stretching occurs with traumatic loads of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other large joints.
When the ligaments are stretched, therapeutic treatment is carried out in the area of trauma with the help of ointment forms of medicines. Doctors recommend using ointments and gels, sold in the pharmacy network. Ointment forms of preparations contain active compounds that exert a therapeutic effect on the injured ligamentous apparatus. Ointments have the ability to easily penetrate the skin and act directly in the lesion. The basis of ointments are fats of vegetable or animal origin.
The therapeutic effect of ointment means is due to the presence in them of active medicinal ingredients. The most effective ointments in case of ligament damage are agents in which non-steroidal substances of antiphlogistic action are used.
The effectiveness of the use of such ointments is due to the fact that penetrating the skin active ingredients contribute to reducing inflammation, swelling and pain. Ointments Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren and others prevent the aggravation of the above processes and stimulate faster healing of the ligamentous apparatus.
Often, an ointment containing hormones that is used to damage ligaments is considered quite effective. Effectiveness is due to the presence of hormonal ingredients that relieve inflammation, reducing the permeability of the walls of the vessels and preventing the formation of edema.
Ointments with a complex content of several medicinal preparations are produced, for example, non-steroidal antiphlogistic compounds are combined with an anesthetic or an analgesic. Such ointments increase the effectiveness of complex therapy. There is no need to buy drugs of various pharmacological series. Most often doctors recommend the use of effective ointments of complex effects:
- Dolobien gel;
- Nikofleks;
- Finalgon;
- Capsoderm etc.
In most cases, the use of ointment forms of drugs is convenient. Ointments are applied to the damaged joint neatly, without causing additional painful sensations. Creams, gels, ointments do not have significant contraindications, dangerous side effects and specific storage conditions. Ointments are for external use only. Despite the simplicity and ease of use, it is necessary to pay attention to the individual hypersensitivity of the patient to certain active components of the ointment preparation. Before starting the application of ointments with sprains, a doctor's advice is required and a thorough study of the instructions for use.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments with sprain" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.