Tension of the ligaments of the knee joint
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations. In addition, such a trauma can cause serious harm.
Therefore, if you find the first symptoms of this phenomenon, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. It is important to begin timely treatment. Because the nature of the injury can be varied. All information regarding this injury will be provided below.
The causes of sprain of the knee joints
Do you know the main causes of sprain in the knee joint and why is this happening as a whole? Often the reason lies in the fact that a person performs abnormal movements for the knee joint. This happens during sports activities, as well as when the victim is working with a lot of weight. The reason is also running with jerks, it leads to immediate loads on the joint. Suffer also those people who are engaged in great tennis. In this sport there are no running movements, but quite a lot of sharp jerks. It is only necessary to slightly disrupt the technique, as the rupture of ligaments will be inevitable.
In bodybuilding and powerlifting, excessive loads can be the cause of stretching. If we take as a basis football, then in this case we are talking about one-moment loads, as well as strikes.
Proceeding from all of the above, such a conclusion follows, stretching occurs with excessive loads, strong jerks and incorrect regulation of the joint itself. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise some caution when doing sports. After stretching the ligaments of the knee joint is a rather unpleasant circumstance.
Symptoms of sprains in the knee joint
What are the main symptoms of sprains in the knee joint, how do you know it happened? The first thing a person will feel the pain that occurs at the time of injury and with time does not pass. If the idea of a strong pain, then they last a long time. To get rid of them, you need to take an anesthetic medication and seek help from a doctor. As a rule, pain occurs when the joint is bent and unbent, and also has an arbitrary character.
In addition to pain, there is swelling, and even bruising. It is worth noting that often they do not appear immediately. There is a stiffness and a feeling of instability in the knee. There is a difficulty in movement, and in some cases even a complete inability to bend or unbend the leg. And finally, you hear a crunch and clicks in the joint itself. And all this can be accompanied by pain.
If you find all of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Hopefully, everything will go off on its own silly. After stretching the ligaments of the knee joint is a rather serious injury.
Stretching of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint
What is the stretching of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint and is it dangerous? This phenomenon occurs when excessive loads occur. It must be understood that the function of the ligaments is to hold the bones together. In this case, the ligamentous apparatus is a uniting link between the bones of the shin and the femur. He is able to ensure the stability of the knee.
Thus, a person moves freely, it is easy for him to "enter" into turns, squat, etc. It should be noted that four ligaments are responsible for the integrity of the knee joint. These are two cruciform and knee. Stretching is often due to excessive stress during exercise. Sports injuries are also able to "arrange" such a situation. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise some caution, in spite of the fact that in some cases it is practically impossible.
Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint leads to unpleasant pain. In addition, in some cases stiffness of movements is observed, as well as the inability to bend or unbend the leg.
Stretching of the inner ligament of the knee joint
What do you know about stretching the inner ligament of the knee joint? This phenomenon occurs when excessive exposure to the ligament itself. This is due to strong physical exertion, as well as non-standard movements. The main function of the ligaments is to connect the bones with each other. Bundles ensure the stability of the joint itself and help in carrying out certain movements. They include walking, running, turning, jumping and squats.
Anatomically there are four ligaments in the knee joint. These are: front lateral, posterior lateral, external and internal cruciform. If there are any violations, then the person feels stiffness and even the inability to perform many movements. In fact, this is a serious injury that must be eliminated in a timely manner. Because with strong stretching there is edema and over time the inability to perform certain movements. If you do not provide assistance in a timely manner, this will entail serious consequences.
Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint requires specialist intervention. Because the situation can deteriorate.
Sprain of the cruciate ligament of the knee joint
What is the stretching of the cruciate ligament of the knee joint, and what are the consequences of this phenomenon? First of all, it should be noted that this is due to excessive influence on the ligament apparatus itself. This happens when performing complex loads and even movements that are not at all acceptable for the joints. That's why there is stretching and other troubles.
The main function of ligaments is to connect the bones. Thanks to this, the possibility of "mobility" remains. Speaking specifically about the knee joint, its ligaments hold together the bones of the thigh and lower leg. What is the main function of the ligaments? They ensure the stability of the joint. In the case of the knee joint, it is possible to walk, run, crouch, jump, turn, etc.
Stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint is a serious trauma, which requires an immediate resolution of the situation that has arisen. Because the consequences can be heavy. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution.
What's bothering you?
Consequences of sprain of knee joints
What is fraught with the consequences of stretching the ligaments of the knee joint, and how to deal with it? If an injury occurs, you should immediately go for help. Because if the time does not solve this problem, the process of treatment can be delayed for a long time.
So, if you do not remove the swelling, then this can develop into a more serious problem. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. In fact, if a person has turned in time for help, he is not threatened. But, again, it all depends on the degree of damage. The treatment can take months. The consequences of such trauma are varied. Someone will have to give up their favorite sport, but only for a while. It is worth noting that the treatment is followed by a long process of rehabilitation. Everything depends on the person and his desire.
In general, if you start everything in time, then there will be no serious consequences. Much depends on the person himself. Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint is a serious problem, but if you tackle this issue immediately, then nothing will be wrong.
Diagnosis of sprain of knee joints
What is the diagnosis of sprain in the knee joint? The first thing the doctor will ask is why the trauma happened. This is necessary to determine the severity of the damage. Additional diagnostic methods include MRI. This will make a series of images in different projections, so that all structures, including cartilage, ligaments and tendons, will be visible. In addition to MRI, computed tomography is performed. This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, but it is considered only as an alternative to MRI. After all, it is more effective.
- Ultrasound of the knee
Thanks to this method of diagnostics, the doctor will be able to examine the joint region in more detail. This method is also the most affordable, because it requires the professional training of doctors in this field. Otherwise, unreliable results can be obtained.
- Arthroscopy
Endoscopic method, with the help of it, the joint cavity is examined from the inside. This method is referred to as the number of small surgical operations. Only now they apply it not only for the purposes of diagnosis, but also for treatment.
- X-ray
Used as an auxiliary method, because it does not allow you to see the ligaments themselves. When examining X-rays, the doctor can only judge the nature of the damage. And this is done exclusively on the basis of indirect evidence. Stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint in this case can be diagnosed not quite correctly.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of sprain of knee joints
What is the treatment for stretching the ligaments of the knee joint and is it possible to resort to independent actions? As a rule, several methods of treatment are used.
- Immobilization
With the help of a tight bandage, the knee is wound. In this case, you can use both an elastic bandage and a special bandage. Thanks to this influence, the immobility of the joint is preserved and its rest is preserved.
- Cooling
A packet of ice is applied to the damaged joint. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the pain syndrome and remove the edema a little. But this method is only an auxiliary one.
- Peace
A damaged knee joint is necessary to ensure immobility. This is achieved by crutches. For a while a person can not rest on a "hurt" leg. Therefore, crutches are perfectly suitable as a support. You can also give the knee an elevated position in the bed. For this person it is necessary to put and raise his leg, just above the level of the heart. Naturally, you do not need to keep it on weight, but to spread something.
If it is an easy degree of stretching, then no other measures are required. But if the situation is more serious, then all of the above will be small. In this case, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Prescribed analgesics, such as Ketanov. As a rule, the treatment process lasts 3-4 weeks. But this is only with an average degree of damage. If it is a serious stretch, then you need at least 2 months to recover. In this case, a plaster cast is applied to the damaged joint. Stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint is a complex injury, which in some cases may cause partial immobility for a long time.
Ointments for the treatment of sprain of the knee joint
What ointments for treatment of sprains of knee joints need to be applied? The first thing to note is the fact that you do not need to do anything yourself. Because the nature of the damage can be quite diverse. As a rule, various therapeutic ointments are used. The most common group of drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
They are widely used in both stretching and breaking. The essence of their work lies in the fact that in response to the damage of the ligaments a whole cascade of various biochemical reactions can start. As a result, specific substances are formed, mediators of inflammation, which are responsible for swelling and inflammation. With this process, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs compete beautifully. The most effective of them are: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Indomentacion and Ketoprofen.
All these drugs have both anti-inflammatory and cooling effects. They can be used on their own, but still the diagnosis of damage is necessary. Because stretching the ligaments of the knee joint can carry a rather serious nature.
Rehabilitation with sprains of knee joints
Is the rehabilitation difficult with stretching the ligaments of the knee joint and how long does it take? If the entire process is accompanied by a slight injury, then the recovery is by an ordinary bicycle. In addition, you need to unbend and bend the joint. Begin to ride the simulator gradually, no more than 20 minutes a day. Suitable and ordinary stationary bicycle. The range of motion in this case is minimal. This will be enough to achieve a certain result. Unbend and bend the joint can be sitting on a bench. Everything is very simple. It is possible to lift the leg and hold it slightly on the weight, it takes 3 seconds for this. It is quite possible to create the appearance of riding a bicycle. To do this, just lie on your back, raise your legs and supposedly go. This action can be repeated in the sitting position.
The purpose of these exercises is to strengthen the muscle, as well as return the full "working" state to the knee. Neglect the process of rehabilitation is not necessary, it is mandatory. Sprain of the ligaments of the knee joint is a serious trauma, it requires appropriate treatment.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of sprains in the knee joint
What includes the prevention of sprains in the knee joint? In order to reduce the risk of such injury, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. So, when practicing sports it is desirable to use protection. In this case knee pads will fit. In general, everything depends on a certain sport and equipment designed for him. For training everything is necessary to shoe only special shoes. The same goes for clothes, just all the specialized ones. In this case, the protection allows avoiding an unfavorable injury.
When practicing sports, and in general in everyday life, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the legs. To do this, special exercises come to the rescue. Even ordinary squats can ease the situation and help achieve what you want. If it comes to strength training, then you need to increase the load gradually. No jerks, do not immediately overestimate their capabilities. And finally, you always need to follow the recommendations of coaches. Thus, no stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint is scary.
Prognosis of sprain of knee joints
What is the prognosis of sprain in the knee joint? If a person turned in time for help, and he was provided, the outlook is favorable. In most cases, everything can be solved in a short time and without any "side effects".
If treatment is started on time, and carried out as it should, then the improvements will not be long in coming. But, again, much depends on the nature of the injury. With easy stretching, the resting state helps for several days and no more. As a rule, in such cases the forecast is always favorable. As for the injury of moderate severity. In this case, we will have to pay more attention to the process of treatment and rehabilitation. For some period it will be necessary to abandon the sport. Usually the "calm" is about a month. In case of serious injury, treatment is long, the prognosis is favorable only if everything is carried out exactly as the doctor said. In general, stretching the ligaments of the knee joint always carries a positive outlook. But much depends directly on the person.