Pain in the knee joint
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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How funny it is in childhood when the knees "crunch". Squatting and discovering the "crunch", I want to repeat it again and again, in order to prolong the moment of fun. Another thing is adults. They understand something - if there is a crunch, then soon there will be pain in the knee joint and there is absolutely nothing to have fun at.
What can hurt in the knee joint?
The knee joint or, more simply, the knee, does not have a complicated structure. If you do not know its "components", you can be very surprised how and what can get sick where two bones are connected. Let's see what can cause pain in the knee joint during its "exploitation".
The knee joint is the junction of bones fastened by muscles, ligaments and tendons. The joint is located in the joint bag, surrounded by blood vessels, nerve plexuses and "smeared" with joint fluid. Between the bones, at the point of their connection, are interarticular cartilages (menisci), which provide the joint "free running".
Due to the smooth surface of the meniscus and joint fluid, the movement of the bones in the joint, to the extent necessary, is amortized, smooth and continuous.
As we see, the pain in the knee joint can be caused by a violation in the work of one or several "participants in the process of movement".
Causes of pain in the knee joint
With the proper "operation" of your body, you can live to an old age without problems and pains in your knees. But even the most careful and attentive of us is not immune from unexpected injuries.
The reasons for which pain in the knee joint can occur is very high. Let's list them in the order of "popularity".
There are many causes of pain in the knee joint, especially in runners. Among the etiological factors, subluxation of the patella (when bending at the knee joint) is distinguished during running; chondromalacia of the patella (softening of patella cartilage), which is most common among runners of young age; intra-articular pathology, such as meniscus tears and twists (enveloping the normal synovial membranes of the knee); inflammation of the fatty body; inflammation of the tendon of the patella; stress fracture of the tibia; violation of the axis of the lower limb. Pain in the knee joint can irradiate from the lumbar spine or thigh, as well as be the result of pathology in the foot (for example, excessive pronation).
The most common injury of the knee joint. People hit their knees every day and for a few times. You can get a bruise anytime and anywhere. Mechanical damage with light bruises is limited to soft tissues. In this case, a bruise (bruise) appears on the knee, the pain at the beginning is sharp, blunt, rapidly passing. In severe cases, the kneecap can also suffer, up to its shift. With such bruises, the pain in the knee joint is more intense, there is redness, swelling with an increase in body temperature.
Injury Diagnosis
The bruised knee should be inspected independently and the degree of severity of the injured. If the movements are not limited, there is pain, but when moving and probing the knee, it does not change its character, so the bruise is not strong and, in a day or two, it can be forgotten.
If there is a strong puffiness, pain in the knee joint during movement increases sharply, to the touch joint hot - contact the trauma. In such cases, there will be no
Unnecessary to do an x-ray of the knee to avoid serious damage.
Injury treatment
Light bruises do not require any special treatment. The bruised place is rubbed, with annoyance, we limp for a few minutes, falling on the damaged leg and after a few minutes forgetting about what happened.
If the blow was of considerable force, immediately after the injury, apply a cold compress or ice pack to the injured knee. Cold will relieve pain in the knee joint. If there are scratches of the skin - treat them with any antiseptics (iodine, zelenka), you can use antiseptic sprays. The wound can bleed a little. In this case, after its treatment, apply a not too tight bandage, it is better with the use of adhesive plaster.
Those who have a low pain threshold and are hard to tolerate even minimal pain, it is worth taking a pill of any pain medication
With severe bruises, if the pain in the knee joint does not subside, it is best to turn to trauma surgery and undergo a diagnostic examination to rule out possible complications. There will be an adequate treatment.
Meniscus damage does not only happen to professional athletes. In the home such injuries are not uncommon. Unsuccessful squats, sudden movements, leaps - can provoke meniscus damage. There are people who belong to the "risk group" with a high probability of receiving meniscopathy. These include lovers of extreme types of rest, people who have previously suffered knee inflammations, as well as people who are overweight.
Diagnosis of meniscopathy
Meniscus can be damaged either completely (flattening) or partially (tearing). And in either case, at the moment of injury, a click is heard and only then the sharpest pain in the knee joint. The pain is so sharp that the leg loses mobility for a while. It is the "click" that indicates the damage to the meniscus, it is the first and indirect sign when the primary diagnosis is made. Be sure to tell the doctor about a click in the knee, this alone will be enough to make the correct diagnosis.
More accurate diagnosis will make the device MRI. X-rays and ultrasound can not give a clear idea of the state of the meniscus, and the results of magnetic resonance therapy make it possible to see all the damages in the slightest nuances, which in turn leads to the proper selection of medical procedures.
Treatment of Meniscopathy
If the meniscus injury is not treated, then, of course, the pain in the knee joint, after 2-3 weeks will subside, the edema will fall, and the leg will move as before. But full recovery will not happen. The pain will periodically return with any movement and the recovery process, after all, can be stretched for years. In addition, it is necessary not only to know that the meniscus was damaged, but also what kind of damage took place.
As practice shows, the most frequent damage to the meniscus is its tearing or pinching. A complete rupture is extremely rare and has a very complex symptomatology, implying surgical intervention followed by a therapeutic recovery period. Pain in the knee joint will be sharp and not passing for several hours, and in either case.
The first thing that a patient with meniscopathy needs to do is to release the meniscus from the "mites". At the time of injury, the meniscus is caught between the bones. Without releasing it, it is impossible to continue treatment. An experienced traumatologist (orthopedist or manual therapist) will "release" the meniscus from captivity, after several sessions of manual procedures.
After the meniscus is corrected, physiotherapeutic and restorative treatment is prescribed: massage, laser procedures with hydrocortisone, physiotherapy exercises, magnetotherapy.
Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the degree of severity, complexity and neglect of the process. Appointed anti-inflammatory, pain medications.
Ligament rupture
Pain in the knee joint of incredible power, can cause injury, leading to rupture of ligaments. Rarely, what kind of trauma can do without pain. But there are pains tolerated, and there are unbearable. So with a rupture of ligaments, the pain is unbearable.
The reasons for tearing ligaments in the knee are many - from car accidents, to an unsuccessful jump from the hemp near the house.
Diagnosis of ligament rupture
Symptoms of ligament rupture are severe pain, swelling and not the natural position of the knee. Attention immediately draws on itself is an unnatural situation, it will help to put a preliminary diagnosis "by eye". Confirmation of the diagnosis can be obtained by going through an X-ray, magnetic resonance examination or computed tomography of the knee joint.
Treatment of rupture of ligaments
In the first minutes after the injury, it is necessary to apply a tire to ensure immobility of the joint. Pain in the knee joint can not be completely removed, but it can be reduced by applying a bubble with ice.
If a ligament is being diagnosed, a fixed fixation of the knee will suffice. If the ligaments are broken, then surgery can not be avoided. Bundles need to be fixed, since they are not capable of independent recovery.
The accumulation of fluid in the joint bag leads to increased joint size, painful sensations spread to nearby areas, up to the foot. Has a sharp and chronic form.
Acute form - constant sharp pain in the knee joint, reddening of the skin with limited mobility of the joint. The accumulated fluid is well palpated under the skin, the tumor has clear contours
With chronic bursitis, in addition, knee deformation is observed due to the compaction of the joint bag.
Causes of bursitis
- frequent knee injuries;
- infectious diseases;
- excessive loads when playing sports;
- incorrect weight distribution when lifting weights.
Diagnosis of bursitis
Determine that the ailment was affected by the knee joint, in the case of bursitis, it is possible by means of clinical examination. Experienced doctor, with a cursory examination, will put the correct diagnosis. Confirm the diagnosis will help radiological picture, which will be clearly visible fluid that accumulates in the periarticular space.
Treatment of bursitis
In acute bursitis, it is necessary to ensure rest and complete immobility of the joint, prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain medications. The drugs are injected directly into the joint in the form of injections. After the pain in the knee joint is completely stopped, and the inflammatory process is removed, the physical exercise is shown, which makes it possible to disassemble the damaged joint and restore its working state.
In chronic bursitis, the main task is to remove fluid from the joint bag, after which it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage. If the fluid accumulates continuously, you have to resort to surgery, dissecting the wall of the joint bag. The pumped liquid is examined for microflora and, if necessary, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.
Arthritis, in its manifestations, is similar to bursitis, but has a deeper defeat and covers the entire joint completely. Inflammation includes both ligaments, and muscles, and tendons. In the joint bag accumulates fluid. Pain in the knee joint and stiffness of its movement, along with swelling violate mobility and can lead to complete immobilization of the limb.
Causes of Arthritis
In recent years, medical scientists are increasingly calling the hereditary predisposition, which was formerly ranked last among all possible causes, as the main cause of arthritis. Frequent injuries, penetrating the knee joint infection, sedentary lifestyle and improper diet with a predominance of fatty and carbohydrate products - all this can lead to the appearance of arthritis. Arthritis can also be a consequence of professional activity, during which the joints experience constant pressure.
Diagnosis of arthritis
A clear sign of arthritis is the specific deformity of the joint. In addition to deformity of the joint, it is necessary to conduct a questioning of the patient, finding out what kind of pain in the knee joint, how long the symptoms began to appear, what treatment was performed independently. On the X-ray, the deformed joint and damaged adjacent tissues are clearly visible.
Treatment of arthritis
The process of treatment of arthritis is long and consists of a whole complex of measures:
- general anti-inflammatory treatment;
- intraarticular injections;
- physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser therapy);
- physiotherapy;
- operative intervention (in severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated).
Who to contact?
What if you have pain in the knee joint?
Knee joints for a day can withstand heavy loads, and for many years pass a "test of strength" and have the right to sometimes remind you of yourself. If there is pain in the knee joint, do not ignore it, do not suffer, but do not rush to make a diagnosis yourself. Even experienced specialists sometimes can not determine the exact cause of soreness without additional methods of research. Only close cooperation between the patient and the doctor can provide quick results in identifying and treating any disease.