Help with sprains
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The help at a stretching of ligaments includes, first of all, imposing of a cold compress and a tight bandage, the damaged joint requires the maximal rest, otherwise the severity of damage can increase.
In addition, an anti-inflammatory cream can be applied to the injury site.
Sprain ligament is one of the most common injuries, which limits the mobility of a person. When stretching, the ligaments may break or completely rupture, this damage occurs due to excessive load or sudden movements.
Usually, immediately after the injury, the first signs of stretching appear, but it also happens that swelling and pain can appear a few hours after the injury, which can only aggravate the situation. Continuing movement, the person even more strongly injures the damaged fibers from which the ligament consists.
If there is a rupture of the ligament during a trauma, unusual mobility can be observed in the damaged joint, but the expert must judge the extent of damage, in any case.
Who to contact?
First aid with sprain
First aid for sprain, if it is provided in time and in accordance with all the rules, will help prevent the development of unwanted complications and make the treatment process easier.
First of all, the injured person should be placed (seated) so that he does not experience discomfort and the damaged joint is at maximum rest.
To immobilize the joint, you need to make a tight bandage with an elastic bandage (you can also use a regular bandage or scarf).
If the joint has acquired atypical mobility, you should make a tire from a small board, piece of plywood, ruler or other suitable materials. The tire should be placed on both sides of the injury site and bandaged so as to immobilize the joint as much as possible.
To reduce puffiness and pain, you can impose a cold (ice, ice-soaked towel, etc.). If there are bruising, you should lift up the damaged limb, which will help prevent swelling of the periarticular tissues.
Help with stretching the ligaments of the foot
Help with stretching the ligaments of the foot is to ensure maximum immobility of the injured limb. On the foot, you should make a tight bandage and make a cold compress, which will help reduce pain and swelling.
If there is a possibility of a rupture, you need to make a tire from improvised means.
The tire will not only help to immobilize the foot, but also will support, protect the damaged area. It will also help reduce soreness, prevent possible complications of trauma.
When applying the tire, make sure that it has immobilized the joint below and above the injury site.
You can make a tire from any material that is nearby (cardboard, plates, folded magazines, umbrellas, etc.).
During shinning, you need to carefully release the injured leg from clothing or shoes, if there are open wounds, you must apply frequent bandages.
Shinirovat best of all together, which will avoid additional injury to the injured leg.
The tire should be applied in such a way that it goes beyond the damage and covers the damaged area on both sides.
Between the tire and the skin of the victim, you can put a clean towel, sheet, etc., to reduce pressure on the damaged part of the body. When tying the tire, care should be taken to ensure that the dressing is not too tight, otherwise blood circulation may be disturbed and tenderness may increase.
Cold compress can be applied only in the first two days after the injury. A maximum of four procedures are allowed per day. To reduce swelling, the leg should be kept in a raised position.
Help with vocal cords
The help at a stretching of ligaments is important to render right after an injury. In case of damage to the vocal cords, the main help is the maximum calmness of the vocal cords, i.e. It is recommended to talk only in extreme measures and not greatly raising your voice.
Symptoms of ligament damage are a hoarse voice, often a cough, a full or partial loss of voice. Often the sensation of a foreign object appears in the throat.
Damage to ligaments can provoke not only increased loads (loud screaming, singing, etc.), but also stresses, surgical interventions, traumas, viral infections, tumors.
To help the inflamed vocal cords need to eliminate irritating factors (dust, talking in elevated tones, hypothermia). Also, do not eat spicy, salty, sour dishes, cold or carbonated drinks.
Damaged vocal cords should be warm, drink warm (not hot) drinks (tea, preferably with honey).
Help with rupture of ligaments
Ligament traction should be assisted after a preliminary assessment of the severity of the lesion. When the ligaments break, there is a sharp pain, the limb acquires an unnatural position. At any attempts of movement morbidity is amplified, there is a puffiness. There may also be dizziness, nausea, fainting.
Movement with ligament rupture is significantly limited, for example, when the ligament ruptures on the foot, the flexion of the sole becomes impossible, with a rupture of the knee ligaments, a hematoma is formed on the knee, the leg does not unbend / bend, and if the ligament is torn, one can observe the displacement of the leg backwards.
When rupturing the ligaments, a cold compress should be applied to the damaged area, immobilize the joint with a tire.
First aid in rupturing ligaments
Rupture of the ankle or knee ligament is the most common injury.
The usual turning of the leg can result in severe trauma, especially in old age.
The first help with sprains or ligament rupture will help prevent further trauma and slightly improve the condition of the victim. The main task in the rupture of the ligaments is complete immobilization of the joint, and it is necessary to ensure the immobility of not only the damaged joint, but also located above and below the injury site, the movement of which can cause soreness or further traumatization of the tissues (for example, if the knee ligament is damaged, from the thigh to the ankle). Reduce the pain will help a cold compress. Before the arrival of an ambulance, the injured person can be put on a tight bandage or make a tire from improvised means.
If the foot is damaged, before you help, you need to remove the shoes from the victim, since after a while there may be a strong puffiness and it will be extremely difficult.
To reduce puffiness, the limb can be raised above the body level.
When providing first aid in stretching or rupturing of ligaments, one should adhere to the basic principle - rest, cold, fixation.
Helping to stretch the ligaments helps to reduce the severe consequences of trauma, as well as to alleviate the condition of the victim. When providing first aid, it must be remembered that when stretching or rupturing it is impossible to twist, direct, etc., a damaged limb, such manipulations can only worsen the condition. When stretching or breaking, as already mentioned, you need to immobilize the joint, which will help to avoid further trauma and reduce pain.
More information of the treatment