
Information about doctor

Itamar Bozer He is an advanced Israeli orthopedic surgeon, a world-renowned expert in the treatment of traumatic injuries of the shoulder, hip and knee joints. In his practice he actively uses conservative methods of therapy, performs intra-articular minimally invasive interventions and injectables using drugs, using ultrasound control. Successfully cures injuries received during professional sports activities.

Itamar Bozer involves leading modern technologies in treatment, including the surgical plan. The experience of his medical practice exceeds 15 years: during this period, the doctor performed more than a thousand complex arthroscopic interventions in the area of the knee, shoulder and hip joints.

The doctor Bozer is a highly educated specialist, he underwent an internship and improved his qualifications in well-known Israeli and American Medical Centers. Today it is the leading specialist of the Department of Orthopedics and Surgery at the largest clinic in Israel.

Itamar Bozer it is not limited only to clinical practice: it is noted that he regularly participates in scientific experiments on the treatment of diseases of the hip joint, as well as in all sorts of biological and chemical works. The doctor has written more than two dozen scientific materials and a whole chapter in the specialized journal “Orthopedic Sports Medicine”, covering the topic of the anatomical and biomechanical features of the thigh.

Bozer systematically participates in world medical congresses and conferences of orthopedic and traumatological directions. He is a lecturer at the North American Hip Arthroscopy Association.

Education and work experience

  • Study at the University. Ben-Gurion in the Negev, Beersheba, Israel
  • Specialization in orthopedics in the hospital. Chaim Sheba, Tel-a-Shomer, Israel
  • Internship at Hillel Yaffe Clinic, Hadera, Israel
  • Internship in clinical orthopedics at Stanford University, California, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli orthopedic association
  • American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
  • North American Arthroscopy Association (AANA)
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