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Ascorutin in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many pregnant women face various diseases during the period of gestation. Consider one effective medication used to maintain the body in its tonus.
Ascorutin is a combined vitamin drug that is rich in vitamins C and P. The combination of these substances is due to the fact that riboxin improves the absorption of ascorbic acid.
Both vitamins take part in oxidative and regenerative processes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The drug also has an antioxidant effect, reducing the toxic effects of free radicals on the body.
Problems with the cardiovascular system in the period of gestation are due to the increase in the number of capillaries that are needed to supply the placenta and the uterus with blood. If the new capillaries are not elastic enough, this causes their ruptures and increases the risk of bleeding. This can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, detachment of the placenta and even miscarriage.
Indications for ascorutin in pregnancy
Use of medicines in expectant mothers should be under medical supervision. Let's consider, indications to askorutinu at pregnancy:
- Deficiency of ascorbic acid and riboxin
- Rheumatism and rheumatic pain
- Typhoid fever, measles
- Septic endocarditis
- Allergic diseases
- Prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases, SARS, cold
- Glomerulonephritis
- Defeat of capillaries
- Radiation sickness
- Improved oxygen supply to organs and tissues, including the placenta and uterus
- Hemorrhage in the retina
The drug is effective in the therapy of extended veins on the legs, minimizing the risk of bleeding during childbirth. Helps with iron deficiency anemia, which can cause oxygen starvation of the child. If anemia continues for a long time, it leads to disruptions in the development of the central nervous system and delays in the development of the baby.
Form of issue
The medication has a tablet form of release. Ascorutin is intended for oral administration. Each tablet contains 50 mg of rutin and 50 mg of vitamin C. The tablets are green-yellow in color. The medicine is produced in blister packs of 10, 50 and 100 tablets, in dark glass jars and in plastic jars of 30 and 50 tablets.
Ascorutin tablets in pregnancy
Pharmacological effectiveness of the drug allows it to be used in the therapy of many diseases. Ascorutin tablets during pregnancy are used to maintain the normal functioning of the female body. The medicine protects the circulatory system and prevents the development of chronic venous insufficiency, reduces swelling, strengthens the cardiovascular system.
Since the drug has a vitamin composition, its use makes it possible to replenish the rapid consumption of nutrients and vitamins in a pregnant woman. The main advantage of the tablets is that they strengthen the capillaries, reducing the risk of oxygen starvation in the fetus. This is due to the fact that the circulatory system of the placenta is weak and inelastic, susceptible to internal hemorrhages and ruptures. Medication can be taken as a prophylaxis of seasonal viral and infectious diseases.
The pharmacological group of ascorutin indicates that it is included in the category of angioprotectants and capillary stabilizing agents. Pharmacodynamics testifies to the effectiveness of this combined medication, which is due to its composition. The combination of ascorbic acid and routine significantly reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, strengthens the vascular walls. Active components reduce platelet aggregation and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, take part in oxidation-reduction processes.
- Routine reduces the exudation of the liquid part of the plasma and diapedesis of blood cells through the walls of the vessels. Has antihypertensive and choleretic effect. If the drug is taken by patients with venous insufficiency, routine reduces puffiness, trophic disorders, pain, minimizes paresthesia and seizures.
- Ascorbic acid is involved in such processes as: lipid metabolism, the conversion of folic acid into folinic acid, the metabolism of aromatic amino acids and tyrosine, the synthesis of connective tissue proteins and collagen. The substance provides neutralization of free radicals, a decrease in the permeability of capillaries, and in combination with routine - the elimination of viral infections.
The composition of the drug includes several active components that experience the inherent transformation for them. The pharmacokinetics of ascorutin allows you to learn about the processes occurring with medications after application.
- Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is observed after 30 minutes after application. In tissues the substance is contained intracellularly. The distribution between the organs is uneven. High concentration is observed in the glands of internal secretion, adrenal glands, less in the kidneys, skeletal and cardiac muscles, brain and liver. It is metabolized by the kidneys, is excreted in the form of oxalate and partially unchanged.
- Rutin is absorbed in the digestive tract and accelerates the movement of ascorbate. It is excreted by the kidneys, mainly with bile, less in the urine.
Contraindications to Ascorutinum during pregnancy
Any drug has a number of restrictions on use. Contraindications to ascorutin during pregnancy are based on individual intolerance of its components. The drug is not used simultaneously with other vitamin complexes that contain vitamin C. An excess of this substance can damage the mother's body and the fetus.
Precautions and special instructions:
- First trimester of pregnancy
- Individual intolerance to vitamin P, C
- Increased blood clotting
- Urolithiasis disease
- Thrombophlebitis
- Diabetes
Before using the tablets, the pregnant woman needs to take a blood test to determine the level of platelets. If it is elevated, then the medicine is not prescribed, since its active components increase the level of platelets and increase blood coagulability. This can lead to clogging of the capillaries of the placenta and uterus, thrombosis. If you use blood-thinning or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.
Dosing and Administration
Particular attention in the appointment of any drug is given to the choice of dosage. The dosage and dosage of ascorutin are individual for each pregnant woman. Tablets are taken after meals, washed down with a copious amount of liquid. It is not recommended to drink medicine with carbonated water and drinks, because they contain alkali, which reduces the digestibility of vitamin C. Usually, women are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapy depends on the indications for use.
- Gestosis
In the second trimester of pregnancy there is a high risk of developing circulatory disorders in the capillaries. Stagnation of blood contributes to the appearance of puffiness. To prevent pathology, a woman is prescribed this medication, which stimulates metabolism and reduces the body's need for vitamins.
- Antioxidant
During gestation, the metabolism in the maternal body is very intense. As a result, free radicals are formed. The drug suppresses their toxic effect on the cells of organs and tissues.
- Means for strengthening immunity
Because of the growth of the hormone progesterone, immunity decreases, which makes the body immune to various viruses and infections. The medicine is used to prevent colds and ARVI, runny nose, tear.
- Iron-deficiency anemia
Long-term anemia can cause delays in the development of the child and CNS disorders. The drug prevents the dangerous consequences of an ailment.
Ascorutin in early pregnancy
The use of medicines during the period of gestation should be controlled by the attending physician. So, ascorutin during pregnancy in early terms is contraindicated. The restriction is due to the fact that it has good absorption and quickly spreads through the body, getting to the fetus, which can adversely affect its development and growth.
The medication is allowed to use in the second and third trimester, but only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of the doctor. At the slightest sign of adverse reactions or overdose, it must be discontinued to take and seek medical help. Independently take pills is contraindicated.
Ascorutin in the first trimester of pregnancy
Any medications taken by a future mother are dangerous for the fetus. Ascorutin in the first trimester of pregnancy is not used. This is due to its pathological effect on the formation of the organs and tissues of the child. The drug is safe in the second half of pregnancy. Tablets help cope with cold and seasonal viral diseases, reduce the risk of uterine bleeding during the birth process and prevent the expansion of veins on the legs.
Use of the drug at a later date can prevent the development of preeclampsia. This pathology causes blood flow disorders in the capillaries and blood stasis, which negatively affects the mother's health and fetal development. Pharmaceutical means improves metabolism and compensates for the body's need for vitamins. But do not forget that an overdose of vitamin C is dangerous, so the use of other vitamin complexes and drugs is prohibited.
How much to drink ascorutin during pregnancy?
Directed use of medicines allows to achieve a stable therapeutic effect. How much to drink ascorutin during pregnancy, and what is the recommended dosage of medication? To achieve a positive result of treatment, the tablets take 1 unit 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is individual. As a rule, the medicine is drunk for 2-3 weeks,
Particular attention should be paid to the method of application. It is not recommended to drink tablets with carbonated mineral water or drinks, since alkali significantly reduces the uptake of ascorbic acid. Side effects also occur with the simultaneous use of several vitamin-mineral complexes. This can lead to an overabundance of vitamin C and adverse consequences.
Can Ascorutin be Pregnant?
Different specialists explain the possibility of using the drug for expectant mothers differently. It is unequivocal to answer whether ascorutin during pregnancy, no one can. But, nevertheless, the drug has proved its pharmacological properties and, with appropriate indications, will be spelled. A future mother should know that Ascorutin is a vitamin medication of a combined type. It is used to prevent viral diseases or in combination with other agents.
Tablets strengthen vascular walls, relieve inflammation and puffiness, reduce intoxication of the body. The medicine helps with a runny nose and tear, improves the supply of tissues and organs with oxygen. Based on its properties, we can conclude that it is not only safe, but also very useful for pregnant women.
But there are certain risks, the biggest is the early terms of gestation, that is, the first trimester. In any case, the drug should be administered only with the appropriate medical clearance, with the choice of dosage and indicating the duration of therapy.
Side effects of ascorutin in pregnancy
Non-compliance with medical recommendations for the use of a particular medication, entails a number of unfavorable symptoms. Side effects of ascorutin during pregnancy appear when the recommended dosage or duration of therapy is exceeded.
The main symptoms are:
- Skin allergic reactions (rash, itching)
- Increased blood pressure
- Attacks of diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Heartburn
- Gastric spasms
- Painful sensations in the abdomen
- Change in body temperature
- Headaches and dizziness
- Insomnia
Adverse effects are extremely rare. But if the above symptoms have appeared, then the drug should stop taking and seek medical help.
Failure to comply with the recommendation for use of the medication results in a number of side effects. Overdose occurs with a single dose of a three-day dose. In this case, jumps in blood pressure, abnormalities in the pancreas and the excretory system of the kidneys are observed.
The main symptoms of an overdose are:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headaches and dizziness
- Stool disorders
- Sleep Disorders
When these signs appear, you must stop taking the medication and seek medical help. To alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, symptomatic therapy and absorption of absorbents are indicated. Prolonged or uncontrolled administration of the drug can lead to the formation of stones in the urine and urinary tract.
Interactions with other drugs
To accelerate the healing process and achieve good results of treatment, very often several drugs are prescribed simultaneously. The interaction of ascorutin with other drugs is possible only with the appropriate medical clearance.
Key recommendations:
- Ascorbic acid reduces the effectiveness of aminoglycosides and sulfanilamide group preparations.
- Tablets increase the side effects of salicylates and the risk of crystallography.
- With the simultaneous use of vitamins C and B, there is an increase in their therapeutic effect.
- Increases the level of absorption of iron and penicillin.
- The effectiveness of ascorutin decreases with interaction with heparin, antibiotics of the group of aminoglycosides, sulfonamides and indirect anticoagulants.
- Ascorbic acid increases the concentration of tetracycline, salicylates, ethylene estradiol. This increases the risk of adverse reactions.
- With a long course of use (longer than 4 weeks), along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or cardiac glycosides, the effect of the latter is enhanced. Therefore, careful medical supervision is required.
Storage conditions
Strangely enough, but the effectiveness of any drug depends on compliance with its storage conditions. Tablets should be kept in their original packaging, protected from moisture, sunlight and inaccessible to children.
The temperature regime of storage should not exceed 25 ° С. Failure to comply with these recommendations leads to damage to the medication. In this case, the tablets can acquire a third-party odor, change color and consistency. Take this medicine is prohibited.
Shelf life
Any medicine has its expiration date, after the end, which it is contraindicated to use. Ascorutin retains its pharmaceutical properties for 36 months from the production date, which is indicated on its packaging.
Ascorutin during pregnancy can be replaced by other analogues, which are similar in their principle of action. So, in composition, the remedy is similar to Prophylactin C, Ascorubin UBF, and in its effect - Anvenol, Detralex, Venarus, Escuzan.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ascorutin in Pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.