

Attributes of acclimatization: what should be paid attention?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At the very beginning the process of acclimatization manifests itself as follows:

  • There is a certain inhibition in the reactions.
  • There may be pain in the region of the heart.
  • There is lethargy and drowsiness.
  • There may be dizziness.
  • Sometimes there is the appearance of insomnia.
  • The mood of a person can become unstable, characterized by the emergence of hysteria or tearfulness.
  • There are digestive disorders, which manifest themselves in diarrhea or, conversely, in constipation.
  • Some people may have pain or a stomach ache.
  • In addition, there may be signs of digestive system disorders such as nausea and vomiting.
  • Some people experience loss of appetite.
  • Sometimes there are feelings of a headache.
  • A fever may occur.
  • Some people suffer from chills.
  • There is a runny nose and sensation of perspiration in the throat.
  • Sometimes a person has various skin problems - redness, rashes, irritation and itching of the skin, the presence of strange spots and so on.

Then the symptoms of acclimatization can manifest themselves as follows:

  • Loss of vitality in the absence of negative stress and difficult life situations.
  • Feeling of obvious physical fatigue at minimal loads.

When the state of health of a person is restored, and the above-described conditions do not disturb the holidaymaker, you can, at last, begin to rest fully.

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Acclimatization temperature

Some people, especially children, endure adaptation to new conditions very acutely. One of the symptoms of this condition is elevated body temperature.

The temperature during acclimatization can be very high, up to thirty-nine degrees, and maybe slightly elevated-about thirty-seven degrees. It happens that with the decline of strength, the body temperature of the person becomes not elevated, but lowered. Therefore, to predict what will happen when adapting once again, is quite difficult.

At elevated temperature, it is recommended to give antipyretic drugs. But before using them, you need to consult with doctors and the country where people live permanently, as well as with those doctors who serve tourists at the resorts. Among antipyretic agents recommended the use of Paracetamol, Nurofen, Eferalgan.

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Diarrhea during acclimatization

Diarrhea during acclimatization can serve as a sign of maladaptation, or it may mean the presence of any intestinal infection in the body. In the first case, unpleasant symptoms will pass independently, although you can attend to taking various medications, for example, Mezim, Smektoy, Enterosgel, and Ftalazol. Also, you need to limit yourself to taking exotic delicacies and there is only that food that is similar to the usual. The same applies to water - do not use the local and from the tap. You need to buy bottled water, clean, still, with poor mineralization.

In the second case, it is important to stop the spread of the infection in time, and this can only be done by a qualified specialist after examining the patient and familiarizing himself with all the necessary laboratory tests.

Therefore, doctors are not advised to risk their own health and engage in self-medication. It is important to contact the doctors at the place of stay in order to clarify the diagnosis and develop appropriate therapy.

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Vomiting during acclimatization

Vomiting during acclimatization can serve as a symptom of maladaptation to new conditions, and may serve as a sign of poisoning or enter into the body of intestinal infection.

When vomiting, which was the reason for acclimatization, you need to temporarily limit yourself to food. It is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. The liquid should be taken in small sips, but often. Water can be slightly acidified with the help of lemon juice.

It is also important to show the sick person to the doctor so that he can exclude variants of poisoning and infection of the digestive tract, and also appoint appropriate therapy.

Acclimatization in adults

Acclimatization in adults is not as acute as in children. Although there are categories of the adult population, who should carefully monitor their own well-being and make sure that adaptation has passed in the most gentle way.

The elderly, as well as suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular spectrum, bronchi and lungs, as well as with the musculoskeletal system, should be very attentive to their state of health. Climate change is not preferable in all these categories. People after forty-five years and it is not recommended to change the usual climatic belt for them to relax.

It is also important to know about the problems of acclimatization to people with skin diseases - neurodermatitis and psoriasis, which can become aggravated from a lot of direct sunlight. Moreover, such relapses happen at home, after returning from exotic trips.

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Acclimatization in women

Acclimatization in women is usually associated with a change in the hormonal background. And such changes affect the mood of beautiful ladies, and their well-being. And, in some cases, women and their companions do not get off with habitual hysterics and moods. The lady can come in a banal, but not very suitable for rest, a nervous breakdown. Such a high sensitivity of women turns into the susceptibility of their mind and body to a change in the natural conditions of their living.

Also for the female body it is characteristic to "recoup" on their mistresses irregularities in the menstrual cycle. And all the other symptoms in women are manifested in the same way as men.

Monthly and acclimatization is an important topic that can cause women's anxiety. Often, when returning from a trip to the warm regions or to other resorts, ladies notice that the long-awaited menstruation for some reason does not come. They can sin on the free air and on the lack of necessary contraceptives in their sexual partner. And there are thoughts that it is worth waiting for replenishment in the family. But going to the doctor does not confirm this conclusion, but, on the contrary, a verdict is issued about a malfunction in the menstrual rhythm, the reason of which was a trip to rest.

Do not worry about this, and especially start taking any medications. The main thing now is to calm down and allow yourself to exist in a comfortable for yourself psychological regime. The female psyche and hormones are closely interrelated, therefore, the calmer the woman, the sooner the restoration of all the important processes for her in the body will occur. Including the monthly cycle, which will be adjusted when the woman's body gets used to either a new place of residence, or even after returning home, when the processes of re-acclimatization will end.

Acclimatization in children

Children react very strongly to changes in climatic conditions. Therefore, doctors advise not to take with them children who have not yet turned three years old, to different resorts - sea, mountain and so on. Moreover, children older than this age also strongly and strongly tolerate acclimatization in new conditions.

Parents, going on a trip to distant lands, you need to study the climate and other features of the country. It is important to understand how far the advantages of a trip can be outweighed by the shortcomings of the conditions of temporary residence at the place of rest. Specialists do not recommend taking children to those countries where the air temperature rises to forty or fifty degrees. Especially, children with respiratory system problems suffer in such places, where high humidity and heat conditions can even provoke the appearance of a new disease.

In addition, it is important for parents to know that many trips to inappropriate natural conditions can provoke a child to have a number of diseases that no one even suspected. In this case, the disease can become chronic and do not let the child for many years. And with the change of climatic zones to increase and not allow the child and parents to enjoy the rest. Therefore, acclimatization in children is an important process, the study of which will help parents make the right decision.


Acclimatization in the south

When traveling to the south, it is important to know that a combination of high temperature and high humidity can play an evil joke with an unusual person. Acclimatization in the south requires the adoption of a number of measures that will help to transfer the time of adaptation to new conditions, in the most sparing way.

  • It is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, about three liters a day. It is worth to stay on clean water, and other beverages temporarily leave out of attention.
  • Clothing should be light, comfortable and free, made of natural materials and light colors.
  • Fat and salty foods should be reduced to a minimum.
  • Daily it is necessary to take water procedures of a cool temperature, and it is best to do it in the mornings and evenings.
  • If the room has air conditioning, then with its help you can create the optimal temperature and humidity.
  • Two days is best not to take any active action, but to hold them indoors or nearby.
  • The first couple of days worth a lot of sleep, and also often rest.
  • Before going to bed is best to take a walk in the fresh air.

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Acclimatization in the north

Acclimatization in the north includes a number of measures that will allow to adapt to low temperatures, magnetic storms and light fastness, characteristic of northern latitudes.

The expert advises you to listen to the following recommendations:

  • Eat high-calorie foods and meals. These include meat and fish food, fatty, sweet and flour dishes, that is, those that give high energy reserves. Nuts and dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs are also good. As an immunomodulator honey is suitable, as well as other products of beekeeping.
  • It is important to use vitamin preparations, which, in the first place, contain a large amount of vitamin C. Also, the richness of vitamins can be found in food. It is important in the north to eat citrus fruits - lemons, mandarins, oranges. Also, dried herbs and vitamin collections in the form of teas are also useful. It is worth remembering about such a simple source of ascorbic acid, like sauerkraut. Also useful are apples, which are the most affordable fruit. You also need to remember carrots and beets as an invaluable source of vitamins and other nutrients.
  • If you touch the clothes, then it must be properly selected. First of all, the impermeability of clothing and its ability to preserve heat is important. Well, about the ease and greater freedom of movement that clothing should have, one must always remember, when going to the northern regions.
  • About the use of alcohol is better to forget, because the consequences after its reception only aggravate the problems of the body.

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Height acclimatization

High-altitude acclimatization takes place in conditions of rarefied air and low pressure. To avoid a sharp deterioration in the state of health, one should heed the following tips:

  • Within a day, you should not go higher than five hundred meters from the previous line.
  • At the same time, having risen to the next height, it is necessary to remain in place for one or two days.
  • It is necessary to drink twice the water of its habitual norm. In this case, the water must be clean and not carbonated.
  • Mountain conditions suggest deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you need to minimize the intake of food, and especially heavy and poorly digestible foods. These include fatty, floury, sweet dishes, spicy, smoked and canned food. It is worth focusing on the reception of the first dishes in a very warm form, as well as light vegetable food, low-fat meat and fish, cereals.
  • It is also important to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and enzymes. Therefore, greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, honey, nuts - a very important supplement to the diet of lovers of the mountains.
  • It is also possible to use drugs that have the effect of stimulating brain activity. But the medicines must be selected strictly individually and on the advice of specialists.
  • If, however, with all the advice and precautions, the body does not want to adapt to the new conditions, then it's best to leave this altitude and go down below. In this case, the body needs to be given time to rest: it shows a frequent day's sleep, a prolonged night's sleep, as well as a calm and lack of stress. It is possible to resort to such additional procedures as breathing with the help of carbogen or oxygen.

Acclimatization at sea

Acclimatization at sea involves meeting all the conditions that are important for staying in countries with a hot and humid climate. This is described in detail in the relevant sections.

For sea resorts, of course, you need to adhere to specific tips that are important in these conditions:

  • Swim and sunbathe on the beach is better until twelve days and after four or five hours in the evening.
  • Before going out in the sun, it is important to treat the whole body and face with a sunscreen with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation, for example, No. 30 or No. 50.
  • It is important after each bathing again to apply sunscreen on the body and face.
  • At the first sign of burns, you need to use the remedies for this problem, for example, Panthenol, Bepanten, Rescuer and other first aid means.
  • The head, body and eyes during walks should be protected with hats with wide margins, sunglasses and clothing with long sleeves, skirt or pants.

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